Too many Void elf rpers

What makes it so hard? It doesn’t change that much. You are refusing to accept the story and just want cherries on top.

Mate, even how :poop: story is, you just need to dig deeper. All you do at the moment is watching the ground and wait the good thing either dug by others or they apear on themselves. You aren’t giving any effort to it.

Instead of being salty about it, how about digging deeper and not scratching the surface, hmmm?

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Syanidi’s post doesn’t really make much sense, but I think the point being made is valid. What I do feel is that hardship and overcoming difficulty makes for a good story and it’s a very easy means by which to get involved in the story again.


Night Elves feel dangerous again.

They felt dangerous for all of three quests. I was a bit hyped for warcraft 3 style nelves.

Then Nathanos ENOUGH’d Tyrande and casually fought off both her and Malfurion while taunting them, then casually popped some bats out of his bum and flew away into the air at about 3 miles per hour, and the magic of 8.1 was thrown out the window and turned into another “lol nelf’s” meme. The prepatch did not help, nor did the lack of explanation for the dark eyes on nelves that aren’t Tyrande. Add to that the fact that just like Wintergrasp/Ashran etc there will probably be no winner in warfronts and the enthusiasm’s drained straight out of the game again.

I generally don’t real Syanid’s posts on account of her guild posting almost exclusively trash memes that litter the forums.


I’m not real…woah…



Well done, you’ve just discredited yourself by showing prejudice based on guild.

Someone should “enough” her again, PERMANENTLY.

You must be blind, we clearly see them fly in, because you know, bats fly.


I don’t really recall that happening in the fight with Nathanos. Although he doesn’t receive the a$$-kicking that might have been anticipated, he leaves in defeat/humiliation, forced to flee.

I think at a certain point, some of the most ardent critics of the new lore have just decided it’s all bad, without the willingness to give it a chance.

One of the most important things we need to do as RPers is make something good out of what we’re given - I feel as though Darkshore is an excellent chance for that. I’ve already gotten a lot of compelling RP out of it.


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How could this happen to me?


Well done, you’ve just discredited yourself by showing prejudice based on guild.

Yes? As if I care. I also despise Rotgarde, Hand of Conquest, etc. The meme dream team from AD/D and their unguilded low level horde alts are generally a cancer wherever they go on here, nothing new.

You must be blind, we clearly see them fly in, because you know, bats fly.

I don’t play Horde, but on the Alliance side of the quests, they don’t. It was very jarring.

Someone should “enough” her again, PERMANENTLY.

I agree.

Calls someone else a cancer

Plays Nelf DK

All we need now is the dark theme song and we got a Darkshirian on our hands.

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I don’t really recall that happening in the fight with Nathanos. Although he doesn’t receive the a$$-kicking that might have been anticipated, he leaves in defeat/humiliation, forced to flee.

Nathanos soloing Tyrande and Malfurion is a pretty decent meme right now, you should watch it again. I’ll timestamp it.

Why even press the reply button at all if this is all you’re going to post?

Why even press the reply button at all if this is all you’re going to post?

Troll someone else.

Troll someone else.

Use this in right context.

Cancer is cells dividing uncontorably and can lead to death. If you are going to say “This X group is bad” at least use right word for it.

You can’t just come up with orginal insult, so you stick with used ones. Get a grip of yourself

Did I insult your friends? I’m sorry. You should tell them about it in AD/D.

I wish I could be excited about where the story is going as the people here, but I can’t scrounge up the slightest bit of enthusiasm anymore. I just feel like Its just going to be a buildup that’s eventually going to dissapoint. I’m happy for people like Loras and Mythundis who are enjoying the story, But I’m just not getting “it”. Even though i’d like to grab the same spark they evidently have.

You should get “It” dude, it’s such a good book.


I’m happy for people like Loras and Mythundis who are enjoying the story, But I think Its too late for me.

Yes, that’s about where I am. I want to like it, but it’s a struggle, which is a shame, really, because the art is looking fantastic.