Trading Post - Known Issues and Updates

Me neither

I’m still missing 500 tenders and the quest still won’t complete when I open the chest.

Same thing here, made a ticket yesterday, it was just marked resolved with no comments today and nothing is fixed…

No mount here but no mention of the 500 currency which did not get credited to this char on completion of the TP startup quest.

Hello all just a little update , i still cant loot the tender chest , my trading post journal says i have tender to claim because i filled up the bar doing all the activities , so i click on the chest next to the trading post , it opens up and then NOTHING ! iam having this issue from the first day it was launched. Some of my friends dont have the issue and got the rewards and currency from the chest. So long story short , when i open the chest nothing comes out , it just opens up and thats it.

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Oh it did grats :stuck_out_tongue: Mind sharing the issuse with us or …

It’s still bugged, even after that maintenance (yeah another one) last night. I do have the mount, but progress keep switching between 0 and 850, never 1000. Also on every login I can pick up 400 Tenders from chest, but it doesn’t add to the currency tab. I bet if I log on later, the currency will be gone again.

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the service even if its cosmetic update is very pathetic and not up to par for 13e/month sub


Got my missing Flail directly into my collection now via a ticket, so at least that issue is solved for me.

Personally, I will probably wait a week or two before I get the Ogreling. Don’t wanna risk going through that again.

I could do the challenges just fine, have 1250 Tender left as I should. It keeps vanishing from the currency tab, though. Clicking the chest and “collecting” 400 tender does seem to bring them back so it’s likely just a display issue.

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It seems ok to me now, although I haven’t bought anything yet.
I was able to click the Cache in Stormwind, do the speak with vendors objectives and complete the initial quest. I got 1500 tenders for that.
In the Journal it shows my progress on some activities (such as Quests Completed) as 25/30 when I first looked, I’ve sinced completed that. I did a Pet Battle one and the earn rep one.
So I’m now at 450/1000.

I’m waiting thil near the end of the month to actually buy things, just in case there are still issues there. We have 25 days for them to sort it out.

A few more issues I would also like to add are that some people are not even getting credits for activities. Today I sold way more than 5k in the auction house, claiming the gold and it didn’t count towards progression of the traveler’s log. I also did a PVP world quest in dragonflight, with the same issue.

its me again with a little update , i tested several things like turning off all my addons , i tried it on another realm with an alt , i even reinstalled the game !! but still iam not getting credit , My journal keeps saying i must claim tender using the chest next to the trader post , so i click on the chest , it opens up then Nothing ! i did all the mini quest related to the trading post , i did fill up the bar doing the activites till it was full but still iam not getting anything when i open the chest. i just give up now :stuck_out_tongue:

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Yesterday, like others I could see the tender registering but not showing up in the account. I popped across to Org today to see how things were and the tender kept being added, was even able to purchase some of the items today.

What was weird is that I have not been able to see any journal to tell me what I need to do, but then suddenly the mount/harbinger of dawn got added to my collection - no complaint here! :+1:

One query I have which will sound silly, is in relation to any tender we don’t use - will it carry across to next month?

I have 4 credits towards the achievement “Trading Post Enthusiast”, which should take 4 months.

Better safe than sorry, remember to report it as a bug if you’re experiencing the same thing. Never know if you get hit with a ban for “exploiting”.

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Total sh*t show TP was no where near ready to be launched. Try harder next time.

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I noticed my progress has completely reset this morning back at 0 - even though I have the mount (it acknowledges that) all my individual counters are zero as well (raid bosses shows 0 I killed 6 last night)

I received all TP currency as expected and got all the rewards. The only glitch was the reset to zero of all points and achievements in Traveller’s Log (and tracked Achievements on the screen) when reconnecting after disconnection in a dungeon/raid instance; after exit the instance all progress was restored. It’s unpleasant but not critical. Eventually I have completed the monthly progress line and got the Ash’adar mount.

But unfortunately, my choice of rewards was not the best and currently it’s irreversible. Any idea when the refund option may come back to life?

Just got my 1000 points for the mount… No mount at the trading post, chest not clickable.
Logged out and back in again, no points at all…
Guess Blizzard hadn’t fixed within the 2 days they posted the blue. I know, it’s a bit optimistic to get something fixed before the weekend.


Reading the comments of people I didn’t touch the whole thing up until today, I was just doing whatever I would have been doing in game anyway. I decided to try the feature out today as I heard it had gone through many fixes and it seems to be working so far. I received my tenders, their calculation was correct, I was able to buy anything I wanted and the leftovers were calculated correctly as well. Items were added to my collection correctly. I haven’t got that far to receive the mount but hopefully that will go smoothly as well.

I think this is going to be a very nice feature, it is just a shame how it was deployed.


Did this get a timeframe for a fix yet? also can’t loot my new tiger:)