We should play toguether one day
I do the same. Also I give people a minute or two and if ppl don’t greet me back when I join I leave.
If I’m a healer and they’ve been in queue for 5/6 minutes and I get an invite - when I get to the dungeon, sit there for 2-3 minutes and see they are all still in Valdrakken I’ll leave as well.
Basically if people show no common courtesy I won’t show them any either but I’ll go out of my way for someone who is polite, possibly sucks a bit but says “I’d really like to finish this for the vault” or whatever.
Its not luck to time 20 keys, especially this Season.
yes it is worth. You get a transmog effect that you cannot earn anymore once the season is over.
for all 20s, which is basically 2.7 (could be lower if you only do 20s on 1 week and have low keys on other week)
whether you think the transmog effect is good or worth it is up to you.
looked decent in season 1 on shaman at least
I am kind of curious where my reply to this went? I stated a couple of reasons why people keep playing. Have I been censored?
This is also a questionable view. It does not reflect my experience at all nor (probably) OPs. In at least 50 percent of the random groups you being friendly does nothing. And ignoring douches does not keep douches from compromising your run. Maybe you should check the reality side of things some time. Not to be a douche (that was a lie). But it simply does not check out imo.
In competitve games there are only two options to the problem of toxicity and ANY game EXCEPT World of Warcraft has already recognized and acted upon this fact:
- Preventing toxic and malicious behaviour
- Punishing toxic and malicious behaviour
Yes you can do 1 yourself, search a guild yes you can join some communities and whatever but here is the Deal:
For normies, so like 98% of humanity
both of these are not the customers or players job, it’s the game designers job.
Most people would not even care to talk to any of you or me on a forum like this even if they had a similar experience to OP ot me. They simply take whats the easiest option to get going and thats the dungeon browser. I feel like half the people who play do not even know what a guild is at this point.
And if they find that this easiest option, dungeon browser, makes up for a bad experience, hopefully they quit eventually. Or get bothered to speak up after all, eventually.
Dunno… check my profile. Please. Look at the runs I have done. My system works. I have proven it many times.
And I hope Centurion is not your main. Cause you have done like 20 runs total. Not a representative amount. And to be honest, OP has more successful dungeon runs than unsuccessful ones. So IMO if anything its a rant about anecdotal cases.
And for the record, im not claiming douches don’t exist. Im just saying that they are a minority. And if you see them consistently over and over again, then maybe, just maybe, the problem might not be them.
And what I mean by that is: So OP is doing 25s. Those are key levels where 1 mistake of 1 person can cost the key. Its what it is.
But people LOVE to absolutely begin a blame-game in /party when something like that happens. When in reality, 99% of the time, its just that. A mistake. Everyone does mistakes. I do mistakes. MDI people do mistakes… Its part of the M+ pushing process. The harder the key, the more times you wipe. It is what it is.
So when people argue over and over again, then they start complaining that there are douches all over the place.
So… don’t argue. Just say: Did my best. Sorry for key. I had fun anyways (which I did by the way). DONE. Its not like somehow flaming that boomie that body pulled 1 wasp in EB26 is magically gonna give me IO.
And who enforces this? Daddy Blizz? What rules then? And if I don’t agree with them what? Or maybe I think they are not strict enough?
And how? With an automatic AI reading all the /party chat and deciding with some algorithm? Or maybe dunno… with esoteric rules to leavers that makes accidents (DC) or genuine emergencies false positives… You tell me.
Or players themselves ( rolf… ). Like you asking trolls not to troll and mas report for whatever dumb reason… Not gonna work. It will make trolls even more troly IMO.
At the end of the day, the reason WoW does not have any mechanisms like that is because WoW is not Dota. Its not LoL, its not CS…
Its a different game.
Never have people leave my keys at those key levels… at 25s ect its expected when it cant be timed and no hard feelings.
Well, its happened ones or twice, but not anywhere near where its a problem.
- live with it and move on because internet kids are like that?
It will come down to how frequent it happens. If every of my key was affected, a crack down should happen for sure.
Now it is like 1 out of 100 keys that I have some raging ape in my group which is probably also the biggest fail mob.
Toxicity also has a range spectrum for people…
Do I think calling someone out for doing no DPS and gaming in a 20 key is toxic? Nope, mainly because that 1 person is toxic for ruining peoples run and there is a 99.9% chance that he knows as well he does not belong there.
Insulting or constantly belittling people of course is toxic and there will be a fine line between these two cases for sure.
Generally I ended up not giving a flying f about failing a key and carrying potatoes.
In some situation it is more aggravating for sure e.g. I pushed my low rio/geared alt key to 18 with hard work and then some crapperoni destroys my key and it will be super hard to push it up again because nobody join the key. But well, thats life i guess.
why would you even care if some random dude called you some bad words on the internet?
Just leave the group and you will never see that one again. Yea your key or whatever is done for but his time is equally affected.
certainly. At some point it is expected to have more failed keys than successful ones if you reach the scaling ceiling.
Than we still have those playing in 25s that think they easy could do 32s if the other 4 players werent so garbage. They are delusional and at one point they cannot find any group anymore because the pool of people that doing the highest keys is not exactly the biggest. If you made a name for yourself being a douche a bad player, you will be hard stuck anyways.
