Trading Post - Known Issues and Updates

Just had it where my Trader’s Tender was zero so couldn’t buy anything.
Log out and back in again, Trader’s Tender was back to normal.

Why can this crap company not figure out anything. Trading post their big hype, that is bugged.


Please also note that the task to earn 5000 gold from auctions cannot be completed either. I earned over 6k today and it didn’t complete (no progress from smaller amount of gold either). Might be best to check other tasks in travelers log too if they work

Same situation here, I’m at 3/12.

EDIT: Just logged in to check, it has been corrected to 1/12.

Just sold for 3247 gold in AH,and didn’t count towards the Traveler’s log.Still says 0 gold!

i did the fill the bar, it says I’ve done all activities, no mount, unable to open chest and meta achievements still says 0/12

same here , i got the 500 coins but no mount and no achieve

I still have that problem for the achiev i have the mount and points but achiev is still 0/12 hope they fix it soon cuz i dont want to make it 13 months instead of 12 xD

I have filled the bar and I can confirm that I did not receive the mount nor does it count against the 12 month achievement. Oh, well. They still have some fixing to do.

I decided to give it 4-5 days when coming across trading post and bugged coming up in the same sentence somewhere in the general chat. Im not sure what I was expecting to happen over the weekend when I decided to give it a go but yeah…bar full and no mount. Also, not sure if intended but I could no longer see the currency for it in the currency tab. Are we not able to collect more currency and buy the rest of the items?

5 days after the launch i still can’t loot anything from that damn chest … lately even the points associated with each trading post quest are gone. Can’t get my mount, can’t get my tenders, can’t buy anything… however the achievment was reverted to 1/12.

At this point i believe that it’s something account related … i can’t loot after restart/reload/different chars/reinstall/disabled addons/new char and no matter how much i try i can’t go past some account barrier

edit: forgot to mention that support takes forever to respond

Since 3 days i have 1000pts, atleast sometimes sometimes it say i have 0. But i dont have the Mount!!! Pls blizz give me that mount i did so much grind for it, my buddy got his mount why not me?

Still no fix for this Ash’adar, Harbinger of Dawn mountproblem at the trading post??? Just received som coins and NO mount for completing the Caring and sharing. You have collected all rewards for this month the Travelers log says but still no mount in my collection. When can we expect a fix to this problem? Its gone several days now and the problem is still there Blizz!!!

I didnt get credit for the “Trading Post Enthusiast” achievement its still on 0/12 even though I completed the Traveler’s Log and (finally) received the mount and tender today.

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I did not get the mount for completing the monthly activities either (although I did loot the Tenders from the cache, after completion).

I suspect the bug can (but hopefully will not) exist for another 21 days (as of the time of writing), before we really run into any issues with players not being eligible for the mount anymore, even thought they have completed the requirements to earn it.

On the players’ side, should we just submit a bug report, or wait for the fix?
Also, if we do run into the end-of-the-month issue - with this bug - can we expect a hand-out for the bug’s victims?

Im in the same boat. FInalized monthly got no mount. Still no mount (2 days after) even the worst thing is that I baught the ugly celestial as I only needed 2 mounts for Lord of the Reins archivement… Now still missiing 1 :frowning:

Today had hotfix. Logged in and was able to loot chest with my mount and missing currency.

might have been fixed for some, i still can’t loot the collector’s cache

I wasn’t sure if they’d gotten it right since the initial fix and if I had been reimbursed for the item that didn’t deliever, but I did the math for my purchases and the tender I should have now. It checks out. Apart from getting a notification about having completed a questing objective in the traveler log every time I start up it’s all good here. I hope they get it right for everyone after tonight’s maintenance.

Saw this, so logged in to try to loot the chest so I could finally buy anything from the trading post, but I still have the issue of being unable to loot it, so still no fancy transmog or mounts for me. I just hope they fix it before the month ends so we don’t loose the currency or chance to buy this month items.
Hopefully, in the best case it will be fixed after this weeks maintenance.