Top 3 best race class combinations (Lorewise)

Hello my beloved community. I thought that it would be interesting to hear your opinions.

1. Pandaren Monk: There is no class that is so deeply connected to its class. Not only did they invent it, they also look Asian.

2. Night Elf Druid: No other race have such a deep connection to the nature. No other race (except Trolls) have such connection to Wild Gods. No other race have so many Druids in their society. They have deserved to be the top 2 imo!

3. Nightborne Mage: Night Elves which doesn’t canceled the use of arcane magic. Arcane magis became a really big part in their society, what you can always see on their clothes. They are also masters of the time magic.


Human paladin
Orc shaman
Night elf hunter


Kul Tiran Restoration Shaman
Kul Tiran Survival Hunter
Human Retribution Paladin

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Human/Kul Tiran/Worgen Anything. Because we do everything better than other races. It’s literally in our lore, check it up.


Gnome Tinker.


I checked it up but I found… nothing. You’re a all-round race which can do everything (except DH), but nothing perfect.

You didn’t check enough. As Shakespeare said, check yourself before you shrek yourself.

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I found also no Human DH :confused:

No particular order, all of them are great:

Orc Shaman: They just look right. Their culture traditionally is deeply rooted in harmony with the elements. And most Shaman Sets are designed with an Orc in mind

Human Paladin: Most boring race combined with the most boring class. It just works. (and paladins are also a good representation of human society with their Light-Warrior theme)

Tauren Hunter: Their Society is nomadic and traditionally supplied with everything (Food, Material for Clothing and Housing etc.) by their Hunters.

Dwarven Warrior: Dwarves look great in plate-armor, and the image of the Tank who is as wide as he is tall is just funny :slight_smile:


That’s because no respectable human would enter an elf’s personality cult.

You already did it with druidism.

Gilneans are Harvest Witches and Kul Tirans Thornspeakers. No elfies involved there. Them being druids is really just a game-play thing. Kind of like horde paladins.


How are they more boring than a Night Elf Hunter (wow, so original, totally not Legolas-inspired) or Blood Elf Mage (wow… just wow, It’s not like Elves make great mages in literally every high fantasy universe)?


Nope, the harvest whiches where teached by Elves to become Druids. Oh, I also forgot the Worgen sentinals :wink:

Because neither the class or the race is boring.

Humans are not boring, they are one of the most developed races in Warcraft. Which other race has seven distinct and well-estabilished cultures?

Obviously, I imagine that you went beyond the silly generalization “We are Humans in real life so they are boring”.

As for Paladins, they are a very unique and original class and have been since Warcraft III. Warrior is the most generic class in the game.

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“Gilnean druids may have been capable of shapeshifting even prior to contact with the night elves, since when Genn Greymane saw a night elf shapeshift out of , it reminded him of Gilnean harvest-witches.”

Via wowpedia. Read the Genn short story if you don’t believe.:blush:

They are a walking cliché of human potential.

I like LotR humans.

Well, at least warrior doesn’t feel so retarded.

Touché. What’s about Worgen Sentinels?

  • Lightforged Paladin

The lightforged are the epitome of the paladin, both of their conviction and of their execution, as fighters chosen by the light itself, they should fully fulfill the theme of the paladin and be best at it!

  • Tauren Shaman

That was a particularly difficult choice for me, but I think the Tauren outperform the orcs and trolls here again, as well as the dwarves, and thus spearhead the whole thing.

  • Bloodelf/Nightborne and Human Mage

The elves of Quel’Thalas should be in the lead if they actively use the Sunwell. However, they are not currently doing so, just as the nightborn still do not have their nightwell. Of course the Humans in arcane magic are also very big

  • Elf Hunter

Whether Night Elf, Void Elf, Blood Elf, I don’t even think Nightborne, no race of elves are weak in it and even if there are different varieties, the Ranger/Sentinel is the prestige example for being a hunter and the Hunter Class Hall confirmed that these three races are the best hunters in the world. (in mass)

  • Orc Warlock

well, what can I say about that, unfortunately there is currently no Named character, but I think the heirs of the Shadow Council and the associated writings give them a great advantage to this day.

  • Voidelf Priest

As shadow priests, the Voidelves should clearly be the top.

  • Lightforged Priest

As users of light, the light forged

  • Forsaken Priest

As balance between the powers the followers of the cult might have the nose in front.

  • Nightelf Druid

No more questions.

  • Orc Warrior

Although they are not the strongest physically, Worgen and Tauren may have the nose in front, but in the overall package, the orcs may well be the strongest combination here.

  • Voidelf Rogue

Why the Voidelf here? Well, quite simply: He can use the powers of the Void to make himself invisible, undetectable, unnoticeable, can really shake off Lorewise’s magic, can actually do anything the skilltree really provides.

  • Pandaren Monk


  • Human Deathknight

Controversial, but I’m sticking with the idea that Humans should make the best combination here.

  • DH - Elfs



They are a walking cliché of human potential.

Again with that overused meme. When will you people stop?

I like LotR humans.

Yeah, because Tolkien is better than Blizzard.

Well, at least warrior doesn’t feel so retarded.

Is this kindergarten?

Orcs still have more with every Clan having his own Culture.

Frostwolf, Bleeding Hollow, Blackrock, Shadowmoon, Thunderlord, Shattered Hand, Dragonmaw, Warsong, Burning Blade, Laughing Skull, Stormreaver, Twilight Hammer, Black Tooth Grin…
Then there’s the melting pot cultures of today’s horde and the Mag’har.
That makes 14 different established Cultures within the Orcs. (Blacktooth Grin Clan is an offshoot of the Blackrock-Clan)

The Tauren have a few too, and the Trolls have dozens of different tribes with different cultures (only sharing that most of them are xenophobe and agressive)

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