Toxicity towards tanks/healers

So you basically say even tho NP offers it, the community is still wrong for people who want to use the given option???
And if someone uses the said option he is in the wrong for expecting what it was made for while the ones joining it are in the right because of the origin intention of the community while literally not choosing the option that’s made for them?
And THIS makes sense?..

You just shifted the context… of course it makes sense if you take part of my comment, apply different context to it and create another scenario. Stick to the actual context :wink:

I know but we started to discuss M+ it is what it is now.

The question is who played more runs. Can you provide like at least ~200 pug runs to have a proper comparison? Because I can.
In the end you don’t need to value my experience at all but at the same time it makes no sense, when you try to defend the bad when the community should be superior in every single way simply because people are (apparently) willing to communicate. This is factually not the case tho, from my experience.

Did you actually understand what I wrote? I literally told you it’s in the END, where MOST people don’t even read AND on top of that I gave you even an explanation why it’s an EXCEPTION.
I mean you couldn’t even read my response, yet you expect people reading all the rules? You basically proved my point without noticing it.

And then you are surprised why I say you are trolling. I literally told you, an example from today where the keyholder was silent for 20 minutes.

And what is “the rest” of the group? You are 3 people, not getting more, one guy wants a pug, one guy doesn’t, third guy doesn’t say anything. Now apply your “rule”. Can’t, right? get the point now?

Has nothing to do with bias opinion, I shared my experience and gave you an example from today, most recent. The whole point it’s not a rare occurrence.

??? I mean… here, one more time:

I literally shared my experience how we were waiting 20 minutes. Then the guy drops a sentences and leaves. Where do you see me saying he left because he can’t invite randoms? It just happened that he left without inviting pugs but at no point did I claim he left because he was not allowed to invite pugs… Even told you his “reason”…
So, no. I did not literally claim he left because we couldn’t invite pugs…

How hard has this tunnel vision need to be that you don’t notice you need to pop BL… for the entire fight? Maybe the difficulty level is not the right one if it causes SO MUCH panic?

First you ignore this option, now you need to shift the context in order to make your point but not this time. I didn’t say I expect it timed. I said I expect people to do their best and I can clearly tell the difference. Additionally I told you that nobody can be that bad to make very specific basic mistakes and if this guy is, he should to for a completion key. Yet you try to picture it like I am in the wrong just by default because you want to defend the community so much.

Actually that’s literally what you do and in order to do that you keep cutting pieces of text out of context, while ignoring the context.
I literally talk to you about the options the NP discord provides and you do some very interesting mental gymnastics to disregard those and somehow try to claim it’s my views that are being weird? The irony on this one is real ngl :slight_smile:

Saying something is popular means nothing. Popular compared to what? Pugs? It’s not. Pre-mades? It’s not.
And if people like it… good? So what? What does it have to do with what I said? lol… I mean you need to pay more attention to the context.
Fun fact: In the past 60 minutes there was only one +10 run listed and cancelled due to lack of players.
I am sure you can see the +10 CoT too :wink: Add a few more minutes and you can add the NW, MoT and Dawnbreaker. Two of those cancelled.

Wanna share your characters? I played hundreds of dungeons and I can share it right now. Do you come to similar numbers?

Yes and I shared mine.

No it’s not. A community which communicates but the communication results in worse outcome than pugs is basically useless for me.

Sorry but your assumption is wrong. I helped many “noobs” over the years and I know exactly how “actually trying” looks like.

See? Again. You defend something with double standards. You have “completion” and “time” but you defend the way of playing that belongs to “completion” in a “time” run and claim I am being wrong for expecting was literally belongs in the option “time”.
Basically all you saying is “you are wrong” without any actual point. Your only previous point (if we can call it) was that all the options have no value due to the discord server philosophy but this is simply non-sense and wrong, proven by reality. Means, if those options were irrelevant, they would not be there and people would not use them. Obviously that’s not what’s happening.

See? I am wondering if you actually notice what you are doing here :slight_smile:
Literally has nothing to do with what I said. You need to make up false scenarios in order to make your point. Why? Can’t you take what I said and talk about it? Why making up non sense?
Try again. Try this:
“Here is a community that offers timed and completion runs”
“Why am I in the wrong expecting basic knowledge in a time run and have to play with people who should join completion runs?”

Hard to find the flaw now when you stick to what I said, right? :slight_smile:

The “speak openly” part was literally tied to our conversation. Not the pugs. By your logic, it means if I can’t speak openly, with you, means you are not chill…
But even more important, it’s just a phrase… holy… so you comment just show you didn’t understand anything at all regarding this quote… so in order words, you showed that I was right… You ignored the whole core point and then answered to something that you didn’t even understand… it’s like double bad lol…

As I said earlier: No
You just need to make this assumption in order to make your point because without it, you have no point. I am not expecting a guaruantee, I said it already. Just because you think I can’t tell a difference if someone actually tries or not, does not make it true. I am confident I can tell the difference but do you have anything else than assumptions?

