Too many non RPers and problems on this server. Sub cancelled, I consider that Blizzard did not respect its part of the contract

When RP rules will be enforced on this server may be I’ll come back. Too many OOC coms in /s & /y, getting insulted and bullied while RPing, runned over and over by mounts in close quarter. I took it till now but that’s enough. Too many non RPers are on this server, we tried to work it out together but in vain.


Balthazarion of Cult of the Dead here. Completely agree with Arctika. Considered lawsuit, also. Had multiple live conversations with Game Masters. Blizzard did not fullfil their part of the deal. RP rules have to be enforced once and for all.


Go to Hydraxian Waterlords, that’s a proper RP realm


This server is great!


Hate to say it but as an old RPer, the closest I will go to RPing properly here is to do a pastiche of my old characters while playing the game.

RP servers never got taken seriously. Dont let me spoil your fun though.

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RP’ers have been a target for PvP’ers since forever. Stop your crying and join a realm that doesn’t have the words PVP included.

Edit: I almost cried with laughter when I saw considered lawsuit.


RP-PvE is for RP beginners. we all have done that mistake. wait to see the opposite faction killing civilians, some npces you like while you can’t do anything. I can go play ESO if I want murder and robbery all around while being a spectator in total incapicity. you made your choice of a PvE server, personnaly I’ll never make that error again in a game with opposite factions. I never spoke about lawsuit and also you’re rude and you should keep your advices for yourself as I can’t see anything in your writing that could be useful here, you just came to troll.

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I didn’t say who it was that said this. Stop your whining and join a non pvp realm if you’re not interested in pvp. I don’t see what your issue is here.


You have a terrible reading skill as you understand almost the opposite of what I said. So I understand that English might not be your natural language but in that case you should be less cocky and sure about yourself because you have it all wrong.

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I’m English, so my grasp of English is fine. Your grasp of being on a pvp realm seems to be the problem here. Because the phrase runned over is great English.


Are you alright? When did she mention anything about PvP? maybe you shouldnt roll on this server instead of her?!


Listen little puppy, by running over she meant that people intentionally go through her (friendly character collision) and do everything to ruin and break her immersion. Please leave this conversation and server as you have nothing to do here.


I just wanna know who RP in classic, and why

The lore is expanded on in retail & the graphics doesn’t look like 2 poly texture pancakes


Many reasons really, yes you can do waaaaaay more stuff in Retail, esp with TRP extended, yes customization is also waaaay better and more world and places to rp in but:
World pvp is dead, everyone around you looks like a hero riding dragons and bosses which is very immersion breaking. and some other details too

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I think you people look at the RP tag the wrong way.

Firstly theres never going to be a GM sitting waiting for you to complain that people are OOCing, they are short staffed as is and can hardly reply to actual game breaking problems let alone that.
When you complain about OOC and people riding over you with a mount do you think that is really a big issue? i mean seriously?

You have your ignore function, use it.

Secondly the RP tag is more for a gathering place of likeminded people not a special server where everyone must rp walk everywhere they go or risk getting perma banned.

I respect RP but OP you need to lower your expectations it was never going to be anything like you are saying.


I have to agree with OP here. I do not mind people joining the server and not RPing, that is fine. However, to mock people that they are RPing while playing on an RP realm is just insane. Those people should just use the free transfer and get of this server.


No furries.

based and redpilled

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I feel you OP. Honestly I think a lot of people just rolled here because their fav streamer did, they don’t gaf about RP


That and to avoid the queues. :neutral_face:

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