Top 5 Worst Types of People to RP with?

And not only that, they would have been killed, most likely.

The only time I find such RP except-able, which isn’t even “Garithos 2.0” is when one is RP’ing a Scarlet. They are just wacko to everybody, Horde or Alliance.

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Even then, the Scarlets weren’t so much about hatred for a race but rather “Everything that isn’t us is tainted by the scourge, so it must die!!!”

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I think what everyone is getting at is, you wanna swear? Be creative. Call someone a fork-tongued Snake, say “You look like you were pushed out of an Ogre.”

Instead of resorting to F*ckface and Cbombs.


Your Mother is Dire Maul’s prettiest resident.

Your mom is so fat, she was used to plug the Maelstrom.

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Deathwing didn’t destroy Stormwind park, Your mother took a walk and fell over.


Aight imma be smart, and not make more mom jokes, otherwise I feel like we´ll flood the thread with them x)

Edit: Instead, you can watch this!

Those… are two of the oldest swear words.


Can we all stay away from the “swearing is/isn’t historically accurate” thing, please? It’s a tertiary point at best and an extremely poor justification for whether or not your character swears.

In the end, Warcraft is a setting designed for a 12+ audience, so excessive profanity isn’t appropriate for the setting. That’s all that really matters.


Slow. The. (Redacted). Down.


I don’t know why but I read that in both a Pandaren male and Eric Andre’s voice and it made me burst out laughing.


I will shamessly admit to have used it IC long time ago.

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Not going to shame you, that’s one of the funniest lines I’ve ever read.

Swearing? Fine.

Excessive? Naw don’t do that.

The simple truth is that the reason Garrosh’s B-drop on Sylvanas was so very memorable and hard-hitting is that swearing is rare in WoW, Garrosh being no exception.

If he had been dropping F-bombs in every appearance, it would get stupid instead of memorable.


People can discuss swearing in RP all they want. Doesn’t make endless F and C bombs any less of an eye-roller followed by a shake of the head.


Garithos is ultimately responsible for losing the entire northern kingdoms, from Quel’thalas to Dalaran (and Lordaeron inbetween). Other than his diplomatic failure with Kael’thas he also helped the enemy (the nathrezim resistance and later the forsaken) to bolster their forces and take over the capital city of Lordaeron.

Other than that it’s unlikely any non-human liked him at all. He was also kinda one-dimensional as a character. He was effective in the narrative as this side character slash antagonist that you loved to hate and it worked, but he’s essentially a footnote of shame among the generals of the Grand Alliance.


Stealth is IC.

I think we need to talk about this one. Sometimes I go off into the graveyard just to get some fresh air. When I know someone is following me, I emote what I am doing. But when ‘stealth is IC’, I have no idea anyone is there. So if I /dance, it would be completely out of character.

On the other hand, if I see someone hiding in the bushes, I pretend not to see them and emote everything I would be doing if they weren’t there.

I know the problem with this. If some people know OOCly you are watching them, they will avoid their evil acts and pretend like they are acting normal… standing in the middle of a graveyard with a shovel in hand.


Garithos was a bit bonkers, to be honest, even his racism didn’t make sense (Not that racism is big brain thinking anyway, but usually there is a reason), it pretty much seemed to be “I’m going to help People A, who are having a rough time of it. Whooaaah, People B just went and killed my family whilst I was helping People A. Why would you do this to me People A, I haaaaate you! Damn you all!”

People A: “Wait, what did we do to you?”

Garithos: “Nothing! Nothing at all, and now my family are dead!”

People A: “Are you not mad at like, the people who…actually did kill your family?”

Garithos: “I’m mad at everyone, I am a seething ball of emotions right now and hate everyone! Its your fault my family is dead! If I hadn’t been helping you then, my family would still be alive!”

People A: “You, do remember that…like, it was…your choice to come and help us?”

“Shut Up! INHUMAN!”

He was just a colossal douchecanoe to everyone, even his human troops, plus an absolute tactical numbskull. Varimathras did humanity a favour, to be honest…

That’s likely how your average joe will have heard of him, a colossal failure who soured relations with the Northern Eastern Kingdoms, and was outwitted by the Banshee Queen, and a Demon.

I’m not sure I am quite getting this one. When you say “Sometimes I go off into the graveyard just to get some fresh air” Do you mean your character does, or you plonk your character there and you the player take some time AFK? (I do that, I hate AFK’ing around people I am RPing with, or in an area someone might approach me and try to talk to my character, it just seems, I dunno, rude?, of course, it is easier when playing a mortal character, as you can literally go “Back in a few moments, call of nature”)

If it was the latter, and you could see the person actually stealthily hiding I don’t think it would be out of order to whisper them and go “If you are kind of watching what my character is doing, just letting you know that they’re pretty much just stood/sat in contemplation, OOC however I need to dash AFK, so don’t expect emotes from me till I’m back, cheers!”

If you can’t -see- their character, then, ehh, not much you can do.

We do however know, from the Thrall/Saurfang cinematic, that Stealth is(or is perfectly lore friendly to be) absolute invisibility. (I’m not even going into how happy it made me that they used the entering/breaking stealth noise in that cinematic). So someone using Stealth IC, is still doing it right. It is absolute invisibility. At which point, well, they can see what you are doing, same rules apply as if they were IC hiding in a bush. Only difference is that you might not (as in you the player) know they are there to whisper “I’m afk, so don’t expect much in the way of emotes”.

Is that what you meant, or something else?


I was happy to finally put that age old debate to rest.