Top 3 best race class combinations (Lorewise)

Put it this way… DKs are dead fights and heroes raised from the dead and compelled with dark powers to do their masters bidding.

Demon hunters are elves that are driven to the extent they are willing to sacrifice everything, even their pretty appearances to do the impossible and master the impossible. They undergo the most rigorous physical and magical training, so they are the most elite combatants aimed at taking on a phenomenal foe.

The foes the demon hunters train to fight are far more dangerous than the ones the DKS are raised to deal with.

THe level of intensity of training and the durarion of the ones for demon hutners far exceeds that of DKs or nearly every race, considering some DHs have been at it for nearly 10k years.

REading Illidan and Arthas novel, the DH preparation, is the most intense.

Fel is the most destructive magical power in the universe, and the demon hunters master it. While there are arguments of whether death, void or fel is more powerful - all would agree fel is the most destructive.

The mental, psychological and emotional strength required to subdue an inner demon and control it takes the sort of drive i don’t think any class demands or requires of its members. And whiles you can get members of any class with the same level of dedication as a DH, you have to say your average DH is is way infront of your average any other class except for DK.

Illidan is a special case among the demon hunters, being previously a strong mage.
Not every demon hunter is Illidan. I think it’s more like comparing the Ancient Sith from the Star Wars series (Illidari) to the more modern ones (Warlocks).

The ancient ones were more of warriors, than anything else, where as the modern ones are scholars, with much much more destructive capability than the average ancient one, and none of this even counts in the Eredar warlocks and their chaos magic or other demonic ascendant warlocks.

Presuming (And I’ve yet to read the Illidan novel) that Illidan used the rift to destroy the Nathreza, he is really bad at creating rift or he just doesn’t care, because if that’d be the case, he’s already done it twice and that could have caused real damage to Azeroth.

The Legion was botched in the expansion, and the destructive capability of warlocks hasn’t really been depicted. The best one I can find is when Gul’Dan created the Hellfire Citadel in WoD. Single-handedly that could have destroyed tens, if not hundreds of demon hunters.

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Trolls have


Troll Shaman
Blood Elf Mage
Dreanei Paladin

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All true. Illidan is both a sorceror, melee combatant fel wielding demon hunter and represents the pinnacle of his race.

All your other words are also correct, however Illidan the novel does outline the rigour and strength of the average demon hunter. They are truly exceptional, there mortality rate being so high as well, they are exceptionally driven, in a way no other class has this sort of MO. [Note I said class, not individuals, an individual of any class can get that dedicated - it isn’t wrong to assume the player character is one such]

the way the book and the game describes them, is why I put them at the pinnacle of class

That’s actually a good idea. And the classes can really be split into different sections/specs

example Rogues:
Best Scouts : Blood elf farstriders , Night elves, Gnomes
Best Assassins: Orcs, Goblins, Elves
Best Intelligence Officers: Humans, Gnomes, Elves
Tracker Detectives: Night elf (Wardens), Blood elf Farstriders, Humans

Other classes c an be split as follows:

  • DKs - can’t really say, there is no lore distinction between the specs
  • DHs - can’t say either, no lore distinction between specs.
  • Druids: Balance, Feral druids, Guardian Druids of the Claw, Resto Druids of the Branch
  • Hunter: Trackers, Beastmasters, Rangers,
  • Mage: Arcanists, Frost elementalists, Fire Elementalists, Shadow and Blood
  • Monk: Healers, Brewmasters, Windwalker Combatants
  • Paladin: There is no real lore distinction (could be wrong - but i think they do all their specs.
  • Priests: Overall Well Rounded, Light, Shadow, Theologian Intellectuals
  • Shaman: Farseers, Elementalists, Chieftans or Advisors
  • Warlocks: Affliction, Demonologists, Destruction callers
  • Warriors: There really isn’t any lore distinction here.

Even with all the demonic aid you are still discounting the fact that warlocks can rain tanks on the enemies at minimum or just weave a curse that melts flesh.

Demonologist is probably the worst specialization against a demon hunter… Unless you can summon a doomguard that can do the same as you can, in which case we’re talking tens if not hundreds of demons of multiple unique species. Or just a rift to Xoroth. Then no one’s gonna have a good time.

Also the Night warrior’s mortality rate is a lot higher than a demon hunter’s, though hard to say how much power they have behind them.

Troll shaman - because not only game provides the most customization for this combo, as in glyphs and mogs, and spells. But also as a medium that deals with spiritual stuff, uses some tribal magic and has some nice shaman heroes to look up to.

Another great and established choices are Orcs and Tauren.

Troll hunter - Because they’re the true hunters, the true predators and beastmasters. Hunter is not just a marksman, hunter is not just ranger that scouts his area. And once again the original Horde trio has the most imo that makes the hunter so orcs and tauren. Heck Zandalari hunters are even hunting for other hunters, Nersingway barely got out alive.

Another reason is because Trolls and Orcs learned how to subdue enormous creatures and form their lifestyle around them. While Tauren have nomadic/hunter culture. That is a huge part of their lifestyle and the bonding with their animals is crucial for them.

Zandalari prelate - I just love this concept and I cannot wait to play it. Human paladin and draenei vindicator has the most fleshed out lore about being servants of light, so they’re a very viable option too, but I found the concept of Loa zealot far more tempting and more to the ground. I also love the backstory of how prelates are being trained- really makes them elites of their kind.

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Oh c’mon, that’s obviously biased!

Someone had to post for teh trolls! :muscle:
And besides I did gave credit for other combos :wink:

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race: dark iron
class: dwarf

other classes and races exist solely to give the dark irons context.


Yeah, the WoW universe was literally build around Dark Iron Dwarfs!

I love everything about Dark Irons, the history, the engineering, the atmosphere, the golems… I just hate the fact they’re short and stumpy…

Please don’t attack my ankles/knees, I’m sorry.

I was playing as dark iron dorf in Beta and while at first it was odd for me to shift from super tall dude to stumpy one I grown to love em. Really, - people were complaining that Alliance got shorter end of the stick when it comes to allied races - but I was never happier with the possibility to finally play as Dark Iron Dwarf.

I love seeing them in game and people creating nice mogs around them.

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I’m working on their heritage armor atm. Level 70 so far. I’m trying to work around my stigma because everything else around them is awesome.

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We should totally create like Dark Iron dwarf fan club or something.

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We need a Thane.

i would volunteer to be thane but i’m busy running around stormwind telling my teldrassil joke to night elves
also im not sure how alliance got the short end of the stick with allied races considering the fireblood thing is OP

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It’s all subjective I suppose. I think KTs are lame, along with Void Elves. But I love Dark Irons.

Alternatively I loved Maghar (until they assed up the orc run animations for no reason) but to be fair Mags don’t have flaming beards, or steam tanks. Raaaa

or horse mounts

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