Toxic group of kids!

Then that’s your choice, and if you’re thinking about tumblr posts, how about Facebook pages? There’s plenty of Facebook AD hate pages out there that have been very targeting towards individuals.

The tumblr is as relevant as you want it to be, but then again, there’s been many way before that one even existed.

And I assume you’re talking about that cringe fest which is COAD

Among other things, yes (as there are others).
But once again, banning Joey´s “AD evil people callout” Facebook page which spreads toxicity on the internet won´t really matter when Joey can create another page and account there and continue his activities on top of doing it in the game.

Also, this

goes against this

So what is it? Were the old times good and peaceful or were there many CoAD-like pages way long before it came into existence?

I think absolutely nobody thinks that - but (from an RPer’s perspective) you can’t say “Argent Dawn would be better with far fewer roleplayers” while you can really easily post “are you sure that AD is the server for you if you have 0 interest in RP / think it’s cringe”. I truly don’t know why someone who’s main interest is PVE/PVP would come here - we’re not exactly blowing the competition out of the water for the former and for the latter we have an absolutely busted warmode

Yeah, it’s absolutely true that the worst RPer is perhaps much more vicious than the worst misc. griefer / epic troll purely because they understand the medium more to disrupt it but it is pure whataboutism to say that both things can’t be a problem

While I know you like to invoke this weird mystique about the old times you were not playing on this server during said old times and speak on them only based on whatever group of norf RPers you’re trying to plagarise at the time

I think you should take this advise yourself. You tend to flip your opinion to whatever take you think will get you attention and allow you to wax lyrical about something or other / imply you aren’t a World of Warcraft: Legion blow-in who has existed exclusively in what we might call modern AD

I don’t know how you can post this with a straight face dude - doing this beautiful and inspiring “Be the change you want to see in others …” speech while being who you are

I agree that inclusivity towards other RPers is a very good thing - even if someone is 100% new and not very well settled in to roleplaying people should go out of their way to help them out and involve them. Factionalism et al are also not great for this server as you say - but I don’t think you can complain about that at all when your reaction to players you don’t like is (as an example) trying to hijack their guild name / making weird OOC emotes at them

You should really take your own advice for one hot second and be the change you want to see - sticking with a guild you’ve formed for more than two weeks and developing it beyond a loosely inspired shell to use in internet arguments, maybe posting less absolute basil brush and forming a personality beyond “God… I wish I was the GM of Order of Lordain …” would be 3x good ideas. You probably have the ability to be a cool guy Galford and I hope that you apply it one day before I pass away peacefully from old age

To be fair to Galford @Dorlas the things you name there are basically all done by what can loosely be described as RPers - the idea that anyone who roleplays is intrinsically a saint incapable to being lame is pretty delusional IMO


I never stated that they were peaceful, nor entirely good, but I would say a lot of newer RPers have been blindsided to the servers past and the old days, old guilds, old faces etc.

Pages like COAD, LST, can’t remember the rest of them now, but they’ve been around all the time and they’re not the issue with the server. They’re an obscured forum for entertainment at most.

Because it’s gonna happen, and the forums ain’t the place the battle it, because these players will just become stubborn and more aggressive in return. If you remember a couple of years ago there was the Church guild in Stormwind, and all these posts like they’re trolls, they need to get kicked out, they’re lore breakers. All that ever achieved was only making people more angry on all three sides.

And I’m stating that the worst vicious type of RPer is what damages this server a tenfold more than your usual non rper. And these sorts of threads are the result of the normalisation of that archetype. Proportionally speaking, an RPer has far more potential to deal more damage and that’s what I’m pointing out.

As stated^^

I don’t see what you mean by this or how it’s even relevant.

You’ve pretty much agreed on all my points, and factionalism you could say, is what I consider to be a major flaw as do you, so I don’t see really where we’re standing on the wrong ground here.

Then again, I’m gonna highlight that a lot of the non RPers being bashed on the forums are in inspiring all these recent non RPer posts.

Wasn´t disputing that, but rather the idea that the “mob mentality” he spoke about is what´s making the server look hostile to RPers when I´d wager it´s actually people who do the things I´ve mentioned that cause the toxicity and are against inclusivity in RP.

I don´t see why I should remember these old faces when they are absolutely irrelevant to the present and have been even when I joined AD over 2 years ago.

Because it’s important remembering or acknowledging the history of this server, and the players that came before or who are still here to this day.

Why? (in ten characters)

1 Like

As it gives you an insight to why the server is how it is now? It shows you how ludicrous things are becoming.

There’s also importance to it because it shows you how things or things were run, when the community actually was a community.

alright please send me a full, detailed essay on how things were in the olde days of AD when you started playing (Legion)


I don´t see how remembering some guild that was prominent 10 years ago and disbanded 7 years ago is going to in any way improve issues that server faces now.

