Today, in M+ exactly happened what I warned about a few months back

It isn’t queueable content where you’re forced into grouping (which is why queueable content has minimum ilvl requirements as part of the developers’ design philosophy) so i have a hard time seeing the actual issue here.

If you get into a group and see that someone is that significantly lower geared and clearly being carried through, then you have the option of just leaving if it isn’t what you signed up for.
Trying to create min ilvl requirements for player-created groups just limits players more than it solves any kind of issue, which is a terrible design philosophy for any developer to follow.

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No. I dont want daddy blizz preventing me of boosting my buddy’s alt with my full 527 tank a BH+2 that I can solo. And time it +3.

If you dont like it, leave the group. There are so many other legit reasons to leave a group. Especially before the key starts.

There is nothing to change here. Everything goes as intended.


There’s a certain someone here on the forums…

I joined a group he was in, back in SL. I inspected him because I thought his HP was very low. I left again, like 10 seconds after joining.

Guy starts messaging me being all “WHY YOU APPLY FOR GROUP IF YOU JUST GONNA LEAVE?” and just kept msging various stuff to me until I ignored him.

Like, bruh.

Guy has even made a thread about leavers in m+. I wonder why he has a problem with leavers when he’s just continously messaging me until I ignore him, for leaving before the key has even started.

Currently blizzards ui without addon shows you both their m+ score and ilvl. You don’t need raider io for any of that . That addon / website is more like tracker , it basically shows key history of that person.

Ever considered you might ruin the experience for others too with that?

If I play a mythic+ dungeon, I want to win by teamwork, not by being carried.

Sure, others may not see it that way. But if, let’s say, you and your friend are in my group. You friend doesn’t do :poop: as a team mate while you do the entire groups work, it doesn’t feel fulfilling for me and perhaps the other 2 people in the group.

As far as I know I can only see that as group host, not as a joiner.

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Okay how? A lot of groups ask for roughly equal to the loot that drops so where do you draw the line?

Silly Restriction . Simple solution - if you are the PoorGear , make the item level change in Mystic Dungone + environment , scale up as in BattleGronde

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I say there should be NO gears in any competive mode , people like to act WOW they are so skill , they are some skill OK but they are also so optimize gear advantage that they do twice as many damages and healths as you by pressing the same spell .

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Which is why you have the option of leaving after inspecting the other party members and return to looking for a new group.

If i join a key like that and stay then i know to expect that it will be carrying one party member. The bigger question is why you’re staying until the key starts if you don’t find it to be your idea of fun and can spot it with a quick glance at the rest of the group.

How about following compromise:

  • The host can see the rating and ilvl of people that apply for the group in the LFG tool.
  • Applicants can see the rating and ilvl of all the people in the group they apply for in the LFG tool.

Then it’s equal, upfront and no one can complain that they didn’t know.

Because I only realized after the 10th death of that player, that he has only 14k HP and then inspected him.

Sorry, but I’m not that paranoid that I check every player every time I join a group. Especially if the inspection screen doesn’t show me any summary of average gear like the website does when looking the character up.

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^^ This

I have done loads of runs where the aim is to get a friend through and get them some gear. Often just dinged.

This is PuG content. Minimum limits have no place in them. It is up to the group to decide what they are or are not willing to do.

I have an addon tells me everyone’s ilvl once we are all together. If someone is an obvious carry and I’ve not signed up to do a carry I’m free to leave.

Similarly we’ve done this in guilds with raids as well. Especially if someone is rerolling for the benefit of the team.

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That should be a core function of the UI imo. Then I would have the tool to quickly look it up and then leave or not. As I said above, best would be if I even can see the rating and ilvl of all players in that group before joining.

Yet, back in Season 3 nobody would have blinked and eyelid, because this was pretty normal to jump straight into +2 keys when hitting level 70.

This is why the changes to the difficulty levels are so bad. People just want to do some M+ and push some keys. They don’t want to have to do WQ’s, LFR or Heroic dungeons to have to get started.

But now, +2s are more challenging and require a high ilvl to get started. Which is really bad for players who just want to do a few keys without having to do all the other stuff.

Which is understandable, but I think to solve that problem, they would have to make Mythic 0 grindable.

Well another thing is that, we’re given keys as soon as we hit 70 (if we chat to the Panda lady).

So even when we are just about geared ish. We can set up a +2 group, only recruit 510 and above players. And end up with a +5 when we have finished.

Giving the original player a key level well beyond their ilvl capabilities.

Yeah, that’s another issue on its own. I really wish that wouldn’t be the case unless you already have a character that is high enough on the account.

So you could have clearly seen he was badly geared by his HP but still you chose to do the key.
What exactly did you expect to happen? and why did you stay there when you could see he was massively undergeared?

entirely irrelevant, its a +2


Please read before commenting. You really could have saved your time typing that.

Ahh sorry i should have read the whole thread.
In that case i guess you only have yourself to blame really… Still its a valuable lesson for next time :smiley: