Today, in M+ exactly happened what I warned about a few months back

This topic is not even worth discussing about it. U have same behavior from day one in wow. Classic has the same issue with premade content. Lead naked take most gear people from lfg chat or que from retail and is most easy way to get gear for most of people if u want hardcore carry. One person will not make any difference at all even with less gear or being floor pov.
I have seen people do 20+ with just tank and 4 dps without heals and we r here discus about 2+ at this stage of game when everyone have gear.
How to avoid it…inspect?! it literally take you less than 20 sec to do that or better copy name of person with right mouse on frame or raider io link and check armory. Or just simply make own key runs and avoid being in not optimal grp.

We are asking for fixes for a flawed system. That’s why leavers are crying and vetoing every suggestion. Tbh they shouldn’t even be part of the conversation. “Oh no I killed someone and I decide my punishment”

There is solutions but you ignore them as always and as always you start with the low insults when nobody agree’s with you.

Do not pug there is plenty of options but you refuse point blank to use them it is your own fault and nobody else’s stop looking for scapegoats.

Where did i say before you join the group? I said before the key is put in.

Then why did you ask for a filter for it?

I do use them. I play with guildies when I can I filter groups accordingly. When I Inv I look for a certain range of score 5s for example 1900-2050. I still occasionally get leavers. No system is 100%. I’ve also pugged into a lot of other keys I can’t control who gets inved there

Its not. You want to play with people that have X criteria. You demand UI changes to inform you of X criteria in an obvious way. So… to be fair… other people want to play with Y criteria. So you should inform people of Y criteria in an obvious way.

The UI is for everyone. Not just for you. If you want a UI just for you, install a WA or something.

It is to sniff out carries. 99% of unwanted carry cases are people that look “OKish” but on closer inspection are not. And then turns out they do 1/2 the DPS of the tank.

But why not? Why only put YOUR criteria on the UI? The UI is for everyone you know. Not just you. So you should put in it what everything, anyone is interested in. Its to be fair to the demands of others you know…

Where have I head something like this before ? Ah yes ! Here :

Your argument is : People should communicate that they got a carry. But they dont. So I want daddy blizz to put a UI element to see if there is a carry or not.

There are so many things people dont communicate and are also important. But for those your idea is to communicate via chat.

So we should force daddy blizz to fix that and put it in the UI right?

Also… inspecting talents ? … mmm … where have I heard that before ?

So you have a problem hovering 2 seconds over the HP bar. But to solve other important issues you want people to literally inspect the talent selection of the players?


And my final conclusion IS :


100% correct. They are important to me. But not important to others.

I accept that fact. I admit that fact. I embrace that fact.

And I wont ask Daddy Blizz to cater a UI just for me. Why? Because UI is for everyone, including YOU. And filling it up with information that is only relevant for a sub-section of the player-base is a bad UI.

Like I said. Its an issue for YOU. Not for everyone.

Oh my god. You got trouble doing a +2? Yish… maybe you were the carry there…

I did not. I had a normal team.

I was tanking in fact. And I main healer. So no.

Stop making things up.

You are the

You can see the HP of people before the key begins. There are no “leavers” here … :slight_smile:

Ohh… but its just so funny to see someone get totally smashed because you did not spend 2 seconds to see the HP bar of people…

I spent my 30 minutes having a laugh really… the issues people have in M+ are unbeleivable…

“Hit an additional 4 targets but also deal 50% reduced damage to those targets”

“Wake of ashes deals significantly reduced damage to secondary targets, but now causes you to lash out two extra times.”

Yes but I can’t see them on the screenshot you posted.

You chose to have less relevant information on your screen, got burned for it, and are trying to make it everyone else’s problem.


I am not for a minimum requirement since everyone has their own skill. And friends/guilds/communities do get hit by a minimum.

Obviously when you pug it would be fair to say you are very low ilvl. That comes down to personal responsibility.

Also when you pug you can set a minimum ilvl and score requirement i think? (never used it myself)

You keep telling yourself that when all the OP had to do was look around the group, notice one with significantly lower HP and leave the group before the key had a chance to get started.

Want to know why i dislike the stance of the OP so much? Because of one in a previous season who didn’t check and then decided to leave not too long into a M+ run due to their own negligence of not checking how the party looked in a relatively low key. A friend and i noticed and didn’t mind thinking it wouldn’t matter with 2 passably geared dps but that one person deciding to leave and i quote “i didn’t sign up for carrying someone” made it a slog to get through 4 people.

The OP has the tools to check for this, refuse to use them and then comes up with a suggestion that hurts other players more than it helps anyone and here you are defending them for this atrocious game design stance.

You can indeed as a group leader set a minimum ilvl and score requirement for people to see and list to your group, both of which can’t be lower than that of a member of your group already, or ofcourse yourself.

Thought it was just based on the lead?

Only the lead can set it but it can’t be lower than anyone else.

I am not sure, how this is an “issue”? If you joined up on a run, just have quick look at people’s gear. When you do a lot of m+s, you can usually guess the ilevel by checking their HP since they tend to be the same around an exact ilevel mark. If one of the guy’s HP is very suspiciously low, inspect him to see what is he wearing.
If you are using UI or a lot of other mods(like DPS counters also show ilevels and etc), they can also give you the relevant info.
So if you see that you are “giving a free boost” then just bail the group before its started? #ProblemSolved.

I can understand automatic queues like LFD/LFR having min ilevels because you can’t choose there with whom you will play.

Really cool story mate, which chapter do you shut up and learn to play?

This idea is terrible.

You can just look at their gear and decide if you want to stay or not…heck better yet, why not create your own group and set your own rules? You can literally add your own min ilvl.

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