Trade chat Ads spamming 2020 . :(

They’re not only using Trade, they use General, they use yell as well.
How in the hell are we going to ignore all this?

Just take responsibility for your product and sanitize this game already, there’s enough people paying subscriptions aren’t there?


This is what you get when you constanly push game towards conivience, casual friendly, pay2win trought token on top of ruined professions.


Imagine you are new player. Completly new guy what dont even know what addons are and see this. I would instnaly quit game if i didnt know better.


We already said many times, badboy is useless because 1st not everybody uses it and 2nd because almost everybody gave up tradechat to skip the extra addon and the spammers.


I didnt made this thread to find a way to dodge the problem with an addon . I made it so we can have a discussion and ideas for possible solutions .
Channels are completely destroyed because of the adds


And even if you have badboy, they still stand and Yell, Emote and whisper you, and they do not only use tradechat as someone said earlier.


Absolutely out of order, using trade chat for trading and not letting people chat about other stuff.

Bloody parasites…

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You see this in literally any MMO, more so in F2P games… and WoW has pretty much become a “F2P” game for those that can make gold, which means gold sellers and boosters relentlessly spamming.

Easiest option is just to leave Trade. There seems to be zero reason to hang in there anymore. In Wrath times it was pretty colorful and fun to spend time in. Things have certainly changed and not for the better. Resembles mirror image of real life global trash culture.


Yeah but thing is, it doesn’t really help, as they use general chat, Local chat, say, yell, emote and even whispers in some cases as well.

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Are you talking about Retail or Classic? Its impossible to stop bot sellers. WoW is so automated these days they just make new characters with new trial account data if banned. Blizzard does not use resources to get rid of them, would cost too much.

That’s why on any new character I make, especially on a highly populated server, the first thing I do is /leave trade

Just consider it the spam channel.

They dont whisper to you if you dont whisper to them. You can block all channels from your chat options. Just keep your friends and guild and problem solved no addons needed.

Sometimes when I just want to be at peace I uncheck all chat boxes and I dont have to worry about anything. Just listen good music and do WoW things. You dont have to respond to anyone in this game if you dont want to.

Exactly this

100% truth.

seems like a f2p rubbish game when you see such rampant abusive behaviour


The downfall of modern gaming where everything is about instant gratification and immediate reward.

Boosting is the perfect example of that actualy and is the result of that shift in mentality. Players will gladly pay to get that instant reward and show off that they " cleared HC Ny’alotha " even though it’s not really an achievement worth showing off really.

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Make trade chat great again. Argent Dawn is the only trade chat I can stand in retail atm… Every other realms trade chats is just spammed with boosts.


The trade channel is an iconic channel for world of warcraft since day 1.You cant just trash it out like that . Is the channel that kept the servers communication alive all this year. It gave you the feeling that you are not alone in the server but now all you see there is automated massages from bots.

There always been boosters advertising stuff in trade chat but now its completely out of control.
Its not healthy for the game when it happens at this rate.

Wow is a game , not an online platform for people to grind money.


That is disgusting. I thought our trade chat was bad (on Argent Dawn) but damn, you guys have it so much worse…

Will Blizzard do anything? probably no, because they support boosting for “gold” which is perfectly acceptable in their eyes, even though most of the boosters real world trade/real money trade over Discord.

There’s an underground network of guilds who make a living from boosting on WoW because they either sell excess gold and/or get real payments for their boosting services.

The fact that Blizzard allow the boosting culture to fester, even after muiltiple guilds have been caught breaking the rules (RWT/RMT) speaks volumes…

I personally believe that it’s because WoW tokens are selling like hot cakes because people are buying them to buy raid/pvp/mythic+ boosts.