Too many non RPers and problems on this server. Sub cancelled, I consider that Blizzard did not respect its part of the contract

I will agree the streamers have brought nothing positive to the server so far.

None of them seem to take the game seriously however so hopefully they will be gone soon.

Can i get an answer from an adult?

Above the age of 12 pls …

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  1. I dislike the direction they took with retail. That plus all those insane mounts and what not are really immersion Breaking. I prefer the old world. And aside from that, most of the new races are a bit meh. For example, not the biggest fan of the worgen race.
  2. I prefer the look and feel of the old version. The new graphics look a bit too cartoony for my liking. And graphics do not mean anything if the gameplay, story and everything else is top notch.

Preference I suppose.

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ah fair enough

Layers don’t seem to help. Had one Orc in SM GY a week ago rushing the dungeon just so he could get out and find ‘the layer’ he saw some people RPing on. We are also supposed to be having the biggest RP event yet on Horde today with the War Council in TB. Could be the start of some proper RP community foundation or not. I’ll be watching to see how many non rpers try to ruin it. Overall while I’m not about to quit ZT just yet, I agree with the OP that ZT seems more PVP server than RPPVP server right now.


Having roleplayed with my guild three times in Stormwind so far, I haven’t had a bad experience. Would be very disappointed if I saw behaviour which the OP describes though. Think at minimum we should expect every non-bank alt character on the realm to have an RP friendly name and for those who are not roleplaying, to not deliberately spoil someone else’s fun.

Likewise I think we should be tolerant of those who do not RP, I for one do not intend to RP while questing, running dungeons, raiding or doing PVP. Those are other aspects of the game I enjoy which I keep separate.

I think being ridden over by someone on a mount is going to be inevitable and as it only lasts a second, easily ignorable. Again an individual who might be verbally trolling roleplayer’s can also be ignored. But for example if there was a roleplay event somewhere in Redridge Mountain’s and some Horde rper(or vice versa) decided to ruin it by attacking folk in RP gear without consent then that needs to be addressed by GM’s. It should recognised by non-rpers as being as bad as ninja looting or exploiting spots where guards do not retaliate e.g. parts of Booty Bay or the arena in Gadgetzan.

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pvp rules > rp rules in contested territory.

Horde can gank any alliance rp event as much as they want.
I ain’t making that up, google it.


Well I have googled it but I haven’t being able to find evidence of what you suggest? do you have a legitimate link we can follow from a blizzard source i.e. a blue post or an article?

Few things here: First of all, you’re absolutely right. You can ‘gank’ an event as much as you please. There’s nothing in the rules against that since it is also a PvP server. However, what you stated earlier

This one requires context. If you are just opting out of RP, whether that be by not participating or ignoring it completely, that is fine. Actually running over people’s RP with mounts or attempting to disrupt it for laughs is however something that blizzard can and will take action against. Disruption via PvP is a different matter for the reasons stated above.

Not being a roleplayer is whatever, but actually disrupting people’s rp via non-PvP measures is very distracting and often ruins your immersion completely in the same sense that loud people can ruin your movie watching experience.

Ignore only solves text-based disruption.
Also, asking for people to adhere to the naming rules really isn’t much to ask for at all. One thing is to be ignorant to this, but if you’re being penalized and then jump back in with another ToS breaking name, you ought to be banned or forced away from the server. The ladder is not something blizzard does, which is why the former is only reasonable. Just like you don’t understand why it could bother people that they name their characters non-RP names, I could ask you why you think it’s such a big deal to just adhere to the very lightweight ruleset that applies to servers with an RP tag.

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For very obvious reasons I don’t think you’re being serious… No way, no how.

Not sure what those reasons are! If a group of unarmoured roleplayers were sat in the tavern in Lakeshire, obviously roleplaying, and say a Rogue decides to keep killing them all over and over again, surely that is griefing in some form or other? I don’t understand how that could be considered legitimate enjoyment of the game, to deliberately upset people.

They don’t have to justify their reasons, nor do you need to understand them. GM’s will not take any course of action against someone initiating/participating in PvP. I have personal experience with this from the past.

I feel I only somewhat agree. I do not like Nixxiom at all, being that he’s a fan of a certain YouTuber I despise, but I think he did his best to try and curate an RP edge to his guild.

