Toughts from an alliance player

Hello guys,

I want to share some toughts with you as an alliance ranker.
It makes me really happy when I go inside Alterac Valley and I finish a game in 7 minutes.
I am also happy even if my games are 12 minutes because horde think they are better at this game (false illusion from phase 2 [remember zugs] and come to defend with 40 people).
Everytime I beat a turtle there is something warm i feel in my heart. I think it’s love for the sound that they make when they die.
Than rushing straight to next train awaiting the next sound to warm my heart.
I am not unhappy if I miss a que and i have to wait another minute until i can catch the next train.
I am very happy when I take a small break and come on this forum to read the posts here and I find out that horde still cries about it. When I read that I encourage myself to keep agoing for another 10 hours.

Horde cry me a river please :slight_smile:


Why are you upset? Your words say a different story from your feelings.


Just won vs ally premade after 46 min, feels good :innocent:


These posts give me life.

Theo you need to learn how to troll better. There is an art too it. Watch.

So you know Horde, there is nothing more entertaining than meeting enemy combatants that think they can win but really they can’t.

Its got to the point where I only need to spam 1 button to win and the rest of the time I’m watching Drama & Soaps off BBC I Player.

Mean while your hacking, casting and using every elite skill that got you your gladiator title but my Zerg (XRR) has steamrolled you that much that they’ve even remembered your names.

Oh look its:

Again! And

Again! And oh noes im scared its!

Not another Horde that we killed ………


Seriously AV is getting so boring because Horde are so bad that killing NPCs are more challenging.

Horde premade? Don’t make me laugh. All the Horde Premades I’ve seen are more embarrassing than that VIP Army led by some angry kid that likes to yell on Mic and make cringe videos.

I don’t even know why I’m bothering. Seriously! Learn to play!


Really though, why are you so upset? If you dont think AV is fun, don’t play it.

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You wish we didn’t play it. You might actually win a game. Imagine Horde Honor Per Hour without Deeply Disturbed making your honor farm so low. SO LOW.

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It’s not that big a deal man. I do pvp occasionally for fun. I got exalted when AV first came available. Hardly anyone ranks, you’re angry at a minority.

Or are you angry about something else, like losing against Pugs or something?

Said by someone who has given up, why so casual?


If you say so. Are you struggling or something, whats your issue? Ranking should be as simple as reaching cap.

late edit: it’s really nothing to get angry at other people about. Maybe you need to put more hours in but it’s you that’s made the commitment to do AV over and over.

Imagine no lifing in classic though for a rank like it’s some accomplishment XD.


Life of alliance; suck d*ck of some tryhard premade leader or go pug and lose 99%. Feelsbadman.

If you’re into sucking… of any kind… then you’ll enjoy the faction! Big gz from me dawg.

Inb4 alliance gloating; i did play alliance 60 at classic and regret it, they are bad and i don’t like sucking… of any kind.


Great to hear you enjoy the game buddy! Good luck to your adventures. Kill enough Hordies and you shall one day be crowned the honoured title of Hordekillah1

what is/are toughts?

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Good for you. I hope you enjoy your fat epics in couple of weeks, especially as you think that you earned them with “skill”.

With above said, your words only say that you are beyond upset because of horde turtles as they are lowering your honor per hour which in the ends means that you have to play more than you thought you’ll have to.


Your days on alliance were hard, i understand you reroll.

Not much as hard but i’m not the one who takes the d*ck, i am giver. So alliance is no-go for me bruh.

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I think you are on wrong site

Come on guys. This is P2 stuff. P3 is almost here.

Seems pretty legit to me, little blue gay fairies everywhere, and red alpha males on other side.