Too many non RPers and problems on this server. Sub cancelled, I consider that Blizzard did not respect its part of the contract

I think I know a little more about how RP PvP works than a warmode newbie from argent dawn.

This server will be known for its great faction balance , good Community and very light non serious rp.

It makes me glad that offends people like you.

Never played on argent dawn, also wtf is “warmode” ?

You would love it there!


no no, they want us the RPers to move to a RP-PvE server where only there we will find real RP. Here, in game, on reddit, the same readings: RP-PvP is not the real RP … so they made ZT their server, a PvP server and advice us to move away.

I don’t know why I trusted Blizzard a second time, I feel stupid as a pigeon. How can I have expected anything would be done like on RP servers of other companies to enforce a RP rule set.

Well guilds and character are getting renamed ( notice those <Guild QWEA> guilds? those are forcibly renamed )

Still it can seem like an overwhelming task, because with each report you have to provide the reasoning for why it’s immersion breaking. You have to write that it breaks immersion when a whole flock of people decided to discuss the which drug is better when listening to the latest track by dope master rap star XYZ, etc…

I could wish it was a bit easier.

And just to be clear, nobody minds you being here and not roleplaying - the problem is when your named KanelKnäkkis, lulzmastir, pwnstar, etc. and spam ooc in public channels - there are only so many slots on the ignore list.

I mean why come here for “a more mature environment” and then actively contribute to destory it?


The Hydraxxian Waterlords which is an RP-PVE realm is more then welcoming all the RPers that can’t find their place in any other realm. You can find all you need there too.

A website will soon come like the Argent Archives and there is room for PVE and organized PVP even if people wish. The community seems much more friendly and helpful around, only good vibes!


It’s also a PvE server. Which, for the life of me I can’t understand why others in this thread don’t find appealing, given their concerns with ganking - isn’t really appealing to those of us that actually like PvP.


not many are really roleplaying.

some guy started asking me weird things like “am i in character”, from my experience i would say 90% doesnt care :-p

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From my experience I’m starting to encounter more and more RP, at least on the Horde side. I think with time will get only better.


I’ve had dealings with the OP within game and they’re a super toxic individual.

ZT is better off without them.

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I think this is where the issue lies for me, I played on Defias Brotherhood for years and ran a pretty large RP / WPVP guild there. (This is for context before you suggest I’m a Warmode / Argent Dawn player)

This server should be a safe space and inclusive for all, this server doesn’t simply need to be known for its “light non serious RP” as you suggest.
That may be your prerogative but it simply isn’t everyone’s, I’m already seeing the attitude of many players leaning towards more serious levels of RP and it’s great to see.

So maybe in future realize that there are many facets for all players, be that casual PVE vs. raiding PVE, be that casual WPVP vs. BG Rankings or even Light Non Serious RP vs. “Serious RP”

There is space for us all, and you are not the voice of a whole server, I don’t post very often but I have seen your forum / discord activity previously and I have to say, I find your notions that you are a senior / more experienced figure on this server disingenuous at best, and downright deluded at worst.

P.S I have had nothing but great experiences on ZT so far, all our RP events have been a huge success and random players have either joined in or simply left us to it without interrupting.
I also love the mix of players (and non RPers getting their feet wet in RP scenarios) just as I did on Defias all those years ago! :slight_smile:



You are a funny guy.

I am the most influential person on this server, I radiate an aura of skill and perfection.

I am that influential, you decided to make some random post aimed at me calling me deluded.
This helps me cement my position as the top Dog on this server thank you for your support!


“Safe space” and “inclusive” are buzzwords which raise a lot of red flags for me, but otherwise I wholehearthedly agree with the content of your post.

As I’ve previously stated, my in-game experience with players from RP guilds have been very positive so far, so it seems that most people with a more authoritarian attitude about RP who want to force they way of thinking to everyone else on the server and were very vocal on the forums around launch already gave up on Classic and went back to retail.


The fact that this is all you have to reply from my post says it all, I hope you reassess your approach going forward, but I doubt it, and this has only highlighted why you won’t be listened to nor entertained on this server.

Have a good day :grin:

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They certainly are buzzwords but definitely shouldn’t raise red flags as they are important elements of any good community regardless of where it is!

But thank you for taking the time to make a measured response that you both agree and have issues with :slight_smile:
These are the kind of conversations we need to have to push the server community forward, not like the ones above!

Hope to see you in game at some stage :slight_smile:

Yeah I kind of agree. I remember back when I played pve rp there were world pvp events which were basically giant slow form LARPs where there wasnt actually any pvp. A bunch of people wearing greys slowly ebbing back and forth while shouting endlessly about how much they were winning.

Hence why I eventually went to DB and then full pvp servers. I was already mostly just PvPing in BGs anyway.

I preferred having gankers turn up to RP events because then I could strap on the heavy stuff and have an actual fight.

hi, I don’t get it: I’ve been toxic toward you? how then? or do you mean they’re toxic individuals on this server?

I have zero reason to take serious anyone who starts spouting sjw nonsense while calling me deluded.

pot kettle o/

Let’s form a raidgroup to gank this “sjw” thing, since it sounds gankable! If it’s a NPC, I don’t even care what loot it drops (perhaps pants while bending over…:joy: ) as long as it goes down, since it sounds dangerous to be alive and roam the lands of Azeroth freely!

Arise champions! Form alliances and unite in common cause to smite this “SJW” once and for all!


wait what? you do know that you’re playing on European servers right?

Jokes aside. People not respecting the rp policies on rp server is really just meh, why would a person join rp-pvp in first place if you don’t plan on acting by the policies? or do they think it means Really Powerful PvP?