Trade Chat Spam

Hey bit of a moan here, but is anyone else tired of seeing the spamming ‘Mythic +’, ‘Uldir’ boosts constantly in trade. Like does nobody actually play the game anymore? Ofc their has always been boost groups for any raid etc but this is ridiculous.

Normally I just report spam whenever I see these but it’s just all you see nowadays.


Just move Trade to another window and select what kind of chats you want to see in your main window via settings.

Alternatively, BadBoy spam and GlobalIgnoreList can filter it out.

Completely agree, it is all you see. Pretty sad.


I wouldn’t mind it if they were real people but from my experience they are always bots.

Me too. It may not strictly be against the rules but GMs dont care so it’s a win.

This is why /trade and /general no longer exist in my chat window. I was upset I had to leave the channels(I honestly think these channels are important to have in a game for social interaction outside the guild), but I just could not deal with it any more of the boost spam. I wish boost where put in their own channel, so that I could get /trade and /general back, and the boosters could gather together in a /boost channel which I could just skip having.


Does anyone actually use trade chat to trade?
I’m not sure I’ve ever seen it used for that…

Yeah it’s out of control. I’ve resorted to getting a new addon (global ignore something) that blocks ALL toons of any i put on ignore on ALL my alts so it helps a bit but they keep on coming.

It used to be used for that, but obviously crafting has gone downhill, and so has /trade. I mean, spam was always a part of it, but there were also sales in there. I find it sort of insulting that they are allowed to take control of the channels like this, but Blizzard has said they approve of it, as long as it’s not for real money. General chat can also be quite informative in the cases of new content. I really don’t like that I was forced out of it because of boosting. I had forgot how much they anger me. They are like gold seller spam in the past. Since I left the channels some months ago when I finally saw it had no end(and Blizzard finally said they approve of it), I had kinda forgot how much they annoyed me. I’m feeling the anger rise again now.

See, using addons or simply ‘ignoring’ doesn’t solve the issue, cause if I’m trying to sell something (which is the purpose of the channel) others may struggle to see my message through the spam.
It’s bad enough with the damn guild recruitment spamming - which also has no place in /2 imo.

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PuGs demand ilvls that are higher than the content rewards. People lacking friends/a guild can either stop at m0, or pay for boosts.

But yes it’s annoying. The only solution I can come up with is to stop showing ilvl on the LFG tool, and shut down the API that is feeding raider io.

Buuut then we’d have to show “player has completed this dungeon at +X difficulty” instead, which would result in you needing a +9 to be invited to a +6.


I miss talking to strangers in a zone and asking for their help or advice. Trade/general chat has been ruined.

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I would suggest tweeting the devs about it.

You can’t for the spam. If you can then your servers dead anyway.

I’ve been saying this for years especially when we had greens advocating using bad boy etc rather than deal with the issue.

I remember Mop was the last time I did. I asked for help in general on a quest boss and help came in the form two invites.

I actually think Trade is where all the selling runs belong tbh. They are selling their services.

I think we are all too used to trade being used for chat.

I’ve never used trade for years, it’s always full of rubbish. I disable LocalDefense, too. Hopefully the Horde will take out some of the [Dirge] morons while they’re at it.

I have to disagree here. Trade used to be for selling ingame items and craftig, but this was before crafting was made useless.

While I can see why you think boosting belong in trade, it should have it’s own channel, and belong in LFG in my opinion. It should perhaps have had it’s own section in LFG. As of now it’s taken over all public chat channels, and is on the level of gold selling in the past.

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It is getting better but they were drowning M+ key listings with selling groups to the point there were more of them than what the tool is intended for. Boosts are an unsupported transaction within the game, I think giving them their own channel/category for listing might be seen as giving them legitimacy. They took steps to make listing selling runs in group finder reportable.

I agree it’s the new equivalent of gold sellers. But that was against the rules and reportable xD.

Boosts are literally everywhere. I can go onto the Pre-made groupfinder and 1/4 - 1/2 of the runs set up are WTS ones in the dungeons, and then 3-5 are always in the raiding one. They then give other players to sit on level 1 characters and spam Trade chat with it as well.

Boosting shouldn’t be allowed in game.