I told you and your only point to disregard this was assuming that I don’t know if people are trying or not.

No you did not. You kept assuming that I expect to 100% time the key but I explicitly said that’s not the case.
But please, go ahead a be specific on this one and tell me what exactly “time” is here for if people do NOT look to time the key. I am really curious.

What do you think you just explained? What is “they cap dungeons” supposed to mean? How is this an answer to what I said? … I mean… ??? You sure you understood what you tried to answer to? Because it doesn’t look like it.

So do you play completely different in +11 than in +10 or not?
You have two options now:
1: lie
2: prove my point

Which one do you choose?

My friend… I literally explained the difference to you. We make a quick test if you actually understood anything, shall we?
Tell me what’s the difference between +18 and +12. Name everything you can think of except that everything is tankier and hits harder.
Now do the same for +10 and +12.
If you still can’t figure it out, you obviously didn’t understand the point.

Your question? You mean your claim that behavior warnings do nothing? Omg… I assumed this is common knowledge but here you go: They “stack” and at some point you will get banned for a few days or a week. The duration will then increase up to 30 days. After that it’s a perma ban…
This was even shared by ex blizzard employee…

I know you will take it offensive if I don’t say it therefore I explicity say it now: This is not to be meant offensive but you are a great example for the NP community. We can communicate but the conversation is so incredibly unproductive. Just like my experience has shown so far. Doesn’t matter what I tell them, how I explain it, the outcome will remain the same. And it’s not good :slight_smile:

You do your best to disregard my point but the issue is, you don’t argue with reality but with made up stuff. And your personal experience, this one is valid tho.
But every sane human being will instantly understand why my experience is most likely to be the reality. If the people had a somewhat decent performance (basically pug level) AND would communicate… what would it result in? Insanely good experience that everyone wants. And how would this naturally continue? You would have most of the LFG full with NP groups AND a lot of +12 NP runs. Because +12 is not hard, especially for people who are willing to communicate and on top of that they have a very easy access to join voice without sharing discord names, adding everyone etc…
But this is not what’s happening. Now think why that is.

For pugging i have 2 simple rules, i say hi and bye at the start and end. Beyond that i don’t talk or engage if someone starts fecal talkin either in whisper or party, it’ll just detract from the actual run and ends up wasting time.

Play solo like I do.

It’s heaven.

I’m basically not :slight_smile: I’m saying calling a community bad because people fail at keys and going “LFG is filled with so much better players!!” is the fault.
Because NoP is not expected to push keys. Its not expected to judge people on their performance metrics, yet you want to do that.
Again… Option =/= intention.

I did. In one place you excuse that people don’t see chat, then you complain that people don’t see chat during a fight. The context is exactly the same, but you refuse any excuse when NoP players dont look at chat :wink: I even gave you a pretty solid possible reasoning. Tunnel vision in heated situations. But NooOOoOo “He didn’t BL!!” xD

Nah. We did not. At least I’m not. Im still discussing the relevance of NoP in the context of the thread. If you want to discuss M+ go ahead, not interested :slight_smile:

Aaaah so now you move the goal post… So what if I can provide? You do realize anectodal evidence has no relevance here right?

What? Who ever said that? :joy: Oookaay mate, now THAT is what you’re arguing against? xD

LOL xD Imagine having to make up my arguments because you can’t stick to the ones I actually give… LOL xD

Where did you “LITERALLY” write that? because you “LITERALLY” did not.

And how is:

ANY of the communities fault? If you literally can’t even be bothered to read the rules, and then want to complain holy damn… Again, if you’d actually try it, most people are aware :slight_smile: But some people, like you… apparantly “can’t be bothered” xD

And yet, no one else said anything. You do realize you can ask too right? Maybe HE didn’t want from outside? That IS the down side of NoP. It is NOT an alternative to LFG. If you don’t like the smell of the bakery then leave?

Are you okay? Are we going into extreme cases now? xD Is that really how low we are taking this for you to have your agenda that NoP sucks? “OOoh one guy refuses, the other one is silent, the fourth guy wont join” like come on my guy xD

It is biased when all you do is complain and make up hypothetical scenarios like the above one. And even confirm my thoery that you didn’t even read the rules.
I said from the start, that its okay you don’t like it. But that doesn’t make NoP a bad community for new players just because you have a delusional expectations for the community :slight_smile:

Enough said.