And when was that? Because it sure did not look like community to me when I joined in 2018, yet many of the complaints I´ve been seeing about server becoming worse are targeted at last year, maybe two.

Yes I joined in Legion, there’s a post on these forums somewhere by me on that.

Before 2018, it doesn’t matter when specifically, but having insight to what the server was like before COAD even considered making a page, is still mildly relevant. Furthermore, it may be difficult nowadays to even get a glance as Blizz removed the old forums.

My point of relevancy of these guilds, is how many of them have ultimately shaped how the server is from the beginnings.

Relevant how? Please, do share wisdom of ye olde days.

How did they shape it? Care to provide any examples of these old guilds disbanded years ago that still, to this day, have legacy that influences how RP happens?

I think that’s an argument that only works as part of a forum post. If the complaint is essentially that Blizzard does very little about griefing / OOC disruption etc and if it has become endemic to the point that you basically can’t RP in a hub city without some hilarious gamer doing something funny saying “nooo what if they get even madder because you said that another server might be better for them”

OK, so they get madder - what then? I don’t really think realistically things can get much worse in that department - there’s a reason why people RP way less in capitals now - and the argument of “if someone is owning you just be really quiet / friendly and hope they move on” is a weird stance to take + verified chicken legendn’t

Yeah that’s not good and I think there are plenty of roleplayers who act in these malicious ways - but who is disputing that? I think it isn’t crazy to not like both things

I mean yeah the worst of tends to be much worse than the usual [y]. Feels like you’re padding your post here

I think the sort of threads where someone logs an alt to fly into some rage only normalise the idea of the typical altposter being a goofy character / figure of fun


I am agreeing with you here and it is a pretty simple statement - that many RPers are also not saints

I’ve agreed with your points with regards to problems with RPers, yeah - but I disagree with your recent tired / contrarian posting and I disagree that you have any ground to stand on to make these comments as - more or less - an RPer who instantly leans into OOC griefing when you’re upset by some piece of roleplay / guild. You are absolutely the very player you’re calling out in your posts

You’re putting a past you didn’t experience on a pedestal. I’d agree that things were better (there was way, way less griefing for sure) but honestly IDK why it’s important for new players to learn about dudes from 10 years ago that don’t play anymore / will have no impact on their experience

Bro why are you typing like you’re the Lorewalker Cho of Argent Dawn EU when you’re more a Chief Kah Kah

Honestly I’d be very interested to hear your expanded history of this server and see how close to the mark it is as someone who has been here more than 45min in total (God forgive me)


I think the main relevant point would be server initiative and events, guild co operation, players not bubbled so frequently, meetings and alliances.

You’re right about the weird mystique, because to me, it seems like that is the pressing issue aswell. That how come people pretend that stuff like this didn’t happen. I was just reading a server event thread the other day which was literally boycotted, people could be bothered to remove their supportive votes because others did.

So I’d say it’s delusional to pretend that these sorts of groups and cliques dismantling initiatives for god knows why, is more than bad, and they ultimately are going under the nose because who is to stand up to someone who gets 8 upvotes compared to one.

Game has X million players, a small minority RPing. The forum community is split between regions and AD has X thousands of active players. Yet here we are, the same 40ish people arguing over figs. We’re irrelevant. Also, I guess most people are doing discords over forums these days.

The average player and average RPer is probably only dimly aware that there’s a forum and wouldn’t check it even if it were useful.


Beyond festival themed events / for some reason Stormwind being plagued-style events these were not common at all. Open RP PVP campaigns basically did not exist until WoD

Not really something old AD has over here and now

Really overstated also. People co-operated then as they do now but back then it was (for example) the /scw chat channel instead of a discord

The lawbook that was adopted at the time literally had an IC law for ignoring people if their roleplay was too frustrating to deal with

Kind of a nebulous thing to yearn for, as if guild alliances etc are uncommon

What old AD had over new AD was less crazy social media drama and much better casual RP and it felt like at least a clear roleplaying majority. It was very cool but I think you personally have very limited knowledge of it if you’re saying old AD events / campaigns wouldn’t be absolutely be blown out of the water by the stuff you’ve been around for. This was an era when even guild events were kind of rare and usually consisted of killing actual in-game mobs

Yeah that was sad to see - I’ve roleplayed with the organiser before and he seems like a nice guy and the previous part of that campaign was fun but on the flipside: if a guild absolutely doesn’t want to roleplay with another guild that is surely their right and in some cases it’s more than fair to say “we’re going to dip based on who’s attending” because the alternative is weird stilted semi-OOC roleplay where it is very obvious two parties do not want to be in the same room

At a base level your point is here “people who dislike each other + don’t find roleplaying with each other fun MUST attend events together to honour some nebulous community that mainly exists as a story in my mind”

So is this another Order of Lordain thing for you

Bro … please … I’m absolutely kneeling

Stop hyper-fixating on this one internet beef and take your own advice. You’re like two steps away from creating a blog about it