Did a 22 EB earlier.
Pull the lashers with the first boss, dps dies to the boss’s breath because keeping your eyes open and mashing divine storm is hard - and hes our CR. We soldier on past the intermission, get to the next main phase and the tank turns the boss just as it does a breath and ganks another person so then we decide to reset it…
Yea, we failed on a target dummy…
Proceed to 2nd boss, I should note that we have 4 melee and an evoker so common sense dictates the evoker will kick the heal. Evoker fails to lust until after the boss has cast the heal that went unkicked. Melee are so busy screaming “luuuuuuuust” that they plant toxic poo under the boss. We wipe.
I say thanks for the run and leave and then get angry whispers about how “we could timed it!” Suuuuuuure, we can’t even do the easy stuff right. ymmv but leaving when I did isn’t toxic, its a time waste to persist to the end. Just accept defeat and move on. Preferably after a bit of reflection so you don’t extend 8 bursting stacks into 9 after 2 seconds because you’re having a dps competition.
Thus ends my rant.
Even with out ranting, that stuff still can happen.
Yesterday I did: EB28… fail… EB27… fail… EB26… fail… (to be fair, that 28 was a MASSIVE long-shot. Best shaman in the world only manages 27 in tyrannical… It was just “practice” as I would call it).
We also abandoned half way when it was not clear we would time it. It was a unanimous agreement too…
And that was with a premade. Mistakes here and there and you just deplete the keys. No bad manners, no bad intentions. Its just how M+ works at any level.
Funny thing is, that I fear that your colleagues running the 22 have to learn that lesson little by little. But they will. Eventually.
You did the right thing though. Totally understandable.
Hi, thanks for your reply. I made a whole seperate thread a week before commenting here and gave some thoughts to prevention of toxicity as I agree with you that punishment by daddy blizzard would be only suppressing the symptom not removing the illness. It doesn’t change that punishing toxic behaviour makes people apply it less in theory, because you know… they get punished. But preventing it is much better, it’s also much more complex though.
Good evening everyone!
A few days ago, we found this post (Anachronox officers). We were surprised because the mentioned person was not very active on the clan’s Discord server during her time in the clan. After writing the post, she left the clan a few days later, stating that she would rather play with her friends. We let the matter go here because this is a game, if someone wants to play with their friends, they should do so
But just to comment on the original topic:
- Indeed, pugging isn’t in the best state, but it’s not unbearable. If you have the proper skills, you could rise your m+ keys to the level of 20 or above. I know some friends who achieved high rio scores this way. The key is determination.
- When I pug (very rarely because I can always go for M+ dungeons with the clan), I still find some individuals who somehow lands in my friendlist
. This is essential, especially if someone pugs a lot.
In addition, there have been many discussions about many other things in this thread, but I won’t go into them now.
Wishing everyone pleasant raiding and many more m+ timed keys in the future!
Looks like the mentioned officers are not the brightest bulbs.
U dig up my old post. U totally misunderstand it, while u dont have any knowledge about me either.
I never mentioned ANY guild in my post, and if u read, u should realize it wasnt about the guild. No one took it that way, except U I belive.
Maybe I didnt even meant this guild in general but ofc why ask me about it before u act nasty?
No hard feelings on my side, I forgive the nasty experience i got for no reason.
“In addition, there have been many discussions about many other things in this thread, but I won’t go into them now” >> why pretend u came here to talk about the original topic? Clearly that wasnt the purpose. U came here to put me down, based on a missunderstanding. So i hope this is a goodbye as this drama made my stomach upset a bit.
no complaint if i do m plus i do m plus dont want to do m plus wont do it
Haha that s the way to put it. I let this be the “end word”, as it makes the most sense
Anyway, my aproach is different now. I realised it s pointless to bring up such issue here.
It was an old topic and about to disappear but now its back on the top lol. It doesnt bother me :3 Everybody ll read only the first post anyway. keep it on top if u want. Im out.
Sure you didn’t.
A snuffed out candle calling others “not the brightest bulbs”.
You guys get groops for 20`s ?
If i post my 20 stone almost nobady signs up, mostly 1 Dps in 10 min
I hope soon is a push week with affixes
I wonder if my IO or GS is too low, i have done every keystone on 18++ tyr and fort because you find ton of player in that range that aim for the weekly i got into one 20 wich fails 30s on timer
Is there any community i can join or guild that like too run stones arround 20
All friends i got have quit the game Sadge
Dungeon Dojo, Chillstreak, No pressure, Calm keystones.
that is because your highest keys are 18s and now you want to do 20s.
Generally okay, but heals and tanks avoid people with lower RIO and DDs avoid groups till they have a tank or a healer.
The story is as following:
The 20s you will get invited into are run by players that are pretty bad and cannot find good players as the “good” player or better “higher rio” players will not apply to low rio groups to avoid the fail runs.
Incorp spiteful is push week.
But push weeks doesn’t matter at all for 20s as nobody is “pushing” 20s anyways.
Incrop will destroy a lot of those potatoe groups in the 18-20 range though because the dds are terrible.
If you want to quickly push 20s, then your best bet is to play heal.
Generally if you push your RIO beyond 2.7k as heal or tank first and then switch to DPS you will make your life a lot easier and you don’t spend 24/7 waiting in queue.