A lot of folks who followed him seem to have no interest in RPing though, which sucks. There’s more to RP than just faction pride and killing Alliance players

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If your city gets attacked and you sit there in your underpants drinking wine and philosophising about something, you deserve to get your a*s whooped.

It´s war with the Horde, so everything is allowed. That´s not griefing, that´s playing the game. That´s RP-PvP. If you want to be safe, get some guards (player) to protect you, or stay in safezones or cities.

The real problem are the same faction people not respecting RP.


Who brought killing them over and over to this discussion? Camping is another thing, while killing your enemy faction is more RP in WoW than thinking you should be left alone while “RPing”.

And that’s one of those reasons. It fits the game more, if someone attacks you, than if someone thinks it’s legit reason to contact GM about “harassing RP event”.

I surely hope you’re not one of those “RPers” who think their way is the only way and if someone doesn’t agree, they’re abviously either griefing, trolling or just OOC (when they could be doing their own RP at the moment). I’m not saying you are, I just hope you’re not.

This version of the game has factions against each other, so PvP servers are in fact more RP than RPPvE servers. It’s a dangerous world, WoW is, and each player and NPC “live” under constant threat of someone/thing attacking them. So if you’re RPing in Redridge in your RP gear, that’s awesome! But if someone attacks you and “ruins” your event, that too is awesome and fits the game narrative quite well. It doesn’t even matter if the attacer was RPing or not, because they still were able to deliver some RP to you, considering what game we’re talking about.

Now, if they’re there corpsecamping, then that’s obviously another subject. But that wasn’t the issue earlier, before you just brought it up to fit your narrative better.

But… even then… if some hordies decide to camp Lakeshire and kill your RP group over and over again, even THAT could have RP in it, because they don’t know you (RPwise… tho they could…) and only see yet another member of alliance rise up for them to kill.

Now, if you’re in non-PvP server with RP on it, imagine how much it would break the immersion to see NPCs getting killed all over you in Lakeshire, while you’re there frowning at horde for “ruining” your way of RPing… so PvP servers are way more immersive that way. You’ll get killed by that violent raid along side with those poor NPCs.

If you go to PvP areas wearing “RP” gear (which is kinda silly… considering what this game is about lore-wise…) then that’s on you if you get killed. Heck, to turn it completely around: Someone attacking you while you’re walking through some dangerous area wearing your “RP” outfit, then the attacker could report YOU to GM for breaking THEIR immersion and RP.

And if this attack happens while you’re doing your version of RP in Lakeshire inn, wearing just a dress (which is fitting in a place like that), then you have absolutely 0 reasons to to think any GM should take action towards your killer. You didn’t know that attack was coming (or if you did know IC, then why not gear up and defend?) then tough luck. No event was ruined. Get your RP going and defend your territory, unless you RP as someone who don’t want to fight. Then you just die I suppose, because RPwise your attacker has 0 reason NOT to kill you, no matter if they’re RPing or not.

All kinds of different sides going on, and your RP isn’t the way how everyone (even the enemy faction) should do things.

I hope that wall of text cleared it up a bit.

That being said, yes, I do think people should respect RP realms. It’s just that there are more ways to justify ones RP than how one-sided “my RP is the only RP allowed” think.

Not saying you are one of those, but there are that kinda “RPers” who fail to realize that more often than not, they’re doing massive immersion breaking.


Thats harrasment policy though not RP.
You are harrasing a person blizz will step in unless its pvp.

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Nope it is allowed by the PVP rule set of the RP-PVP server.

It breaks no rules at all.

The fact you think people would get upset is why many on this thread suggest people to go to Hydraxian Waterlords.

RP-PVP servers were PVP rules first > then RP rules.

It has always been that way and blizz has always opperated that way.

This server should basically have great world pvp, no non RP names like we see around and people should refrain from being OOC near people clearly RPing.

That’s it in a nutshell.
Anyone expecting more like people avoiding you with their mount or the entire server RP walking 24/7 are in for a shock or already have it like the OP.


I don’t understand why you jump through these hoops. Disrupting RP is absolutely against the ToS.

you have a problem of anger management you should learn to control and till then you should not only be banned of this forum but also of the ZT server as it’s clear you have nothing to do there

Are you okay buddy?

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