Too many blank silences

There’s far too many blank silences now, it’s actually a joke.

DK, Spriest, Rogue, Hunter, Boomie are all able to do blank silences.

Where’s the skill in that? Back in the day we had to focus on fake casting, but now people can just blank silence without a single thought and go “hurr durr.”

Not only that, but the insane amounts of CC on top of it. This is going to kill PvP, and it’s definitely not going to make it fun.

Blank silences are brainless.


NGL for a moment I thought you refer to the radio silence from the devs when something’s broken and takes ages to fix XD


+, fake cast is obsolete in current iteration of the game. just cast, get kick and try to cast while the enemy silence/kick is on CD. (some specs can just remove the kick button from the panel entirely due to bloat of various micro CC available)


Back in the days, Mage had silence too

We’re talking about BLANK silences.

Wdym now? It was in the game for years, if not a decade.

Not really, 5 classes didn’t have a blank silence back in the day…

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You could say hunter is “new” but all of those classes had it since Shadowlands at least, so at least around 4 years. If anything, unholy DK lost his stun, since he has to choose between stun and silence, but that’s about it.

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Yes, back in the day Mages had a blanket silence.

Rogues have had a silence since they exist. DKs too. Shadow Priests … I don’t remember the first few years of WoW but I would also say since they exist, or at least from the 1st expansion onward. Balance as well.

Only Hunter is recent, and Mage blanket used to be a thing and has been removed. Now that Hunters have a silence there are as many blanket silences in the game as when Mages still had theirs.

Less, in fact, since two Rogue specs lost theirs.

You are complaining about something that has been in the game since its very beginning and act as if it is new and sudden. Very strange.


Even warrior had a silence, melee (10s cd) and ranged (30s cd) to add to your list

When kicking spells become meaningful again, I’ll agree. But right now this is the only way to detain the likes of the stupid wizards who dont hard cast anything.

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yeah during mop with gag order. warrior had something like 14 seconds of CC that you could nuke into the entire time all on one target. if you spread it around it was 25 or so seconds. 3 stuns, 2 silences and then a fear.

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i see no problem with it, stuff like this exist since Classic, and is just a Budget walmart cc, what dont dr with normal cc

it have advantages and disadvantages, the disadvantage is, that the class can only blank silence u, which have waaay higher cd than a normal kick, and some classes also cant kick, and blanked silence you like Boomie, its a op silence when u cant get out of roots, with very long cc and there is many counterplay against it, like freedom, beeing a gnome, root dispell etc

Hunter silence, can be predicted/ poison Dispell if im not wrong. and range hunter have also a long cd on normal kick. the old Hunter silence with readiness in previous expansion was waaay more toxic than the current one, same counts for mage blanket silence, so i cant see why stuff like this is a problem now.

and the advantage about these spells is, that u can combine it with cc/stuns, which means = setup

and i prefer stuff like this over a wongo longo zugzug pve meta.

Me too…
“Back in the days”…

Didnt hunter had silence shot back in wotlk?

Silencing Shot
6% of base mana 35 yd range
20 sec cooldown
Requires Hunter
Requires Ranged Weapon

A shot that deals 50% weapon damage and Silences the target for 3 sec. Non-player victim spellcasting is also interrupted for 3 sec.

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Not really. They haven’t always been in the game, now pretty much every class has it. People had to use their brain to silence someone. Nowadays you don’t.

Yeah the throw silence, but they don’t have it now.

It hasn’t though. Most classes have a blank silence now, and that’s not always been the case at all.

They have. As I said, Assa Rogues always had a blanked silence, Sub and Combat used to and it got removed. SP always had it. DK always had it. Balance always had it. Mage had it and it got removed. Hunter had it, as people confirmed, then it got removed and added back. Warrior had it and it got removed.

Factually there were more silences before than there are now.

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Some people like to always complain if there is nothing else to do…

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All this overbloated CC wont be issue if game is mid paced instead of fast pace when people can global each others. I hop they swing game pace into mid pace from this fast paced circus which is so low skill that people already created gladiator bot.