Today is game time ends and for the first time I won't come back for for a new expansion - here is why

For the first time in the history of World of Warcraft I won’t be around for an expansion release and I do not feel bothered.

What WoW needed was a revamp of the game but instead we are just getting the usual. The player base is at an all time low and more than ever people aren’t really interested in what is “new” in the new WoW expansion. We will just get a couple of levelling areas, quests that will be skipped, mounts/pets/reps for the casuals to grind and of course the raids and keys.
Financially WoW is a huge failure and most of the player base are just here because of habit. They wouldn’t quit the game even if there was no content for a year which was proven last year during the content drought.
The people who actually matter are the ones that are not here anymore because they had some kind of standard but they won’t come back either since nothing changed.
The fact that there is a 12 month promotion now is also evidence that Blizzard is not planning to release frequent patches and even is forecasting a content drought again so they’re getting their sub money in while everyone is hyped and excited.

This is what should have happened to the game:

  • Significantly better quest storytelling. Clicking an NPC and then clicking accept is incredibly outdated and most people just skip the quest because it is mind numbing to read a paragraph that ultimately tells you nothing. Quest text should be more similar to the talking head and quest NPCs should use emotes including different camera angles.
  • The story has to be improved on all sides of the game. Most green quests in WoW are a joke. There is no reason why there cannot be good quests stories. Other MMORPGs have green quests that stimulate your brain and make you think but in WoW we get nothing more than “i want to feed people, bring me meat” or “i want to cloth people, bring me cloth”. It’s 2022.
  • The main story in WoW may or may not be good, nobody really knows until the new Bellular video comes out. The way the story is told in WoW is absurd and unrealistic. In the real world people have emotions and feelings but in WoW everything happens on a whim and most of the actions of important story characters barely makes any sense, it just happens. You never get to see any of them from a different angle or understand why they do things that they do. Add quests that let us experience the human side of important characters so we can relate more to them like the Jaina questline in BfA. Instead of Thrall sending me off to talk to the most important elemental in the world I want Thrall to send me off to pick up his robe and when I get there I want him to be there and say a few lines about his growing up or whatever. When we were in Kul Tiras we should have visited Jaina’s old room and learned more about her past and what she did as a kid. It makes those characters feel alive but instead they are nothing more than celebs in WoW who give us orders.
  • There has to be more content in WoW that is not connected to the usual hamster wheel of grinding CE achievements or mounts. Stop using the exactly same seasonal content and make new content for every season. It does not take a lot of effort to make new questlines and rewards and throw the old stuff in the store. People will love having to play to get new rewards like transmogs/pets and if you didn’t have time you can pick it up at the store if you want it so badly. Other games do this and absolutely nobody minds because it means more new content every month or two.
  • The new player experience is a joke and if you don’t improve this then a random executive will pop up one day and just order for the game to be shut down because the profit WoW makes is laughable at this point and the executive won’t care about the bit of money it makes during expansion releases every 2 years. New players want to see the old worlds. Make a storyline that drags new players through all expansions so they do at least the important story quests. Make small 1 man dungeons for them so they can fight the important bosses like Illidan or the Lich King. Nobody wants to start a new game and then be thrown into the most recent expansion irrelevant of what the addicts here want to believe or say. You also need to make all dungeons scaleable so that you can run them at any level and simply get scaled down. Why should a level 60 not be able to queue for Deadmines and be level 15? What if I just feel like it? No I don’t care that my “friend” can invite me and scale my level down and then queue. This has to be an option for anyone at any point. You also need to make a queue which includes all dungeons of all expansions that you can use at max level with special Call to Arms rewards. So if some low level wanted to run a WotLK dungeon but there are no healers the level 60 healer can hop in. I don’t understand how this is not in the game yet. You can offer gold as reward or make some cheap transmog that you get after 1000 runs. Collectors will gladly farm it and never use it.

These are just some of the things that should have been changed about this game and it is very disappointing that after all those stunts like the 200 dev hiring last year this game just continues to be milked for pennies.
The only reason for Blizzard’s negligence that I can think of is that they are working on a Warcraft mobile game in the form of Genshin Impact where you essentially do the same thing you are doing now but instanced. Since player interaction is dead outside instanced environments in WoW this wouldn’t even be an issue.


you could always stay subbed and haunt the forums for the expansion like i did in BFA and Shadowlands.

it’s just as entertaining as anything the game offers these days.

the wow mobile game was thankfully cancelled… no longer a thing apparently…

but would not surprise me if they try to resurrect it out of pure greed.

Can I have your gold and pets?


Good luck with whatever you end up doing!


This line tells everything that u dont have any idea whats going on :smiley: But GGs!


I actually know everything that is going on because I have played all MMORPGs and have met a large amount of players there who used to play WoW at some point. What about you? Let me guess. You go on Twitch and see Preach on WoW and think that everyone is excited about the fantastic new WoW expansion…? Because content creators milking hype for money means the game will be good and everyone cannot wait. The only people who are excited are current players and those players would literally be excited for a new stone added to Elwynn Forest. Like I wrote in my post. Nobody who is currently subbed to WoW matters. The people who left do and they are not coming back.


Hope you find a game that you can enjoy and feel is worth your time. Best of luck in your future adventures!


I have ever never even watched Preach lol and I dont give sh*t what he things :smiley: I know many ppl who left and already came bk for dragonflight. Ive also played ALL other MMORBGs and everytime I come bk to wow because it is simple best.U just huge troll.


You are making the assumption that the WoW mobile game was cancelled because they want to focus on WoW. Why? Where is the proof?

Most likely an analyst figured out that the franchise is finished and they will just run it into the ground instead of making a new game. This is a lot more likely since we literally have not seen any new content for DF. Just the same hamster wheel development style to keep the bare minimum amount of players hooked.


I have to be honest; none of your reasons are anything I’d quit the game over.
But you do you. Good luck in whatever you play next.

You are just as much making assumptions…



I really don’t understand how your brain works, I seriously don’t.

Your friends left because they didn’t like the game… DF will change nothing at all… and now your friends are back because of hype and you think this is a good thing…? They will be back for 1 month into DF and vanish again. If I am wrong then go ahead and tell them to post here why they left and what they think is going to be different?


Bye then I guess.

Next flight leaves at 14.30.


Isn’t talent system a huge revamp ?

That’s what wow always offered .

That’s not your concern no offense .
While u have some fair points , you are not a game developer or designer your post is subjective and yet u talk for almost everyone what players want or they don’t want .


I agree with you, i hold the same beliefs. As in innovation and further progress has been left out, we now know blizz is working on a new ip (survival game) and with wow i think they will keep going with less and less passion until it dies off.

But, with that said, imma enjoy every moment i have with it until it dies.

I think most people know the game aint going places anymore, but thats okay. Maybe the new IP will be Blizz’s next large baby, shrugs

im currently playing … spiderman - miles morales…

and i have 6 other ps5 titles to play afterwards.

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it was cancelled just google about it :)…

at least one of them were cancelled …

if there was more than 1 mobile game based on wow i dont know.

Talent system is nothing more than an illusion of choice and once people start raiding and doing keys everyone and their dog will be using the exactly same talents.

“That is what WoW has always given” yeah and it is DYING which you would know if you played other games but because you log on and do the same thing every day you don’t know. No, please don’t tell me that you logged on New World for 5 minutes before running back here, please just don’t.

I literally referred my 14 year old brother to WoW a few months ago and once his first month was done he said he doesn’t want any game time. This game is dying and the only people here are the addicts who started WoW 15 years ago. Those same people are happy with 3 year content droughts. What this game needs is new players and to get new players the game has to change at the base level. I don’t even know why you care. Even if they completely changed WoW and it felt like a new game… people like you would literally still be here anyway and continue logging on daily.

Every time anyone makes suggests on this forum all the regulars jump down the posters throat immediately and never ever argue with any of the points made. The WoW player base has become more of a cult than a player base. Nobody here can list a single thing they like about WoW besides repeating that other games just “isn’t WoW” nor can anyone here say why a single point I made is invalid which does nothing more than confirm that I am correct.


I have no clue who or what Bellular is but how can a video impact the storyline?

Either way,
I do not relate to your solutions but I will not be playing dragonflight either, for my own reasons I posted earlier today aswell.

Good luck to you :heart:


Can I have your gold? I have voidlings to feed.


You are talking about meta , yes meta exists and it’s proven most players will pick BIS . nothing to do with game design this is mob mentality .

I am defending simple logic , not the company i couldn’t care less if there are 10 mil players or 1 .
If wow really doesn’t your direction just quit because projecting your qq isn’t actual feedback it’s called venting .