Tournament this weekend

Dunno, only truly boring games have been the dh/dk. The rest always have something.

Doesn’t frost also have shorter but more powerful burst which fits the grip + leg sweep playstyle

Yeah esp the rmx mirrors such entertainment.
Not talking about the current tourney

Shame cdews team is out, I like them but facing method black and then diabolus, they had it pretty hard. Pretty glad Jah is out though, I think he’s a dick :smiley:

Then don’t watch them.

the forums told me that rmx was unbeatable :grin:

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Whaaat? People here can have wrong? Nooo, can’t be.

Why not just write rmd or rmpala. They are the comps that are shown on tournaments. Anything with disc gets kicked out early.

game is still heavily rng based, even if a comp has an advantage, it doesn’t mean it will 100% win all games.
mistakes, crit luck, dodge whatever, so many variables that are still rng.

Mistakes is RNG, cool, dident know that!

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