Cooooommeee on… At least do me the courtecy and ACTUALLY take what I RESPONDED to xD You LITERALLY say that you sat for 20 minutes and disbanded "because not being able to find one more player" But suuuuure my guy, change the story now because it suits you… LOOL that is so low of you :joy:

Maybe not. But they learn by doing that content. You know, in a community that allows that :slight_smile: Hence why they are in NoP.

No you can’t. You don’t know peoples capabilities and claiming you can is just laughable.

Again, luckily, people are allowed to join keys that are marked “timed” to go for it :slight_smile:

Nah, I want to show you, that you keep claiming stuff about a community you haven’t even read the rules of… That is just… yeah… xD

Not really.

I asked if you knew why they offer it. But you seem to do the same thing as when I asked what consequence your warning had… Silence… Easy skip cus you have none :slight_smile:

To do keys? I would say its pretty popular. I never claimed it was more :slight_smile: Again you seem to want it to be competitive to something else. Stop it. Just read what I write, instead of trying to make a “Gotcha!” moment. I just wrote it was popular, which it is, because keys are being done regularly.

You are writing at 1 AM server time, and say “last 60 minutes” meaning midnight… on a THURSDAY and you are surprised keys aren’t popping in a community targeted for casual players? xD Are you actually that deluded that, THAT is your “aha see!” argument? xD

What would me sharing my characters achieve? What relevance does it have when I keep telling you anectodal evidence means nothing?

Nope, you answered ME, claiming things, I then pointed out was a bit weird… Such as the group that disbanded cus you couldn’t find the last guy… Turned out, you were telling your experience from a point from a false narrative (claiming it wasn’t allowed to invite people outside).

Nice, good. Then you can freely leave :man_shrugging:

Again… Claiming you know how much another person tries just shows an aura of arrogance. Because you don’t. Just because 1 “noob” plays good, doesn’t mean another one plays at the same level.

:yawning_face: when you answer me with why those options are there, I will read the next part. Because you again claiming things and not answering my questions is done with.

See above.

Ah yeah. right. Change the narrative like you tried earlier… Nice job :slight_smile:

What? Your whole premise is “People fail. I know what actually trying is, and they aren’t!” xD

You haven’t though. There is a pretty distinct reason why those options are there. And you haven’t told me why yet. So still waiting.

Nope. Try again. They literally have a section explaining this, but I don’t assume you read it or even know it exists.

That, in NoP +10 is deemed as the “highest key”. Anything above is a surplus… It may not be “a high key” for you because AZY… That just doesn’t matter though, because you joined a community, that has a pretty clear philosophy.

Who do you think you are? xD Calm down mate, bossing me around xD Lol!

I feel like atm you just keep proving that NoP was not for you from the start, and it has nothing to do with how the community works, but the fact that people didn’t live up to your expectations…

So in the context of what I replied to, NoP is great.

Which you can appeal and shown multiple times even on forums, if you actually did nothing wrong, nothing will happen :slight_smile: Good we agree, a warning is not a consequence. And if you get that many warnings maybe you should wonder why. I have played this game for over a decade and still have my first warning yet to recieve. And I type and chat with every group I join :slight_smile:

Indeed! Because you keep wanting to force me to accept that NoP sucks, when you could just accept you did not read the community guidelines or rules, hence you expected more from them than they gave.

And a conversation does become unproductive, when one part is claiming wrong things… Just like this:

Claiming THIS was your answer:

When in reality THIS was your answer:

This is gold though… Your WHOLE argument is based around YOUR personal experience… But good you can see it isn’t valid xD Finally you understood!

Maybe if you let your bias go for a second you’ll understand. But hardly believe you will. You will stick to your “Omg people aren’t farming +12s in NoP lol! Dead community! hurr durr! no bl!”

when one of their key points is, and this is a quote from the guidelines you didn’t read:
This is a learning community first and foremost, not a pushing community

Wish you all the best of luck, seeing how you apparantly want to “discuss M+” I have no interest xD I said what I said, and I hope OP can also see you really have no clue of the community you joined and gives it a try. Because NoP is a friendly and nice place to do keys in many ways, with way less toxicity than the LFG experience.

Have a good one mate!

You missed the point once again.
It was not about failing keys but the gameplay. You can still do your best and fail. And that’s fine.

I don’t care about the intention. Obviously things evolve which is a good thing. You basically claim because they wanted “a chill community” it now means everyone can and should faceroll without even trying. That’s pure non sense.
And this possible issue was solved by adding the said options. You can join a group and learn, have fun, try to complete or whatever. And then you have an option to actually do your best and finish the key in time.
Having these option doesn’t mean you neglect the intention. You just somehow pretend both can’t co-exist and the moment someone wants to achieve a goal (like doing a dungeon in time) it’s somehow delusional and should even be attempted because the original intention was “just to have a chill community”. This is just pure non sense…

You literally ignore the fact of me offering help and answer question at the start of the dungeon. How can you literally ignore the previous talk? You pick one piece of the situation that suits you and try to argue it…

So you are saying NP people, who have the goal to time a dungeon, don’t remember something basic 5 minutes later? But the same people are somehow magically gonna remember all the other mechanics? Interesting.

