Toxic players - M+ Season 4

Is it me or players are even more toxic this season? Leaving M+ dungeons with one boss left, bullying other players, and even swearing at each other. Not to mention how hard it is to form a group. Am I the only one hating season 4? Feels like everyone is out for blood - in the text chat.


I personally see the usual level of toxicity, no more no less than it was before. Saw couple of toxic behaviors, but receipt for dealing is trivial - report, mute, leave the group.

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Because blizzard can’t let people farm crest on higher keys.

If I could farm wyrm crests on a +9 I would never join a +2 on my life.


You can. After being capped on higher crests (aspect for example), you automatically get lower crests (wyrm, drake if capped on wyrm also, and all the way down) from the same content. For example now I’m getting welp crests from +10 :smile:

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For that I need to get capped first :cat:

You can always downgrade crests (buy lower crests with higher ones) in Valdrakken at Vaskarn NPC, if you don’t want to reach cap.

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Wouldn’t that still count for the higher ones weekly cap?

Rn I have tons of aspects but will need them once the items reach above hero 3 or 4 for that I need the wrym
 I don’t have

I farm all my crests in higher keys. Once I’m capped, it just backfills.

I guess I will have no other choice, people are +2 are extremely bad at the point they always die and you need do the dungeon alone.

Just reach the cap. You will need a lot of aspect crests anyway, so why not farming them first.

I haven’t seen much toxicity in M+ at all this season, not on this healer and not on my hunter alt that I did a couple dozen keys with (more on the shaman). A few keys went south, and people just quietly left or played to the end.

I have had no instances of toxic squabbles or blame dumping, not even when a tank was clearly not playing well or there were some damage dealers that did abysmal damage for their gear.

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This is more a thing that kicks in next weeks and newer chars since the cap goes up every week. But for now on my main i am sitting for more than half the week capped on aspects, so all the lower crests are filling too.

Is it me, or for every 30 runs maybe 1 has a toxic individual. Very far from the “masses of toxic people” some of you claim to see

Am I special? Why is it that I dont see these thousands and thousands of toxic people ? Maybe they avoid me and swarm certain people with certain characteristics I dont have?

What is up with you guys? Please explain :smiley:


How is this related to toxicty?


i had one toxic encounter all season and that was some clown DK Tank who just left an AV +7 for no reason.

Like he pulled everything at entrance so the group assumed we jump from ring. After we jumped he just said “i dont want to play this route” and left kekw

I dunno. I’ve done 35 m+ runs and I have maybe seen one instance of toxic behaviour where someone ‘DC’d’ right before the final boss after flaming the entire run.

But tbh most runs I’ve been in seem to be intent on timing the key. It also helps that I list my own keys and have the habit of inviting premades who know eachother and (often) play well together.

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Because tons of people on +2 are bad. Me and my premade wasted 40 minutes on a +2
 Where the two DPS and healer would die each pull
, yes even with 3 mobs pull.

How is supposed I not be toxic when I need to carry this kinda of players.

The +2 was 1000 times harder than a +9 or +10.

There’s still no reason to be toxic. Those people are trying hard too.


Dont go low keys and expect good players?

No reason to be toxic.

Also i doubt it is so bad as in your example more than once in a hundred runs especially when there is two big carries or are the carries not as good as they think :thinking: ?

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This season is less toxicity in my opinion

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People sometimes forget that the learning levels were removed (:
Now if they’ve done their 8 runs (or even 1 if they want a specific dungeon) they have to move on to +12.