You let a mold fester, it escalates over time.
That Boosting would become this dominant in Trade was entirely forseeable but people didn’t want it to be tackled back when it was manageable a couple of expacs ago.
And here we are.
You let a mold fester, it escalates over time.
That Boosting would become this dominant in Trade was entirely forseeable but people didn’t want it to be tackled back when it was manageable a couple of expacs ago.
And here we are.
Make a new chat-tab, do not select “Trade chat” (or any other) and do select things like “Party” and “Instance”.
This way you can decide to read the Trade chat by clicking on the other tab whenever you want to, need yo or like to, while you won’t see those messages constantly - but they are still there (so you won’t miss anything)
Voila. Easiest solution available.
Although a more advanced filter won’t hurt. But we don’t have that atm, so we use what we have right
Disable the trade channel if you are not capable of ignoring them.
Yeah, sorry. I don’t care how ‘not against the game rules’ selling boosts is. When it has gotten to the point where every second message is “WTS X Key or” “Boosting X Raid” it makes the whole game look like a complete joke.
Make a boost selling channel, if people want to buy or sell boosts they should go there. We shouldn’t be forced to install addons and moderate public channels ourselves using filters simply because your system isn’t up to the job, it’s ridiculous.
OmG aRe yOu tOo pOoR To bUy a Boost?
That’s fine and all, but it’s a shame that a lot of those Mythic+/Raid boosters will take their conversations over to Discord after finding a buyer and then discuss RWT instead of in-game gold payments.
This ^It’s naive if Blizzards believe in that the majority of them only takes gold
They are not naive far from it actually they ban boost sellers for real money.havent you heared about TSM Shaun incident awhile back he got banned on stream for 2 years while he was streaming on Twitch his boosting it was on Asmongold stream highlight video.
Right click > Move to new window. The End.
Did he boost or was it a ‘giveaway’ for subs like all those streamers like to do? XD
I think it was the first one he was also boosting his girlfriend in the video he got hit.
I am fine with boost seller, it is the trade chat after all. More annoying is guild recruitment in trade chat, since its not the place for it.
Seriously, what else would you use tradechat for when not boosting? There are rarely any trades of item in tradechat at all, there is the auction house for that. If you get a RMT offer, just report them and they get banned pretty fast.
Trade chat is nothing but people selling boosts nowadays so might as well just leave trade chat all together.
I thought I’d give the old LF1M for a mythic a try the other day and the whispers I got asked how much ¯_(ツ)_/¯
So many of your playerbase depend on boosts or else they can barely manage to keep their mental playng this “chase the carrot bs”
No you wont ever do anything to those ppl, bcs without boost alot of their “customers” will quit the game in a week.
It wouldn’t even be so bad if it was just from your own realm(s), but it’s literally all realms advertising to all realms - at least make it a forum thing, and clean up trade chat, which at the moment, may as well be renamed to “Boost Chat”.
Try addon ‘Global ignore list’ and create a filter for words you want to block. Beware that any message except guild chat (even /w) that contains the word you decided to filter out will not be displayed to you. It’s a pretty mechanical solution but it’s better than nothing.
Not only is it allowed, its pretty much encouraged since it contributes to WoW Token sales. Chi ching!
/leave trade, because you’ll never get this stopped.
Sorry for using up your precious ressources
But i see you put the little you have to good use defending something most people hate…
Just wait for Classic where people will legitimately be selling items.
This is why wow is dying, even the blues dont really care about their game and will punish people who try to play the game the way its meant to be played and not get boosted by real money (yes it is real money! because the gold come from selling the token)