Really? What do you think we are literally doing right now? lol…

If you could, your experience would more align with mine :slightly_smiling_face:
Now you can consider this a claim but we can figure out if I am wrong very easy. That’s up to you. I am certain you will not be close to this number this season. Feel free to prove me wrong.

Common sense? You think people who are communicating perform worse than people who don’t? Really?
What do you think pre-made groups do? Just tryhard and sweat with zero communication until they succeed?..

You mean literally what you did? Also, what exactly did I make up?

The moment you tell me what exactly you mean by “that”, I will quote it for you. After 6 lines of text talking about “that” is a bit too vague.

You are so in urge to defend the community that you don’t even get the point. Isn’t that ironic how you can’t read what I write but somehow assume everyone will read ALL the rules?
I don’t blame the community for that, I just say how it is. Don’t blame the messanger for the message.

See? You try to make it about me while I simply gave an example what happened today. You literally try to shift the blame on me what I report about my experience with the community. Do you even notice that or are you just being completely irrational and trying to defend the community at all cost?

Obviously I did, maybe I should have MUCH MORE clear so you understand it. Do you notice how your entire point is gone due to this simple fact? You just once again try to blame me for what a community guy did. Like… you literally defending the community at all cost and try to blame EVERYTHING that might be wrong on me… I mean… what a chill member you are. Imagine if you would have to take actual criticism. You’d prolly headshot me straight away.

Right. Very delusional. You literally defend someone who is not even able to press BL in a key that he wants to time. At the first boss. What a delusional expectation I had there. You are so right lmao… Do you actually truly believe what you say? I am really curious.

You seem to have hard time to read a bit of text. I literally quoted you the first comment of this scenario. The fact that you seem to be confused not understand what is said, is something you try to blame on me.
So to make it super clear, that you finally comprehend it since you struggle to follow: The guy left (according to him) because he had not enough time. The reason we were sitting there for 20 minutes is because we didn’t find a player.
But at no point did I say, as YOU CLAIMED, that we disbanded because the guy didn’t invite a pug.
You just AGAIN try to change what was said and make up non sense to make your point. Just to remind you since you seem to confuse and forget everything very quick:

I hope you will comprehend what you said and what you quoted and finally understand the difference.

And why exactly is such person being in a “time” key and not “completion”? Let me guess… because the options don’t matter and all that matters is the original intention of the community? :joy:

Just because you can’t do something, doesn’t mean I can’t.
How many people did you support who started with zero experience and are now capable of doing the hardest content?

To go for what? Since you obviously don’t mean “timed”.
Or did you just actually admit I am being right but didn’t really notice it?

You keep saying that but you literally can’t name anything factual. In fact, didn’t you just admit I was right one quote above?

It’s obvious you fail to notice that. This is exactly the reason why you keep running in circles not being able to make an actual argument based on what I said.

I literally told you? You think because there is not an INSTANT consequence, so there are none?
I give a WoW analogy so maybe you comprehend it this way:
You do one +8 run, your first one. Now you claim crests are useless because there is nothing you can do with 12 crests.
Got it now?

Dude… lol… well I issue this to you being tired.
In case you will read this and still not understand what’s wrong: If you are asked “popular compared to what” that you have to compare it to something equal, like pugs or pre-mades. You don’t name the activity…

You just fail to understand that saying “it’s popular” means nothing. It does not need to be competitive, that’s just something you make up again.
But in order to say if something is popular you need something to compare it to. If you can’t, then your claim makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.

And pugs are…what? Sweaty tryhard no lifers? You need to check the definition of popular. I think you confuse here something again.

So you mean when speaking about experience in order to have an actual comparison, the experience means nothing? You have a very weird way of analyzing data.

Really? Didn’t you claim earler that my group disbanded because the guy was not allowed to fill it with a pug? What is it now? :slight_smile: Made up your mind finally? :wink:

Funny how you still failed to understand. This is not what turned out. I told you that most people are not reading the rules completely but you just keep ignoring this because you’d not be able to make your point otherwise without admitting I am being right.

Again, just because you can’t do something, it doesn’t mean nobody can.

Maybe you should stop ignoring it then?

Ah… don’t like it when you have to face an actual analogy? Only like you made up stuff that has nothing to do with what I said? Convenient dodging on this, isn’t it? :slight_smile:

Lmao… now you trolling.

