Too many non RPers and problems on this server. Sub cancelled, I consider that Blizzard did not respect its part of the contract

List of reasons I’ve see so far;

  • Alliance is the stronger faction
  • Lower queues
  • Roleplayers are bad at PvP = easier ranking
  • Less ganking / griefing
  • More mature environment

at least the last 3 are demonstrably false, with these people actively contributing to the last

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There used to be a very clear set of rules which could be found on the WoW EU and US community sites, which now don’t exist. Only the naming policy for RP and RP-PvP servers can be found, referenced in a small article buried deep on the support pages.

Blizz are not taking what’s going on with RP servers basically being ruined at all seriously. There are entire guilds on Zandalar that make a point of spoiling it for everyone else and when called out on it actually accuse those doing so of ‘ruining it for others’, by which they mean themselves and their scum-baggery.


Could you give any examples? Haven’t really encountered any of such guilds.

Naming + shaming is almost certainly against the forum rules here, so not really. People will get to knowing them though; there’s no hiding from your reputation on servers that don’t cross-over like in Retail.

No I mean multiple players on horde have complained about you and your behaviour over whispers to them. Maybe if you interacted more favourably with the server you’d get better RP interactions… just a thought.

Check out PunishRP.

Thread died before the launch, and I haven’t seen any guild with such a name in game.

I’ve been polite and kind to all those I interacted with and attempted every time to explain shortly and concisely. I had only comprehensive answers except with two people, one that was deliberately rude and insulting and one who leeched a mob I had cleared the path to and just told him it’s not fair to leech like that. he wasn’t even sorry so worst of the worst happened: I told him I put him on ignore and that’s it. I’m sorry but I feel you or the people that told you this are or taking me for somebody else or building this up.