Today, in M+ exactly happened what I warned about a few months back

Earlier this morning, when I tried to do a +2 key, we had someone as host who still did run around with Shadowlands gear. Gladly someone checked and we disbanded before the key could start.

Later (basically the run a few minutes ago), we had a similar issue. Someone joined (or was the host) that was 200 item level on average below me (for reference, I am 506 rn).

For a +2 minimum 460 ilvl is required, as far as I know. This guy? Was below all of it. Not even 400.

See for yourself (yes, all names have been blackened in pre-caution!):


It is as I once said, Mythic keys need a minimum item level label on their UI… And considering people can even start them while being massively undergeared, I would say now prevent the key start too, if a member of the group is below minimum requirements!

The player in question, a Demon Hunter, did die from everything oneshot. The 3rd image I attached shows his gear currently right after the run. The player is on average 304 item level, 156 item level below the minimum requirements.

And the fact that I had 2 situations in the very same day with this problem, is worrying.

There is for a reason the saying “once is a coincidence, twice is a pattern”…

P.S. Also, adding a minimum requirement for M+ would result in another blow against boosting communities, just as a sidenote.


It would also make you unable to help gear friends alt characters fast.

Which is dumb.


A fair point. Non the less, is that really the trouble/exploit worth of having people play endgame content already while wearing gear from 1-2 expansions before?

Sounds to me like a serious design flaw.

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There’s no problem with people being able to enter instances without meeting a specific ilvl.

If people don’t want to play with them they can simply leave the group.


From my experience a lot of people did not know about the change to M+ level, some were wondering why they got declined.

Especially those that took a break. People just need time to readjust.

It would also be an annoyance. It isnt a rdf, its a self assembled group, if i wanna go with friends to boost each other i should be free to.

If i want attempt a +2 with ungeared people i should be free to.


Sorry, but Bliz refuse for ages to introduce any matchmaking for M+. So forming the group is full responsibility of a key holder right now, and they can take whomever he wants - even totally naked chars. You can only decide do you want to continue with this group or not, and leave if you don’t.

That’s not what I asked for… You know that, right?

Just pointing out that any rules from Bliz (like ilvl requirement you’re asking) could be only applied, if Bliz do the group arranging via MM system. While groups are arranged manually by players, there will be no such restrictions.

just pouring all the ilev 300’s into one m+2 key would be funny to watch xD


Shame there is no spectator mode :smiley:


Install the rio addon and save the hardship of seeing other players item levels. it should not be needed ofc but people do try to get away with things. But saying that it looks like the person is in some farming gear and maybe forgot to change set again? who know’s

Is there also an addon that shows both?

shows there item level and score yes.

What was the addons name again? Just “rio”?

Oops i got wrong addon for item level let me get back to you :smiley:

You already demonstrated the solution to that.

Leave the group.

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As if its not blatantly obvious enough that wearing gear from 2 expansion before isent the intended level.

I guess a warning sign will change their mind. NOT… :smiley:

2 months ago you warned of the need of a “warning sign”. It took you 2 months doing keys to see 1 instance where something like that would be questionably useful.

What is your point again?

As a joiner, you usually don’t see the others gear score unless you inspect them in the group. And that shouldn’t be necessary, honestly…

I actually didn’t play WoW for the last 2 months at all. I was busy with other games.

You don’t reach level 70 with out replacing atleast 1 piece of questing gear. Even if you level boost to 70, you still get a fresh green set of gear.

Anyone that does that is 100% trolling. Or so oblivious to the most basic 101 of the game. For either option, a warning sign will mean nothing.

And the correct thing to do is leave the party.

Alright, fair point.

Nah. Just prevent them from starting the activity till they are properly geared for it minimum, like every other game usually does. Because that is smart design, that forces such headless chickens to stop being headless and think for once.

In other words, it forces adapting to the environment. Something that is just natural in life.

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