Trading Post - Tender/Costs

Sometimes I wonder if the end goal is that Blizzard don’t have to add anything to the TP for the next 4 years, or that they just put in 20% as much annual effort as they did in 2024 forever and players can never catch up anyway.

It’s a bit tiresome. I’d rather there were 2000 available each month, of which I can afford 1000, and they top up another 1000 year on year such that I’m always choosing which half of things I want. Having to pass on 80% options is kind of demoralising.

Again, the point is to make you subscribe every month and buy the Deluxe expansion editions and whatever else Blizzard sells that gives bonus Trader’s Tenders.

And the collectors and vanity lovers are basically accounted for. Those folks are broke as far as Trader’s Tenders are concerned. So they’re in the position where they’re heavily enticed to keep their subscription going and buy those Deluxe editions and what not, because they really want more Trader’s Tenders.

But not everyone are collectors or vanity lovers. There are lots of players who are sitting on thousands of Trader’s Tenders because the monthly offerings don’t really appeal to them.

But it’s still Blizzard’s goal to get these players to the same state as the collectors and vanity lovers - a state where they want more Trader’s Tenders to the point where they’ll stay subscribed for it and throw money at Deluxe editions.

And in order to accomplish that Blizzard have to add even more items to the Trading Post and increase the prices on the fancy stuff.

That makes it even more frustrating for the collectors and vanity lovers who already feel overwhelmed, but it’s in an effort to push more players into a state of needing Trader’s Tenders.

I mean, that’s what Blizzard are selling. Trader’s Tenders. And they would very much like if even more people were interested in buying them.

Mmos point is that people play them and buy stuff achieved by playing the game instead of going in game store to skip playing and buying everying with real money. Mmos provide social element and have some grind elements compared to single players. Single players offer different type of things.

And if we put tenders in store to bought with euros then whats the point of TP as middle man if can just put the item in game store for euros then. I mean I dont care if some wishes to buy mounts and stuff from store, I do it too, I just find it strange ask tenders for real money if the alternative could be something like do 1-2 wq and actually play the game.

As I said, the Trader’s Tenders are indirectly already for sale. You buy 1000 per month with your subscription. If you don’t subscribe in a given month, then you’re not getting those 1000 Trader’s Tender.

Because the Trader’s Tenders are limited in acquisition, and you can’t make up for any Trader’s Tenders you miss out on, then they become a really powerful retention tool and enticement for buying anything that gives extra Trader’s Tenders.

And Blizzard don’t need to sell them straight-up on the Online Store in unlimited quantity, because they already have the WoW Token for that purpose.

Trader’s Tenders are mainly there to keep people subscribed to the game.
Selling Trader’s Tenders on the Online Store doesn’t keep people subscribed to the game, but pay-walling 1000 Trader’s Tenders behind a 30 day subscription does.

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And as I said you do see the irony in ppl asking TP currency to in game store with real money right.

Oh yeah. I don’t know if it’s irony so much as it’s stupidity, but it means that the design is working as intended. Those Trader’s Tenders are supposed to be desirable. Players are supposed to want more to the point where they’ll pay for them. Because that also means they’ll pay for their subscription just for that, and pay for the Deluxe expansion edition just for that.

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I hate the idea of selling tenders from store, it would have blizz drop other means of adding it.

It would also make tp redundant eventually when someone figures that why we dont just put all these items in store for real money. Then in the end we got mmo where ppl raid log and buying stuff from store without lifting a finger in game and it becomes like some extremely expensive mobile game with no content, I rather they atleast keep making people do something in the game instead of go complete lazy with “just buy it all from store and log out”

I like trading post, I think its fun casual thing for cosmetics and mounts and opens possibilities to explore all various content in game for tenders, its good addition for the game, I rather they not ruin it entirely by putting all for real money.

I don’t think it’s an issue to give tendies with expansion packages

Donating small amounts of it with different expansion editions wouldnt be no different than anything else from cosmetics and whatever they add with expansion editions as bonus, so cant think of any issue with it either. But its not long term and it dont lower cost of items or add to monthly tender gains so it doesnt solve the current issue with TP either Imo. I think the most boring and worst solution they could do now is make tender in store as purchaseable however, would rather see some other solution made. More reasonable prices or one wq for it and so on.

Let us earn more tender endlessly, is my vote.
Then people can go bananas and buy things if they want; it’s just Tmog / Looks - let people have fun, let people farm if they wish.

Atleast little.

Agree, let ppl have fun and farm :dracthyr_a1:

There’s no point in that if you’re Blizzard.

If you can earn Trader’s Tenders endlessly, then the Trading Post is really no different from any reputation NPC that sells stuff for a currency you grind in the outdoor world.

And the point of the Trading Post isn’t to be yet another reputation & currency grind. Whilst that may be in the players’ interest, it is not in the interest of Blizzard.
It ain’t happening.

I mean, just to frame all of this, then Microsoft bought Activision Blizzard for $69 billion. That’s money they have to make back through the assets they’ve paid for.
So World of Warcraft – Blizzard’s main cash cow – is not going to shift toward a direction where it is more lax about its monetization efforts. Quite the contrary. That $69 billion isn’t going to materialize out of thin air. It’s going to come from our pockets. And that’s the point of the Trading Post and the Trader’s Tenders.

What they potentially could do to let us earn more tender is the have some as rewards in the new plunderstorm, maybe they’ve already though of it and it’s been talked about.

Just something that hit me just now reading the post.
I think it would also bring in a lot more players who otherwise might not care about it, but then I guess there would be complaining about being forced to do plunderstorm for the extra tender.

wow is played mostly but adoults 40+ at this point

those are people with a lot of disposable income which they dont mind spending on virtual goodies - why ? because at that age most cba to party etc etc so they have ton of free funds for stuff like this.

This is a bit short-sighted don’t you think? You don’t spend 69B to receive it back penny by penny in the form of IAPs or anything like that.

It’s all about market share (XBox was quite a bit behind), Game Pass, competition, exclusive titles, and future developments (cloud based gaming).

The big money is in the mobile games as far as I’m aware as well.

The tenders cost too much, yes

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Yes, no, the mobile part of ActivisionBlizzard covers 43% of their revenue (2023). Overall, Blizzard itself is relatively small within ActivisionBlizzard, let alone WoW and then seen within the context of Microsoft.

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But I think. Tenders are a limited recource that is forever misseable. I have not seen anyone that has managed to get everything from Trading Post. So currently all the ways to get Tendies are important as there are currently more new objects then Tendies.

I sadly have to agree with you. Especially those packages where they say:“For a limited time in store before later being put on the Trading Post.”
For completionist this is actually a mind trap because theorethically there is infinite € for you to get and spend. Meanwhile Tendies are fixed and limited. So true collectors would then have to either accept that the collection will be (even more) incomplete or have to spend real money because they do not want to use the limited pool of Tenders.

The aim isn’t to be able to get everything. At present my issue is that the costs are so prohibitive that my tendies don’t go very far.