Token Sales Disabled in Turkey


On May 4th, 2022 Blizzard started supporting my country’s currency - Turkish Lira and prices of all services including subscriptions were converted to Turkish Lira. And the conversion rate was quite favourable, as it usually is the case in these situations. This was greatly appreciated especially during these days where the value of the Turkish Lira is plummeting.

WoW token was being sold for 200 TL, which is equivalent to €11 and change instead of the usual €20 - and with the current state of boosting I admit to having bought a few to have some of my alts carried through some content.

However, I understand some “villain” bought a massive amount of WoW tokens using a VPN over Turkish Lira, converted those to gold and sold the gold in third party websites, making a tidy profit. So, now Blizzard disabled the token sales for my entire region, and according to GM Daerdrin “there is no specific information about whether it would return at all”.

This is a serious issue - we have no legitimate way to obtain gold through tokens where I live right now. So, Blizzard, it would be greatly appreciated if you could re-enable token sales - I don’t know the scale of measures that would have to be taken to make that possible (disable local pricing for tokens? which would be sad and no idea if it would be possible to have a half-half store), but it is really needed.


Here is a crazy idea: start making your own gold.


I absolutely despise the token and what it has done to the game so can’t say I feel sorry for you.


Chat before the token was 100% about puppies and rainbows.

Now it’s about being able to do content your not suppose to be doing. It’s dark, gloomy and I don’t like it.

I understand the need for the token to reduce the amount of bots (supposedly) and gold sellers I just wish there was another way.


Thing is blizz turned this game into a season game atm, so many fomo rewards each season that’s why boosting got this big, before mythic+ we only had glad and curve mount.

Now we got keymaster mount and stuff every season.


Yes, it’s all very unfair.

I mean, all of it. The existence of the token, the fact you can’t buy it, what that guy did buying all those tokens with a VPN, you paying real money for boosts.

It’s one of those situations where it’s difficult to know where to start because it’s all just so very absurd.


There is. Blizzard to find their balls and start banning permanently all bots and sellers.


I hope EU one day disables tokens too.


The token exists so gold buyers will buy it from blizzard and not shady 3rd party sites that might get you banned. And gold sellers can only sell it for gametime/blizzbucks, not actual money.

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It’s very different from going to some shady website, trusting them with your money, going through hops in the game and being afraid you might getting banned to, just clicking a button ingame now.

A lot more people do it now because is very simple and causes no problem.

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I actually like seasons. Every season, I get to start fresh and try a new toon or spec. I don’t like that mount rewards are time limited behind them though. This could be fixed instead of removing seasons

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Good now they just need to disable it for the rest of the world.


Well yes but gold buyers always existed and Blizzard wanted a slice of that pie.


When Sterling dropped they put up the price.

Why bother with an alt if you pay to skip content.

just sounds like a cry thread because OP cannot pay people to play the game for him anyone tbh.

Then some people only would buy raid and pvp boost.

Also lots of people would not play the game (if there werent m+ at all), because they dont have time for raid or dont like pvp overall.

All they do is sell it at a lower price.

Insert Activision joke.

I wonder if it is the same for the Georgian market as well.

Game was alot more healthy before mythic+ got here, game turned into elitsm when it got here.

Sure u buy curve end of expansion for mount but u can’t just buy glad mount and get carried, if u could buy glad mount for gold i would have had one for myself but i don’t :slight_smile: