Toxicity towards new players

Just started playing again after a long break , used RAF to recruit a friend.
Now whenever we are trying to do dungeons , she get’s votekicked by elitist jerks because of low damage.
Throwing damage meters at her while she doesn’t even know what that is.

You might fix gameplay issues with your new expansion , but if you do not fix this issue there won’t be any new players staying.

I suggest you that fix your votekicking mechanic so it can’t be abused.
I feel embarassed that i brought her into a game like this honestly , might as well join her in FFO like she planned


How would they go about doing that, exactly?


I understand your frustration, but here are 2 general tips on how to cope with this:

a) I have a feeling you are describing one event, and not something going on every single time. Don’t just run to the forums and cry - you will encounter morons everywhere you go, it’s just life. I’ve been playing since Vanilla, and even I got votekicked sometimes. It’s just how it is. Move on and don’t look back.
b) If your friend is really clueless about something, let other people know. It’s a multiplayer game, which means you can communicate with them. I would be much more grateful if people who don’t know mechanics, dungeons etc. would let me know with a simple sentence such as ‘Hi, I’m fairly new so pardon me if I’m going to make mistakes / low dps etc etc’.


What about joining a community? They are less likely to kick you for low dam.


Have you done most obvious thing aka told her what to do while playing and which buttons to press ? Did you take her to target dumny to practise ?

Besides why woudl you take Her to dungeons while leveling instead quest with her to show her world in world of warcraft


You have been heard Alyn.

Despite what you might see of replies here. It’s a pretty well known problem the game has had since forever.

As you can see, It’s really hard for people to accept we might actually have a problem :sweat_smile: Please go trough this list of X amounts of things first, To avoid our community’s immature trash behavior please. Before hurting our ego’s on the forums :face_holding_back_tears:

We all know we have a problem. It’s taboo to talk about it.


Oh come on :joy: like a new player should be expected to that for leveling dungeons.

The first instict should simply be NOT to kick someone and instead ask if they’re new and/or need help.

They can do both.


2/3 dungeons actually , i’m on voice with her telling her what to do and what not to do.
I linked her several video’s on how to play her class in dungeons and / or beginners guide.
You can’t expect a new player in a new dungeon for the very first time to keep up with the pace steamrolling groups do.
I mentioned to them that she was new to the game.
They were being elitist jerk , simple as that


Vote to kick is okay to be there (maybe change it “Vote to leave” better than “kick”).
Now about the situation,it is very common for group disbands in keys when dps of one person is low.I wouldn’t be rude to your friend but i would see the damage meter and say “hmm” a little.
I was bullied(no joke) when i was playing my mage as new player a lot so i gave up at some point and i changed class.
So even if i understand you,trying to become more efficient in groups will make her feel a better player in the process.

Ah yes , Lilith because when you were new i’m sure the very first thing you did was stand still at a practice dummy with a damage meter to see if your rotation was good.
So then you go to a dungeon and you noticed that : oh wow , these mobs move and there is not one , but multiple !

As i mentioned below : 2/3 dungeons actually , i’m on voice with her telling her what to do and what not to do.
I linked her several video’s on how to play her class in dungeons and / or beginners guide.
You can’t expect a new player in a new dungeon for the very first time to keep up with the pace steamrolling groups do.
I mentioned to them that she was new to the game.
They were being elitist jerk , simple as that


By making players with certain /played un-kickable? Not really a rocket science :man_shrugging:


So they can just blatantly grief groups and you can’t do anything about it? Sounds like a really terrible idea.


I have actualy been looking into that myself just now , a community or guild that is focused around new players.
Thank you for tip !

Why would new player grief groups for crying out loud.


What class is she playing, OP? It is hard to keep up playing e.g. a warlock. I’d encourage every new player to play a bm hunter.

Just ignore them, that is what I do.

If they feel they can say anything to me that they please, then it’s simple, I leave the group. Then they can go crying again why players leave, but I cab to stick around.

Scared Of Dungeons community :slight_smile:
We have a brand new community now, not only Alliance.

Just say Mindy sent you… … … no don’t say that, they might kick you lol.


You said they shouldn’t be kickable unless they have a certain amount of /played.

People will grief. That’s why.

Oh i also forgot to reply to your question as in “why” i take her to dungeons.
Let’s see :

  1. The story line
  2. the experience ( both of the dungeon itself and the random dungeon XP )
  3. Quest rewards and gear from the dungeon itself

This ^ can highly recommend Scared of Dungeons for starters, great bunch of people in there

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