Tony Stark was able to build this in a cave!

There are actually plenty of caves with proto-dragons in them if you check out in the open world.

Here are 2 examples!

This isn’t to say that I like Valdrakken, I hate it as a main hub but that’s cause I can’t find anything. If you want a more “old school wow dragon feeling” then may I suggest hanging out in Shady Sanctuary in Ohn’ahran Plains?

I am more amazed by all of it.
I like that the dragons are not some mindless beast. I thought proto drakes were but then comes the primalists and even they are intelligent while still having a primal side. Discovering Tyrs findings gave fire to my opinion of elves that I have since Legion. Different energies seem totally to affect the races.
Order made drakes to the dragons
Order made trolls to nightelf
Nightelf depending on energy changed to high, void, light, blood elves.
What would happen if you do that to a drake? The possibilities.

I see azeroth with different laws as let’s say arda. If someone would do this in arda I would scream BS from the rooftop, because Tolkien already established the laws of arda. Blizz is(against all claims) not dead and they are operating inside their established lore. So I enjoy the new adventure and take every new mystery with curiousity.

I think when they went away from tyrhold and all that
I think they forgot to be this kind of dragons
so they vent from intelligent to primitive over those thousands of years
aspects knew their role but they couldn’t build stuff like on dragon isles
cause that was not build by them but by titankeeper tyr and his servants
at least that’s my theory
tyr used them as shield against enemies of azeroth…

May I ask what you feel when you step into a cavern like that and see those Proto-drakes?

Like, as a gamer playing a fantasy roleplaying game, what does that moment convey to you?

If you’ll allow me, I’ll describe one of my favorites:

This is Nozdormu at the Bronze dragonshrine. You get a quest to go there in WotLK and this is how the scene reveals itself to you.

Bronze and Infinite drakes flying around Nozdormu, locked in struggle. They’re all ethereal, as if they’re both there and not there. It’s chaotic. And in the center there’s Nozdormu, experiencing everything around him at the same time. He’s everywhere and nowhere. Sees time as it unfolds all around him, as the center of a dial on a clock. Beneath him the sands of time, and the skulls and bones of dragons, symbolizing the perishability of all things.

It’s perfect. It’s everything about the Bronze dragonflight in one moment. There’s no text to explain it, and it needs none. The presentation conveys all that needs to be said.

It’s perfect.

Your Proto-drake caves don’t really convey anything at all to me. But for you it’s different?

Kill dragon, loot stuff. Nothing more, nothing less.

Well, the same could be said for your shrine to me? It means literally nothing to me. Kill dragon, loot stuff.

You can also find ethereal dragons stuck in primalist future and around there. Maybe check it out if you love the bronze dragons so much. There are even parts of the zone all time frozen.

Do I need to hunt you down with my vacuum cleaner again?
turn vacuum cleaner on


Are you telling me that you’re as happy to get this in the game:

As you are to get this:

Really?! :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Oh look, you compared an open world cave to a raid. Really?!

But yes. Kill dragon loot stuff. There’s only 2 zones in this entire game that means anything to me.

I am happy to sit in a garten surrounded by whelps listening to a human telling them a story while some are chasing each other in play and one is reading a book far too big for it.
Or the ones with garden equipment, they are soooo adorable.
Or two blue dragons discussing stuff while drinking wine… in their huge dragon form

Mea culpa, that was not what I was going for.

I was trying to ask you if you appreciated a cave with some dragon(s) that Blizzard had made a big deal out of, or if it didn’t matter so long as it was a cave with some dragon(s) that you could kill and loot.

And you seem to be very gameplay driven, i.e. the enjoyment lies in pushing buttons and killing mobs and getting sick gear.

Which is fine. To each his own. :+1:

Interesting. But I can understand, though I do not share the sentiment.
I quite like it in Hearthstone though. They often have some wonderful solo campaigns that put a bit of an uplifting touch on the Warcraft world.

In WoW I tend to err toward the more serious tone and portrayal. I guess it’s the difference between this:

And this:

Oh yeah, I’m 99.9% gameplay driven. I only have 2 zones that actually make me feel anything and they’re more connected to the people I knew at that time than actual story or anything.

Not to say I don’t enjoy the lore (obviously some stuff I don’t like but that’s personal taste) but yeah I prefer gameplay.

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The last few xpac where so dead serious. War, death, war, death, betrayal, more war. I just want some rest and look at the beautiful things. Like the tuskar child quest with the yeti, the tuskarr children island. Turskar changing a leader by natural death and not some murder plot, the dragons having some kind of unity, hope and future. I am so tired of all the hatred and conflicts. Finally horde and alliance can be together and play together. Real life is tiresome with all those conflicts. I need some rest from that in my game.

Heh, I love the war, death, and betrayal.
Seeing all those Night Elves get burned alive in an action of utmost hatred? Pinnacle moment of Warcraft. It embodies everything about this world of conflict and war that makes Warcraft so appealing to me.

I appreciate the occasional whimsey and light-hearted moments to balance out all the serious doom & gloom of the world. But the ratio should be 90/10 toward doom & gloom, if it were up to me. Dragonflight feels like 50/50.

Especially the dragons. The dragons in WoW have always been a serious part of the world, because they’re rarely used, so whenever Blizzard have used them it’s been for serious moments.
So being used to Deathwing who’s holding his body together with freaking plates of metal, to seeing a drakonid with a hat who works as a gardener is a slightly bitter pill to swallow, so to speak. :face_with_thermometer:

No one mentioned the mysterious sleeping dragon Andrestrasz inside a cave, south of Ahn’Qiraj

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looks akwardly around
sweats sweats profusely
A…arrr…arent you alliance?

I sat in the corner of my room and cried like a baby. And I loved it. :sob:

I have Hearthstone and Archlight Rumble (early access), and I love those Warcraft games for their humor and giggles, their fun and jokes.

I love WoW when it’s serious. When it makes men cry.

Also, look at Deepholm at the temple there. I think this picture represents to the top of a much bigger structure. I think that before the Sundering this and the bit in Deepholm were one building. Yeah the Maelstrom is a certain distance south that way, but we don’t what the impact was really on the world when it happened. We saw what it did to ZIn-Ashari but that’s about it. One needs to remember that other places were there too when the Sundering happened. Like Wyrmrest Temple, like other places.

In Dawn of the Aspects book I recall a small part where ice was used to trap dragons inside caves. Hmm, Jito, you wanted dragons in caves… right??? Maybe not the Not-Living proto-drakes trapped in them who might still be there waiting for the ice to go away… Just takes one freakish dragon who wants to end everything that’s “touched by the Titans” to blast all that ice away… :wink:

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