Top 3 best race class combinations (Lorewise)

Orcs are a exception, but even orcs have in warhammer more then “WAAAAARGH”

That’s exactly how warcraft orcs are, but they just start crying once they get beaten.

  1. Me
  2. Mere presence makes people mad :smirk::ok_hand:
  3. Alleria :heart: (best windrunner)

In all seriousness:

  1. Human Paladin/Warrior (classic Alliance badass)
  2. Dwarf Hunter with gun (Riflemen Mountaineer)
  3. Night Elf Priest (I am obligated to say this due to a contract)

Yeah, that’s true!

I’m mad after you!


Night elf druid

Night elf priest

Human mage

Excuse me?

Vereesa > Alleria. Atleast she helped the Alliance wipe out the Sin’dorei from a city. And she didn’t even need any Void-, Undead- or Light-related buff for it.

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She mean…Alleria is the most skilled Windrunner, and indeed she is, even Sylvanas admitted it.

What? But that opinion is wrong.
Alleria >>>>>> Vereesa

Alleria helped the Alliance push back the green mongrels through their portal, while hunting them down in their own homeworld (no infusement). Vereesa killed some loser Bloodelf scum while mommy jaina watched her back.

Alleria gave us playable void elves, while vereesa did nothing but take away alliance race spotlight with her stupid High Elves, that aren’t even playable and when asked about it, we are told to switch Horde.

Also: Vereesa almost fell for Sylvanas’ epic trolling attempt at Garrosh’s trial.

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Fixed it.


Well Vereesa pushed back the green-eyed backstabbin’ traitorious mongrels…! Even if it was with help of “Mommy” Jaina.

Alleria fought the Greenskins back while being watched over by Turalyon and the Alliance Expedition… So there is that! D:

Can’t argue against that, even if they’re supposed to be even less then Vereesa’s band of High Elven exiles.

Can’t blame her for wanting to be with her family. She was in a dark place then, as she had only recently lost the love of her life. And even Alleria almost fell for Sylvanas’ invitation. Only reason neither Alleria nor Vereesa are death was because Sylvanas didn’t spring her trap to kill them both.

Get out. D:


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If your comment haven’t at least 10 chars you can’t post anything. /10 chars is a filler.

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This is an undisputable argument :heart:

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Well, that explains that! Thanks… I was at a real loss about why I saw it pop up so many times :stuck_out_tongue:

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I think you’re undermining your own case here.

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Zandalari Paladins
Mag’har Priests
Gnome Warriors


Human Paladin
Worgen Rogue
Dark Iron Warrior

Hard just to limit it to 3 actually


Alleria and Turalyon are equals and an amazing couple :heart: She doesn’t need him to watch her back.

Vereesa probably can’t even defeat that loser Aethas sunreaver by herself.

Only in the minds of :peach:-mad haters :smirk: and high-elf fanboys.
Void Elves are absolutely epic and amazing. :fu:

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Peach mad hater Oo

Strawberry joyful lover.


I only don’t like their skin color & hair color. I think that’s the main reason why some peiple still want high elves, or at least an other customisation option.

What Blizzard needs to do is stop adding High Elf npcs left and right.

The Alliance has races that have practiced the Arcane for WAY longer than Thalassians and it would be nice to see that their presence is acknowledged.

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