Too outdated for me Classic

“We” don’t You do.
I love the old graphics, gameplay …everything!


How would modernized Classic with all of the modern game design trends be any different than leveling to 60 in Cataclysm or playing now in Cataclysm Timewalking Campaign?

There is no reason of making modernized version of WoW Classic because that version already exists.

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That’s an interesting observation.

Now I don’t play retail, and though I’ve seen the term ‘timewalking’ written down in various adverts etc. I don’t really know what it is, or what it means.

Are you saying that people can already visit the content of previous expansions in retail?

Does timewalking also include TBC content?

If so, what are all these retail fans who want to play TBC but, who hate levelling and want to play TBC with retail features doing on our forums? Surely they can use this timewalking to play the kind of TBC they evidently prefer?


Once every 2 weeks there is a Timewalking event for specific expansion. This includes selection of heroic dungeons and in some cases one raid from that expansion. Players that enter it are scaled down to appropraite level and rewards are scaled up to actual player level. There isn’t one for classic.

There is also new thing added in Shadowlands: Timewalking Campaign also known as Chromie Time. It’s available for your alts while levleing to level 50. It basicly puts you in the chosen timeline(only story wise, game still has current mechanics) and scales content of that timeline up to level 50 so you can level only in that chosen timeline. Classic zones are included in Cataclysm timeline becasue they have been revammped and modenized in Cataclysm and Cataclysm specific zones requrie flying that is available at level 30. But you don’t have to those zones because every zone scales up.

Well timewalking isn’t a full experience, you can level up but it’s still faster and easier than it was back then and onc in a few months you have some heroic dungeons + Black Temple available. You don’t have full on access to how classes played back then and full on endgame. It’s not full on experience.

Thanks for the clarification.

Still for the kind of person who ‘only likes endgame’, ‘hates levelling’, and wants a bunch of QOL and convenience features added to the game, Timewalking and Chromie Time would seem an acceptable compromise, no?

The best compromise for those type of players is : don’t play MMORPG.

They should play dungeons crawlers/Hack&Slash.


I still don’t understand why is not possible to play Classis with the new visuals? It should be only an option in the game settings. Would not change the gameplay nor anything else, only the graphics.

Shamy chain heal would not look like a tube, but a spell. There would be grass, water reflection, ambient occlusion etc. Also, the gameplay should be stay unaltered. Why is this a problem since all of us would play the same game but with different graphic setting?

You can max your settings and have grass, water etc un-Vanilla like :wink:
ActiBlizz tried a toggle for two character-types once down the line oand have to give it up because of bugs. So … no new models in Classic.

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Correct me if I’m wrong. In retail you can play with minimum graph settings, still unaltering the gameplay. I mean the game would look like Minecraft but with the modern gameplay. I may be wrong, so …

Don’t know anything about how gameplay is in Retail. But in Classic 3 on graphix settings equals Vanilla settings, if you go higher, you’ll have more details, looking more like Retail.

No, no and no. If this is what you desire you can simply remain on retail servers. These kind of things were talked in length prior to launch of Classic servers and it was pretty clear that most people didn’t want those things.

The queue system especially is a horrible idea for classic, it goes against the very thing that most people were after, when asking for classic. If you want to just queue up and teleport to dungeons, then retail is already there for you.

They would have to invest more into making the game for a portion of the player population to like the game more. I for one don’t care about updated graphics at all, but I understand if others do. Graphics is not something that we play the game for.

Are you aware of what the term classic actually means?

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Sounds nice but nothing I would prioritise.

Wouldn’t like more flight points, but some flight routes are sketchy for sure. Optimising those routes would be good for the game.

This is something that I would be very hesitant about. The appeal of classic was that you gather a group and then move to the dungeon that is located somewhere in this game world. Having an instant teleport makes that location completely irrelevant. Instead of having a game world it would feel like a queue simulator game that retail dungeon running is (outside M+). Group gathering tools could work if the party leader could still pick who he wants to invite. You’d have to be careful about that too not to show item level or other info to avoid ilvl gating dungeon content.

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