What are you talking about lmao? You DID literally assume that I expect the key to be 100% in time when it says “timed”?
And once asked a question, you refuse to answer because you know you will make no sense or basically repeat what I said lmao…
But here is from discord, keep claiming how I am wrong and how this information is wrong because you know… the original intention. This is all just “fake” (?) information and doesn’t matter anyway, right?

Be clear about what you’re looking for (timing vs clearing, etc)

Be sure to clearly communicate your expectations, both when creating and joining a group. You must clearly communicate whether you’re attempting to time a dungeon or whether you’re going for completion

When joining a group, make sure you fit the description. Don’t join a learner group if you’re not okay with missing the timer, and vice versa

“Timed” surely has nothing to do with people having the goal to time it… I am probably just wrong here in your world, ye?

Dodged? Guess you noticed. That’s an answer too :wink:

You should go less by your feelings and more by what I said. But try without making up stuff this time :slight_smile:

That’s non sense again. You can not appeal it. I tried.
And you also get banned if you did nothing wrong. This was proven many times already. Even by streamers with video evidence.

I can’t even imagine what kind of mental gymnastics you need to do to come to this conclusion while ignoring reality. That’s actually crazy.

And once again you seem to forget everything we talked about. And then you wonder why pugs don’t even wanna greet you. Noticed now?

Ye? Wanna join my raid quick? There is nothing you have to fear, right?

Actually crazy. This is all you got from this conversation? I mean… look… I will say it as clear as possible: I couldn’t care less what you accept or don’t, it’s not about you.
I find it funny how, the more you talk, the more you prove my points about the NP community. And that’s not even your intention lol yet you still do it… this is gold.

I honestly don’t understand why you need to make these assumptions?
I even literally told you what my expecatations were. Yet you couldn’t point out anything wrong? How come?

You mean like just did further below? Even after this poor attempt, you can’t quote me saying that the guy left because he was not allowed to invite a pug as you claimed earlier? And why can’t you do it? Because I never said it and you just literally made it up? :slight_smile:
Interesting how claiming wrong things goes only one sided, regardless how many times you evidently claim something wrong :joy:

What? I literally said the opposite?

Kinda sad that from all this conversation, you still failed to comprehend the actual point.

Kinda interesting that for someone who claims to have read their guidlines and all the rules, you somehow fail to acknowledge the reasoning behind “timed” and “completion” runes, even tho those are explained by Jo.
Can’t make this up :joy:

Honestly, everyone who likes the community should be happy with it.
The fun thing is, you say the community is friendly, yet you were so against accepting a different opinion based on my experience. You literally couldn’t handle it and completely drifted off. Now think for a second how you would completely lose it if you actially faced fair “criticism” (or kind of a suggestion) in a run? :joy: Oh man… I can only imagine :joy:

I wish you the best too tho <3

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Not when its predetermined by you that they didn’t. That was my point. You dont know that they didnt try their best. You just assume they didn’t instead of reality that a lot of people may not have the skill :slight_smile:

Never made that claim. Stop putting things in my mouth :slight_smile:

Had no relevance to me talking about the chat.

Nope. Im saying people can tunnel vision and forget because things may happen too fast for them. Happens to the best of us :slight_smile:

Well, I’m trying to point out that NoP isn’t really that bad if you actually know the intention of it. You’re trying to talk about “competitive M+ players” which I don’t really get.

Sure bud :slight_smile: Luckily, I don’t need to prove things. I do my keys on multiple characters, that doesn’t change whether you believe me or not :slight_smile:

Nope. But it is super weird, that my original post was, that NoP was a new player friendly space because people tend to be more tolerable and friendly because its not about performance… yet you again start trying to push the talk to performance… Even though I even stated multiple times that “NoP is NOT an alternative to LFG”. For some reason you are SO obsessed with wanting one of them to be better than the other, rather than just saying “hey, for some people NoP is good. For some it isn’t” In your world one of them HAS to be better.

Thats the beauty of quoting. You can see what I referred to :slight_smile:

You’re the one saying you “literally wrote it”, and I asked where you “literally did”. Feel free to show me, I even quoted the whole paragraph for ya :slight_smile:

Well, that would be expected when you join a community yes. If you don’t you can’t really blame the community for it :slight_smile: And I’m not defending the community, I’m calling you out for throwing around misinformation and bs because you didn’t read the rules. Big difference.

Because your experience is based on misinformation that isn’t true. So you try to diminish the positives of a helpful community by stating things that are false. Thats why I make it about YOU. If you didn’t spread misinformation, we wouldn’t be here :slight_smile:

Where did I blame you? And “what the community guy did” lol as if ALL lfg groups always end up forming… You’re literally making a big fuss over someone leaving (which you first claimed was becuse you couldn’t find someone)…

No you did not… Because you admitted that you didn’t know the rule and “nor did he”… Stop lying just to try and make a point xD

Not really tied to each other. But nice hyperbole :slight_smile:

Are you able to read yourself? You LITERALLY write “BECAUSE not being able to find a group”… That is LITERALLY the explanation you gave.

