Tony Stark was able to build this in a cave!

That’s the Black Dragonshrine in Dragonblight, Northrend.

…Which is another thing I’m grumpy about: Those dragonshrines we have to help light up in The Dragon Isles. What’s that all about?! There already were dragonshrines in Northrend to represent each flight.

We both know the answer. Say it with me. “Plot Device”.

Yeah I know. As I went through the leveling I understood that Blizzard had just used the same production script as when they made Legion and Shadowlands. Need to collect and find random trinkets to power beacons for mostly arbitrary reasons, but it all works as an over-arcing zone narrative and plotline.

It’s fine.

But couldn’t they make it something else? I still don’t get the reason why those dragonshrines have to be activated. And the way they’re activated seems very arbitrary as well. I mean…c’mon. :pensive:

Don’t forget, the Dragons forgot the Dragon Isles, and their lives there, their past… just after the Orb activated by Stoneboi, their memories returned
New Lore, new story, and it is not condradicts the old one

It’s a constructed hub where dragons in humanoid form interacts with mortals.

Seems to establish that its not really out of character at all.

I mean, each zone could have focussed on you working with one former dragon aspect looking into a way how to regain their abilities? Getting to know them now that they’re no longer demigods. Seeing their flaws and strengths.

  • For the Black flight, you have to work with Wrathion and Sabellian at finding out how they might regain the power Deathwing lost when he died. They fight over their opinions about the flight’s future and the world and the role of the aspect. Eventually, they learn the power has returned to the earth and must be acquired by communing with the deep places Neltharion once called home. Close to the Stonecore. Both dragons realise they aren’t able to do this alone and need help in some way.
  • For the Reds, Alextrasza has to own her failures and laxity in the past. She enforced the titan’s decree on others. Maybe because she wanted to be the queen of a new race and ignored the consequences… she learns that in doing so, she causes the conflict and forsook her duties. Her power has returned to Nordrassil, the World Tree. But to get it back, she will need help.
  • For the Greens, they realise Ysera is gone and their flight has become feeble. A new matron steps forth, and while her kin see her as oddly ‘wordly’ for somebody aspiring to be the dreamer, she believes it is exactly because Ysera spent all the time dreaming that she wasn’t ready to fight to protect her domain. The powers of the dreamer have returned to the emerald dream. And she too will need aid getting in there. She implored the night elves help her, but they refuse, her flight was nowhere during Darkshore either.
  • For the blues, there is contention between Kalecgos and some who wish to pressure Senegos into the role. One isn’t ready, the other doesn’t want it. Their flight is near extinction. You escort Kalec to Cordarra and enter the eye. Malygos’ power is… somewhere out there. You find out he never lost it. He still has it, and he’s still out there, lost in the nether. Unwilling or unable to return. You will need help getting it
  • For the Bronze, Nozdormu realises that him regaining his powers IS the gateway to becoming Moruzond. He secretly wants to stop the others succeeding. And has placed obstacles in all other’s paths. He hired, manipulated and controlled all manner of unreputables to obstruct the progress of the other flights, even primalists. He believes it is better to fight a long war with the primalists than risk unleashing the Infinite Flight.
    You convince him he’s not doing it because he cares, he’s doing it because he think he will fail. You assure him that he’s not alone in fighting fate. It’s all the players have ever done. And he relents.

All flights then work together to aid eachother. The greens help the reds access Nordrassil through nature magic, the reds help the blues find and recover Malygos’ body by tracing his life in the nether and they bring him back. The Blues use magic to breach into the emerald dream without the druids’ help. Nozdormu winds back time on the cave systems blocking the way for the blacks to get to the core. And finally Sabellian and Wrathion promise Nozdormu they won’t let him fall like Neltharion did. A promise made.

Each could have been a dungeon to conclude the zone.

Oh well. Sorry, rant again. Anything is better than what we got…

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And this excludes, black dragons going into hiding, having a bad reputation, being mad because of N’Zoth, having enemies everywhere, how exactly? Not to mention after the exodus into draenor there werent that much black dragons in azeroth left to defend themself.

