As Deja said, this isn’t about luck. It’s about proactively doing something to make friends or build a network of ‘key buddies’.
Also, the character you’re posting on is in a big guild with plenty of 3k+ members. Why are you not asking them to run keys with you?
This shows that it’s most definitely a ‘you’ problem. Take more care over the people you invite when you list a key. (For comparison, if I list my own key, I take a long time over picking people - and if someone I’ve already invited doesn’t want to wait and leaves, that’s no big deal and I replace them - and most of the keys I list are completed in time.)
I ask my guild often.
The reason i wrote my first post, wasnt to get bullied. Or judged by people who act like they know me, while they have no clue about me at all.
The issue i wanted to adress (as others probably already did), that its too easy to troll on keystones again and again.
Too easy not to care. It s very easy to play bad, be toxic and leave - as there are no consequences.
This post is about this issue ALONE !!!
This post is not about me personally.
For a start, it would be nice to see that people can understand that.
Ah, it’s about this again. You could just scroll through a few of the many, many old posts on this topic to see that it’s been done to death.
The simple answer is, if Blizzard makes the groups, Blizzard applies consequences for ‘bad’ behaviour.
If the players make the groups, it’s up to the players to do it - by not inviting the same character again, putting them on ignore, warning their friends about them, etc. (There is an argument that it should be possible to put entire accounts on ignore, not just single characters, which is something only Blizzard can help with. I would certainly support that.)
Yes. I imagine it s very boring to see these kind of complaints again and again.
I dont follow the forum personally, but i can imagine there are a lot of post like this.
Yet i felt like i want to adress it by myself this time. Simple as that. Maybe something ll change for the better soon.
at the beginning i say 3 times: “im single dps class” and " not meta class not healer"
Than u say this (and other nonsense things)
“If you managed to tank a key from a 25 to a 16 youre memeing or something”
Im not sure u understand what u read. If u even bother to read. U dont get what is this about.
(" I’ve never heard of a key being bricked by 9 levels before"
What if u never heared about anything like this before? Now u hear. I suppose u re not a person who knows everything.
Such thing can happen sadly. It wasnt nice, u can imagine.)
Well… while I don’t mind a bit of forum drama to liven up an otherwise boring Saturday afternoon, I sadly have grocery shopping to do. I’ll check in on this entertainment when I get back