You can read in the guidelines why they may be there :slight_smile:

Well, you would have inhumane powers. Claiming such is again, like me claiming I can, I know they did their best. Ah nice spot we are at :slight_smile: Can you prove they didnt try their best? nope. Good.

Again… goal =/= achievement :slight_smile:

Nope I didn’t. But considering you can’t even follow your own sentences, I understand that you are confused. I name a lot of factual stuff, even corrected your misinformation. So again, a factual thing just stated :wink:

Rich coming from the guy that has to lie xD

That is literally not the same… What is the consequence of the warning? It has to materialize into a punishment, that is the consequence. A warning is… a warning… You really thought you did something there didn’t you? xD

To use your analogy maybe you will understand:
You get 12 crests, you need 15, you decide never to do M+ again. Are the crests useful? No. Good we agree :slight_smile:

Oh my lord… You do realize when I say “Its popular to do keys” I dont have to compare it… Like are you actually that stuck up, that regardless of how many times I write “NoP is NOT an alternative to LFG” you STILL want to compare them as if they are alternatives either or?
NoP is a popular community for doing keys. Its one of the bigger ones at that. So yeah. Doesn’t mean LFG isn’t popular… Doesn’t mean Guilds aren’t… More things can be popular without it meaning the others aren’t.

It actually does. Because we are talking about THE COMMUNITY not the METHOD. Like holy damn it’s like trying to explain what a community is… You want me to compare the popularity of a COMMUNITY to pugs? No? The community it itself is popular amongs similar communities…

I hope this helps that I have to explain to you, why me saying “NoP is popular” makes sense.

Oh my lord. I will repeat. NoP is not an alternative to PUGS… xD Regardless of how many times you want it to be, it is not. Can you show me ANY external source that is more active than in game? No. Because even though NoP has a lot of players in, a lot still don’t know about it, or dislike it, or don’t want to use it…

No, what I’m saying is, when discussing whether or not a community is new player friendly our anecdotal evidence doesn’t matter. The fact that you still want to use how many runs you’ve done as an actual argument and at the same time going “weird way of analyzing data” is laughable.

Nope. I claimed from the start that YOU said it disbanded because you couldn’t find the last guy, and when questioned YOU said the rule was it wasn’t allowed to look outside of the community. But nice try putting words in my mouth :wink: If you are in doubt, scroll up, I quoted your claims :slight_smile:

Nah, a lot of people actually do. Some don’t. But it helps you to claim people don’t because if you didn’t you would have to admit that YOU not reading them, caused more harm for your experience clearly, than what needed :slight_smile:

Nobody can do this. Thats a fact. You can’t behind a screen know how much effort an other person you don’t know puts in. That is facts. And trying to claim you can, is again… Laughable.

You still haven’t told me.

Nah, but I am wondering if you are.

Never said anything close to what you’re trying to say I assumed. Again nice try. Try again.

Let me help you out:

The community strives to make an environment where people don’t leave after the first wipe.

Therefor the key phrases I wanted you to understand was:

“* We have Time and Completion as the available options on the buddy and the problem is that specifically in the case of time there can be quite a range of different expectations here. We expect you to communicate , and if you leave the dungeon without communicating and are reported to us we will normally take action unless there’s some particular confluence of circumstance that makes it clear things had gone beyond a certain point as to make it unnecessary*”

You see now? Marking things as timed just allows people to communicate that they don’t wish to stay there if its not timed, without having to fear, that they are reported to the mods for leaving.
Because some people probably do want to keep going regardless of what the group was marked as for vault or for gear or something third…
The completion option just allows to set the expectations lower than that.

But the absolute key words from NoP are still:

This is a learning community first and foremost, not a pushing community,

So yes. You will have more people that probably don’t know their rotation fully etc. because in NoP that is okay. In LFG 1 mistake is just a disband. The illusion that LFG is better for new players is just bs… Hence OP making this thread.

Nope, but that would be like me saying:

So, you didn’t read the rules, that means

  1. Everything you said is a lie and I’m correct
  2. You’ll keep lying and pretend you are right

Choose one.

Can’t wait to see which one you choose :wink:

Haven’t made up anything yet, I leave that up to you :slight_smile:

You appeal the ban… Not the warning… Which is what I wrote :slight_smile:

Which they appealed and it got reversed. Thanks for proving me right! :wink:

Because a warning isn’t a consequence. What consequence did you suffer? Oh you got a warning?.. How did it impact your future gameplay? It only will once you get the punishment. Pretending a warning is a consequence, is a bit far fetched.