Valdrakken is their capitol. Their meeting point. Every flight has still their personal spot on the island.
Blacks have a volcano region
Blues, a snow and arcane region
Bronze, a desert time distorted one
Greens a forest and plains which is rich of nature and not many artificial stuff
Red have their lifepools surrounded by water and life.

Its there. You just dont want to see it, because its inconvinient for your headcannon.

The Isle is first and formost a place of the titans, secondly the seat of the power for the flights.

They can still choose to live where ever they want. But the titan Tyr builded this stuff on that island. He was the one giving them the gift. So of course their first home , AFTER being touch by order, would be around Tyr.

I have the impression you dont want no change at all from what is your headcannon that was established long time ago. Lore will change. Thus far there is no big redcon, just additional information that doesnt change the time line whatssoever

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Whoa whoa whoa.

I’m not struggling to recognize what Blizzard have made with The Dragon Isles, why they have made it, and for what purposes. I have seen it.
And I’m also not saying that Blizzard’s storytelling is de facto wrong. I have experienced it. I see what they’re going for.

I just don’t like any of it.

And I have simply shared that criticism here with writing and pictures, for anyone who might be curious to know.

That’s all.

The purpose of this thread is not to convince you to join me in my misery. If you love the way dragons are portrayed in Dragonflight, then more power to you. That’s awesome.
But if you’re going to ask me why I think dragons in Dragonflight suck balls, then you should also accept the merit of my opinion on the basis that I give it. And to reiterate it, then it’s simply to say that new dragons are not like old dragons and I don’t like new dragons. That’s all there is to it. That’s the basis of the grumpiness, should you so further enquire. :slight_smile:

Now take a look at this stupid abomination, in my opinion. That’s a foster care for young drakonid, because their parents are on duty, which makes total nonsense:

Today I learnt something new. I don’t see myself using this knowledge in a conversation, but it’s genuinely interesting.

See it more like this. No Flight had access to the lifepools nor their ancenstral breeding ground. A lava filled cave is the next best thing you can use as a broodmother… well there was another place but your also mad brother was doing some weird experiments in there…
So eastern kingdom is out, and the broken isle are not an option right at that moment.
Ogrimmar is a no go, the orcs stole dragon eggs before and the horde will kill you on sight.
Dustwallow Marsh was the next best enviroment for a hidden breeding place for black dragon eggs.

Now the Island is open again, and with it the ruby sanctum. Finally a save breeding place with red dragons guarding it.

There is beauty in (nearly) everything. Instead of thinking what was taken, look after what was added.

Tbh I still dont see the “what was taken” part. I like that they went the “no redcon, just fill empty timelines and events”, which adds but doesnt take away.

If they would have retconned something about the aspect story, I would be furious

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My issue is not that I can’t make sense of it. If I accept Blizzard’s story premise, then it’s no problem to fill in the gaps and explain the reason for this and that.

And I do. I play the game and follow the story, so of course I accept its premise.

I just don’t like it, and I don’t think it’s very good.

I also understood Blizzard’s storytelling in Shadowlands with The Jailer and his plans, and Sylvanas and her motivations.

I just didn’t like it, and I didn’t think it was any good.

The ability to explain a story does not by its own nature make it good.

My primary issue with dragons in Dragonflight is still the artistic portrayal. Like I said, then art must be true to lore like lore must be true to art.

For example:

This looks natural. It needs no explanation. Dragons live in natural surroundings that fit them as animals. A picture says more than a thousand words.

But this:

This requires an explanation to work. I need to first understand what the ruby pools are, what the function of the hatcheries is, and what the dragonshrine is all about, and that the place primarily accommodates shapeshifted dragons, because they can shapeshift.

I can understand and accept that when I’m told about it. And Blizzard does go painstakingly far to have Alexstrasza and her cohorts tell me about how it all functions and works.

I just don’t like it.

