Top 3 best race class combinations (Lorewise)

Are sentinels a cult of personality? Do they say things like “Lady Tyrande knows the way!” or “Trust in Lady Tyrande’s plan!”? I don’t think so. The only personality cults we have are the Illidari and current Horde.

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No, they say “Lady Shandris” :wink:

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Orcs still have more with every Clan having his own Culture.

Yeah, because an entire expansion was devoted to discovering their culture.

The Tauren have a few too

The only unique tribe is the Grimtotem, the rest are pretty identical. Unlike Humans. A Gilnean is clearly different from a Lordaeronian or a Stormwind, and is much more similar to a Kul Tiran as Kul Tirans descend from Gilneans.

  1. Still salty about WoD? It sucked and gave us nothing new.
  2. All of the Clans existed before WoD and we knew enough to consider them different cultures.
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And Lady Shandris says “What are you planning to do tonight, Keeshan?” Humans win again! I told you several posts ago.

All of the Clans existed before WoD and we knew enough to consider them different cultures.

That is not the point I am making. The point is that it is in Warlords that the various clans started having different aesthetics, customs, armor sets, banners, etc.

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You only doesn’t want to say that I’m right :slight_smile:

It isn’t. Most Clans had their Banners before WoD.
And the human kingdoms get their differences now, until BfA Kul Tirans looked the same as people from Stormwind (Jaina) and their architecure (what we saw) was the same too.

You are delusional if you think that that alone made them varied and different.

Well, that’s obviously true. Because you are not right.

Except that this expansion is not called “Kings of Azeroth”, with Human antagonists, zones centered entirely around Humanity, and Humans appearing pretty much everywhere.

Warsong: Warlike, Nomadic, Wolf-Riders, Battlehymns → all established before WoD
Blackrock: Like molten stuff, live in a volcanic fortress, good smiths →
all established before WoD
Frostwolf: Like the Cold, have a deep connection to their wolves, good hunters, closest to their old culture ->all established before WoD
Shadowmoon: deeply spiritual → established before WoD
Thunderlord: great hunters → established before
Burning Blade: Blade Masters, Honor Code (Samurai Inspired) → established before WoD

If you’re playing Alliance you’re right, but except the name that’s pretty much the Horde experience for much of the game.

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Next time don’t claim that Humans are the most boring race in Warcraft when they are pretty much one of the most developed and complex races in the game. You can dislike them as a race, but you cannot downplay the fact that they are pretty much one of the most varied and complex races in the game.


but they are.

Stormwind: High Fantasy Standart Humans, Gondor for poor people.
Stromgarde: Ruin
Alterac: Ruin
Gilneas: Ruin, Victorian england for poor people
Lordaeron: Ruin, old fallen kingdom destroyed from within… Nûmenor for poor people
Kul’Tiras: Baltimore for poor people.

They did nothing new for the warcraft humans, everything is “X but with a new name”

Every other race has a new spin never done before.

looks at Warhammer Fantasy

Äh nop!

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  1. Void
  2. Elf
  3. Hunter
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Warcraft started as Warhammer fantasy game, but the races taken from there have changed massively.
Except humans, they are mostly the same.

  1. Have

  2. You

  3. Reasons?

Only that Warcraft had never reached the extent and depth of the Warhammer cultures with their very clear peculiarities, strengthen and weaken

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I dare to say, that the Orcs in Warcraft are deeper than the ones in Warhammer. Their culture pretty much starts and ends with WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!