Since you like analogies let me give you one; A consequence in football is a yellow or a red card… The referee talking to a player and warning them is not a consequence. Thats a warning. Hope this helps :slight_smile:

I thought it was because they had chat turned off? :wink:
And no really didn’t. I just pointed out some common knowledge. If so many people can play the game without ever getting a warning, and someone gets multiple, maybe they are doing something wrong :slight_smile:

False flagging is a thing… Which you can appeal to get overturned… Happened in the “streamers” that you used as argument :slight_smile:

Likewise you prove why NoP is better for new players rather than LFG :slight_smile:

No assumptions. Pretty clear and admitted you didn’t read them.

I hope this helps. You must be troling at this point :joy:

I just showed you once again, that you literally said you disbanded BECAUSE you couldn’t find one more player :slight_smile:

Nah, I wrote it to you above. You seeing them as how Blizzard intends them is on you :slight_smile:

Not really. I am against accepting a FALSE narrative :slight_smile: Theres a difference :wink: I told you multiple times that its okay its not for you. You just can’t accept that you were spreading misinformation due to lack of knowledge.

Face plenty, so no need to worry about that part :wink:

While this was fun, I will put it to rest here. You seem to dislike the community because it doesn’t compete or acts as a better alternative to LFG, that’s fair - but a misunderstood perception of why NoP was created (Again can read this in their own guidelines).
I am sure both the community and you are better off without each other, and I’m sure LFG has a gigachad player saving them in you :heart:

Considering you haven’t met the friendly people in NoP, you getting warnings, and are being flamed in LFG is all just coincidences, and not because of how you talk or act towards others :heart: At least I’m sure you would claim you had no fault and was the friendliest of monks in all scenarios.
Wish you the best of luck and I truly do hope you find like minded people to play with, because from my experience of having two pre-made groups consisting of friends, I can say the game just feels better when you can laugh and have fun even during wipes and deaths, instead of channeling your super powers and mind reading people through the screen :smiling_face:


Because of this new scaling, healing and tanking in TW will be almost next to impossible without the “right” gear when you factor in that people want to finish asap so you can’t pull slower as a tank and even then, 2 mobs can still kill you within literal seconds. Or as a healer that can’t keep tank, let alone, anyone in the group alive.

This is not a skill or not knowing the class issue. It has to all with the gear because of this new scaling. When you don’t have the gear for your level, you will perform like hot garbage. I can’t count on how many players of all roles ive seen in TW now that has GREY ITEMS or zero ranked heirlooms equipped and its all thanks to gear just not dropping for all slots. This is why you see so many end game geared lvl 70s performing like gods in the first 2-3 levels and when you go above around 74, you will out level the gear, level by level.

Not “attacking” what you said or anything, just clarifying for anyone to see since i have a ton of people that honestly believe this is a skill issue and not a gear issue whatsoever.

What about toxic tanks and healers???

I’ve had nothing but good runs, even 10s are smooth.

But there’s a common denominator in your experiences. I’ll let you figure out who.

What 10s are you talking about? Your 2 runs?

Peak irony. You think I cause the poor gameplay while I am actually being the one boosting?
Thank you for proving my point even further. A clueless player who tries to speak on something he absolutely can’t comprehend.

Even tho you absolutely ignore every single scenario I described… Before you come up with non sense because you are mad, try to make one logical argument how I can time +12 with pugs but fail to time +7 Ara Kara with NP community. (even tho I already explained why, go ahead try to make you “educated” assumption)
I will also ignore the objective fact how 600k dps in a +8 run is everything else than smooth because I want to give you at least a little bit of a chance for a come back.

Dear God those awful multiquotes hurt my eyes.

NoP is a mixed bag because it grew so quickly. Its a mix of “decent” people and some who very clearly want a carry. I had one person die to the first mechanic on the first boss of ara-kara 3 times. signing up for a 9 with no score, gear or clue.

Decency should work both ways, you shouldn’t sign up to stuff you aren’t capable of and ruin other peoples experience. On the other hand, if someone signs you really want to try to give them the benefit of the doubt.

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Yeah because I only have one character. :roll_eyes:

Except you didn’t, checked through your runs, ever +12 and 11 you almost always have the same paladin, most often tank, and the same survival hunter.

Gee, I wonder why, almost playing with a group of friends who have played with eachother a lot helps !

Pugging = full pug, not just to complete the pre-made.

Every run with people you do not know is a hit or miss. Also in NoP. But at least in NoP the runs go in a good environment with friendly people. And you have often the option to get in voice with them too, which makes the experience 10 times better.