I like the artistic portrayal that needs no explanation. The one that leans closer toward a classic interpretation of dragons.

Fair be it if you and others prefer the new and modern dragon look. I just don’t.

Is a titan(not dragon) facility… if you are paying attention to the story, this is exactly the plot!
You right now are the primalist. You hate what the titans did to the dragons as a race.
This is the whole point of Raszageth and her allies. It is unnatural for a dragon (in a primalist eyes).

They want exactly what you are telling us. The return to their roots before the titans “corrupted” them. Its part of the plot

Excuse Me Sir, do you have a moment to talk about our Lord and Saviour, N’Zoth?
The Great Old Ones offer salvation from the Titans and their taint

Yes I know.

It’s a Titan facility and a plot that Blizzard have made.

I don’t like the Titan facility and plot that Blizzard have made.

I would have preferred if they had made something else instead.

Again, my point of criticism is not that I don’t understand what’s there. I just don’t like that it is there.

You seem to argue from a premise where The Dragon Isles and its story could always only be what it currently is.
But Blizzard – being the ones who create everything from scratch in the first place – had the artistic freedom to make The Dragon Isles look however way they wanted, and write any kind of story they pleased.

They chose what we have today.

I don’t like that.

I would have preferred something else. And I hope by now I have conveyed what that is.

Well… like the whole lore?

But what is the point in discussing your subjectiv feeling in a forum? You arent trying to get others opinion.
Did you just want to vent?
I am searching for a point of discussion but you are telling me “No I just dont like it”… soooo where is the question?
I can not argue on a subjectiv feeling. Its your feeling, its not my right to change it.

This post has made me think of an Iron Man inspired mechagnome called Tony Spark, with his own in-wow universe side plot involving creating an advanced mech suit like Mekkatorque’s and now I want it so bad.

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Right. For the most part I am very fond of the lore of Warcraft. Except this part (so far).

It’s a bit like twilight. I like the first three books, but I am not very fond of the final book Breaking Dawn.

I don’t have to appreciate everything that springs from an author’s mind, just because I appreciate some of it.

Same goes for Blizzard. I like most of their work. I don’t like this particular part.

Beyond the initial desire to vent – which is what many people use the forum for and I don’t see why I should be any different – then I’ve also just responded to inquiries about what I mean and what I think from people who have commented, like yourself. It’s you who’ve engaged me in discussion on the matter, I’m just being courteous by replying to you. If you don’t fancy the chat on the subject, then you can just move on. :slight_smile:

I don’t think there’s any greater purpose to the forums per se. It’s a place where people who play WoW can discuss the game and share their thoughts with like-minded people.
And I have simply shared some of my thoughts.

We don’t have to argue everything. Sometimes we can just discuss and talk.

But arent we jsut doing that? Discussing?
Arguing would mean I am upset with you and dont want to see your side of the argument.
Atm I just can´t see your side of the discussion apart that you personally dont like it - end of discussion.
I am a bit confused tbh

according to blizzard lore it makes sense we found our way to after life quicker than a random island in our own planet.
Some of us ride dragons as our personal cars yet some how cinematics they ride horses?
what about Raszageth he is mad he got imprisoned but the guy who imprisoned him is the same one we defeated so what exactly he is even mad about?
Gnomes wasted resources to build a massive tunnel train in a world where everyone teleports! And magic is part of their culture one of them being millhouse manastorm.

All this to say not everything has to make sense…


The pictures don’t help?

I feel like I have painstakingly explained what classic dragon fantasy portrayal looks like in WoW and how Dragonflight portrays dragons in a different way.

If we dismiss my opinions on the matter, don’t you feel that you’re getting some new and different presentations of dragons in Dragonflight than you’re used to?

That was kind of what I alluded to in my initial post. Usually we come across dragons in caves, and they typically present themselves as a sleeping giant.

Dragonflight presents the dragons in other ways. Usually more humanoid ways, I think.

Doesn’t this come across to you as you play Dragonflight?