Too many non RPers and problems on this server. Sub cancelled, I consider that Blizzard did not respect its part of the contract

Erm, you thought calling other players names in the make believe game you play was a good move?

Remember its a video game, and you are one of those “kids” playing it, just try and stick to the rules and avoid having too many people put you on ignore, theres no LFG after all and you will be finding 0 raids in no time.

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Incorrect i can disrupt Horde rp all day on an rp pvp server.
PVP rules overturn RP rules.
You would know that if you had played on rp pvp since 2005 like my self.

You guys all have one thing in common you know, Argent Dawn.

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There was much talking about when those tourists will leave. After a month they are still there and i hate to think about it but looks like a lot of those twitch kids might stay long enough on Zandalar Tribe.
Offering a free transfer to PVP realms did not solve it so i hope Blizzard will at least think about enforcing already existing naming policies on RP realms. That would be a step in the right direction.

“I consider that Blizzard did not respect its part of the contract”

What contract?

The biggest rp realm EU side.
Must be doing something right

Please stay there. :mouse2:


Oh no I have characters on defias too.

:clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face:

I’d recommend trying out Hydraxian Waterlords. I recently rolled there, and found it much more RP friendly than ZT.

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You didn’t read what I said. I agree with you. You are not allowed to disrupt rp of your own faction though.

nope, it’s one of the rules for joining my guild too.

Same faction RP must be respected.

No, it’s a PvP server with the rules for RP servers added ontop.


If you don’t like that then feel free to take the free transfer off server.


Ask your legal guardian what they agreed to when they paid for your gametime

You won’t accomplish anything beneficial for anyone by acting condescending. Also, people have a very negative impression of roleplayers in general, which you are only validating right now.

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If you use reply-to and quote people wont have to guess who you are addressing.

If you meant my post just above yours, it’s not condecending - the only way you missed the contract you entered into with blizzard is if you dont pay for you own subscription and somebody else set up the game for you.

“Legal guardian” was used to avoid offending people by making assumptions about their heritage/family relations.

It depends, my in-game experiences with people from RP guilds have been great so far.

Looks like most of the obnoxious ones are busy whining on the forums instead of playing the game (or already returned to retail), but that’s fine, at least they provide some entertainment as well.

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You’re being insincere here, but ok.
I was in fact replying to you as you assumed correctly.

@Mcmourning, I see you a lot here though, so are you by effect also including yourself in this statement?

Indeed, I RP as a forum troll when I can’t play the actual game.

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Well at least you’re making the most of it. That’s the spirit, dude.

You rolled a 1 (Critical Failure) on your sense motive, how do you proceed?