And yeah, i had a mists +10 last week where i as healer (again) had to explain the guessing game. Advertised as timed. 63 minutes furthers… yeah then i am also a bit demoralised, because as healer, getting the fox on you as a melee healer and then needing to solve the guessing game for the other 4 people; while also trying to keep the players healthy during the burst damage is … not so fun. yeah those things can happen. But most runs are totally fine.

Nah… you have a billion characters.
Is not helping your point tho. Wanna take a look at your warrior for example?
Ye… super smooth lmao…

You priest that you quit after one smooth +8?

Your Evoker?..

Even your druid… what are we talking about? 1-2 runs per dungeon and smooth? Really? So smooth you didn’t even want to keep playing it and dropped it at ilvl 623.

The copium is strong in you, son.

Congrats, you played yourself.
The pala and the hunter are friends of mine, yes. The only fun thing is that both of them have zero xp and were guided by me this season. Both are casuals. Pala never tanked in his life before, yet he tanked a +12 indeed and we timed it.
Also ONE out of THREE is NOT “most often tank” lmao :joy:

That’s the key word, almost.

Nowhere does “pugging” mean a full pug group. Besides that, my guys are sometimes are way below pug level. Means even tho I permanently tell them what to do on discord and they actually know what to do, they still fail.
A very recent fail of my pala: We tried NW +13 yesterday and since has has no idea how to tank, he couldn’t even “collect” the first pull, means he didn’t get aggro properly during the pull and I got heal aggro, which resulted in a wipe and insta deplete.

If you think stuff like this makes my runs easier, your copium dose needs to be lowered asap.
I play with the guys because I like them, not because they are good.

Yet you were still literally not able to name anything that apparently shows my “bad performance” and makes me wipe +7 with NP community or generally have bad runs with them. Wondering why :joy:

And ? grew bored of fury.

Yeah, I didn’t like Disc, I usually play holy, which isn’t good at all this season.

Raid char. :woman_shrugging:

Notice the m+ score, oh, what’s that, 2500 ?

I have literally no reason to push score because there’s nothing I want beyond getting KSH each season, then I just do alts till im bored, repeat.

If you don’t think playing with 3/5 of a premade on voice with 2 of the strongest current classes doesn’t make runs easier… I don’t know what to tell you man.


But go ahead, prove your point. Do all 12+ keys with only pugging, and I’ll believe you.

So with other words while you have your few runs while barely playing, you want to argue with someone who actively plays?

Maybe you should not tell me something but listen properly? Could have learned something :wink:

Believe what? That pugging is easier than playing with NP people? lmao
The lack of understanding very basic stuff is proof enough. Just look at you. Or look at the fact how the NP people are INCREDIBLY sensitive to criticism or basically anything you could say. They are the most fragile beings I ever seen on this planet.
You already need to be careful with your words. What do you think is gonna happen if you discuss an actual tactic? Holy moly… the level of delusion you reached is crazy.

To give you a fun example of the NP community… I had a MoT run where the tank pulled only the 4 small mobs. I mean I understand their lack of experience and that he didn’t pull further, which would make it a proper pull. I didn’t say anything. He then skips the pack even tho it’s one of the easy packs in this dungeon. So we take the lock portal. And I was truly curious… maybe I am wrong? Maybe he has some kind of route I am not aware of and I could learn? Ye… I was too high on copium I guess. What does he do in the end? After the boss he pulls 3 packs with the shield mobs… we fought quite a while because obviously I can heal for quite a bit. But we ended up wiping. Obviously… So I said:

And THIS was already enough to hurt their feelings and wanting to report me. You are crazy delusional if you think you can play anything properly with this kind of people.
I of course asked him to be more specific and to re-phrase what exactly was not nice that I said and worth reporting. He did not reply. I assume deep down he understands that there was nothing “not nice” that I said and it’s just all about his hurt feelings.

Idk man… people who go for a crazy non sense pull like this call it a “small” mistake and are beyond hurt if that’s called out in a non offensive way. How much copium do you need to think that you can actually have a real discussion with this kind of people and work out tactics? This kind of people are the same people who leave the group first the moment you face an actual challenge.

That’s called passive aggressiveness and taking the piss of someone.
You tried to be funny and smart, and it backfired.


More so that I just don’t really care about what you write. Especially since you seem to have gotten so triggered over one simple jab. :joy: But you’ve been entertaining to talk to, thank you for that to make my job that much bearable. :saluting_face:

If you think this is “aggressive” in any form, even passive, you need to check your hurt feelings. (now that’s passive aggressive)

And now real talk: If anyone truly thinks this is offensive, in any way, the person literally needs to see a professional asap. Not kidding.

Is always easier to live in a delusion than facing reality. I understand why you are afraid. Typical NP people :slight_smile: live your life in your bubble. Enjoy.

Oh the irony in this is palpable. :rofl: Thank you for the laugh.

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