Top 3 best race class combinations (Lorewise)

WHich makes a more appropriate Dark Iron, rogue or warrior? DOnt care about racial benefits but lorewise?



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1 Frosaken Warlock
the light hates them so they go for shadow and fell
2 Orc warrior
what every orc dreams of being
3. Worgen hunter
they seems to have a natural gift for it even before they became half wolves.


iā€™d go warrior, but then again my entire knowledge of dark iron lore comes from running blackrock depths. i like them because they are evil dwarves with burning beards

Fire mage imo. Dark Irons are meant to be gifted sorcerers.

I couldnā€™t decide between warrior or rogue in the end so I went with both. Rogue seems like it could be a good fit as I remember reading the spymasters and assassins of Ironforge were Dark Irons prior to the big split.

Also Perds Blade and Corehound Tooth, need I say more.

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Gnome surgeon
Because of Gnomemercy

Forsaken supermodel
Get the Lordaeron look

In contrast

Goblin pie eating contestant
Because they just keep gobblinā€™

Human mmo gamer
Always been the most popular race/clas combo since for ever

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Orc mage ofc! Tell me how many of these do you see eh? It has to take a special kind of stupidā€¦er smartā€¦ I meant smart to be an orc who can be a mage!

Other notable race-class combos that are awesome and best are: Forsaken Hunterā€¦ if pet get hungry, throw a bone at it!
Worgen Mage (Male): have you seen thier casting animationsā€¦ its almost Zoidberg level movement whopoopoopoop

But does it really fit. I mean where could you see much lore about Orc/Worgen Mages or a Forsaken Hunter?

You dont actually. I was speaking in jest.

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Orc jester!

Iā€™d roll one of those!

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