You’re really not helping your case here.
You need to comprehend the case first.
No, it’s pretty clear.
Pretty sure we all comprehend the issue here.
As I said, if someone finds the conversation in the screenshot offensive, he needs professional help.
If that’s offensive, what do you think an actual discussion is where both parties have a different opinion? An attempted murder?
So you both agree? Doesn’t look like it to me
I don’t come across many bad tanks, but I do come across a lot of bad healers….
As you start getting close to level 80, your abilities become extremely weak due to scaling. It’s not really a skill issue. It’s really difficult to keep the “pull all trash onto boss” kind of tanks alive when your basic heals do 0,5% of their health bar.
Your current low performance isn’t really your fault. You are simply at a point of your character progression that sucks. It will last until you get a bit of gear at level 80 unfortunately.
When I was leveling my paladin, this stuff made me swap from Holy to Prot where I never had any issues.
If you want to stick to healing, you can see this as a training for harder content.
Honestly i agree, ive tanked since launch in 2005 on my warr and kater as a palla that also heals.
If sombody told me i suck irl to my face their i would put my foot so far up their behind that their foul mouth would be getting used to shine my jackboots.
I dont care for ppl mouthing off especially in a GAME people gotta learn how to play somehow toxicity should be bannable on the spot if it was this behaviour would stop overnight and that freinds is a fact.
The thread was based on lvling dungs as far as i can see why are you bringing mythic into it ?
You should also be aware that somone whos never played a tank b4 is gnna be nervous af they literally control the fight based on pulls and movement.
So comming on the forum and being all like why should i care … is the exact type of hostile outlook that the thread is based on.
Look at it like this ok…
You dont know, what you dont know, you also dont know if the player using the tank is physically disabled or mentally challenged in some capacity, all you see is the chara doing what its doing.
So assuming theyre merely new and nervous isnt all there is to it.
All im saying is look further into what u see its harder on a game but if somone is genuinly struggling try helping them out it strenghtens the community if ppl support eachother.
I just had a pres evoker in my CoT +8 who had 289k HPS vs my 500k as prot paladin. The key bricked naturally because the healer couldnt keep anyone alive on normal packs and then started whispering me and insulting me.
last time I am ever inviting any duo or premades to my keys, they are always just someone carrying their e-kitten.
I pug M+ as tank. I occasionally makes mistakes, and I apologize when I do. And to be fair, more often than not the group are understanding. But occasionally I get insulted, sometimes for mistakes I did, and sometimes for mistakes by others. I just keep calm and continue.
I have played Warcraft 3 and Starcraft 1 before I played WOW, and in Team games the community was 100 times more toxic. I was young and stupid (20s) back then, and sometimes I got angry at my teammates if they insulted me that I would retaliate and grief them by attacking their bases.
But as I grew older, I grew a thick skin and I didn’t care about abuse. Now when I get insulted, I say “Thanks for the compliment”. When they tell me to “delete the game”, I say “Thanks for the advice”, etc. Sometimes, that will shut them up, or in the case of one particular rogue kept wishing I die with cancer for the remainder of the run I think he had it macroed or something (even though we eventually timed the key).
But to be fair, it’s not as bad as people make it seem to be. Most of the time, in my experience at least, the group are understanding and civil. They may of course express some frustration after a wipe with phrases like “oh my God”, “what happened??”, give pointers like “please interrupt”, “don’t do blabla”, etc, and this is understandable but overall remain civil.
Don’t take it personally, I see it now and then, normally from players that don’t actually know what they’re doing themselves.
I used to heal pvp but stopped recently as it was getting more and more toxic with each passing day.
I’ve literally been hounded for hours by one guy via /w.
The problem isn’t so much the healer, it’s the time they wait to find a group.
So many issues with the game at the moment yet blizz seem reluctant to fix them.
Which is why player numbers are falling like a rock.
Either way, don’t take it personally and move on, being a healer you won’t need to wait long for the next group.
While I do agree, this is just a sad reality… If you are a new healer, and your experience is being flamed, toxicity, etc. you’re not going to be encouraged to sticking it out. At least most wont.
This just means the game lost a potential new healer, and que times remains high with a low tank / healer population.
As a healer for 10 years, toxicity towards me has had 0 negative impact on my will to continue playing the game because I’m a grown up adult and mean words from complete strangers I’ll never see again doesn’t affect me whatsoever.
It doesn’t in real life, and it’s certainly doesn’t in a video game.
It’s easy to say “just grow thick skin”, but that’s not the right approach to this problem.
Toxic people should be reported or educated on their behavior, and not accepted in the community.
It can’t be that people new to something have to just “suck it up”.
We can and should be better as players.
Exactly… And this is why I initially recommended No Pressure EU community. Not because it is filled with gigachads all pushing +15’s… But because the reality is, even though we should know better, the Dunning-Kruger effect shows itself on a daily in WoW…
In M+ you’re told to go do M0 if you want to learn… In M0 you are told to go do HC / TW / normal dungeons… In normal dungeons you’re kicked and told to do follower dungeons because people are trying to speed run mass pull the entire dungeon… Then people question why no healer or tank wants to que up…
Tbh sombody spamming die if cancer group would be reported blocked and replaced.
The fact of life is thus that person saying such things diesnt know you and you could actually have had or still ne reciving cancer treatment or have a freinds / family member with the issue.
Ppl like this deserve perma bans in my mind.
I wont allow anyone like that near me in any capacity, the mere fact they think they have some sort of right to say things like that to others is a joke, they are themselves a joke to say such things.
As i stated before just report block boot, make sure to screen shot the chat if you can as well.
Absolutly dusgusting how this rouge belive he had any right to say such things at all.
Ill bet you irl they dont have the guts to even speak badly about ppl that or theyre a cowardly type person wbo vents on the internet bc they think theyre safe…
Chosing Healer spec should come with a disclaimer that you’ll face abuse from other players. It’s a problem that Blizz needs to adress.
lately it has also been related to pvp