Trading post

Could you tell me why you want this Peacock at all?

Because i like the mount + the other reason which is what i opened with

I don’t mind them putting pets for the monthly reward. What I mind is when the pets are not equal to the worth of previous months.

For instance, last month we had the pink transmog set which probably would’ve been about 750-800 tender if it was on the trading post. However, this month we have a pet mouse recolour that probably would be closer to 350 tender if it was available to buy. I’m not happy with how they’re cheaping out with the monthly reward that we can get, and it happened in December as well. Why on earth did we get the moose recolour pet instead of the Mitzy pet?

I think them doing the mouse recolour pet this month is lazy. They could’ve at least done to make it a little more special, like making it sparkle or giving it a cheese hat or something.

Ah, yes, gluttony and envy, humankinds closest and dearest friends.

This statement is key because I can see it coming in a year or maybe two. It will definitely come somewhere in between the “expansion/patches” of The world Soul Saga.

You will eventually get to pay real money over and above your subscription to unlock all the rewards for the month.

There will be no monetized battle pass-esque monetization of the TP, besides the tneders bundled in the shop.


It is designed for the reoccuring item system.

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You forget that part.

That’s really not a fair way to look at it.
This ‘battle pass’ (calling it that is even wrong imo) is free.
You pay for access to the servers, to be able to play the game.

That’s your speculation based on your belief.
One might just as well say:


You forgot that part.

That’s another type of speculation based on another belief. :sweat_smile:


Wait, what?

According to Wowhead, 49% of users have completed the basic pet content of the expansion,

and 14% have completed the main pet content of the expansion,

Those numbers are not “extremely few”.

You do have a legit point about pets - and mogs! - usually costing less than mounts, though, so people may not feel as good about getting cheaper things for free.


So you believe that at bare minimum 50% of 11 million accounts have completed the “basics”?

HAHAHAHAHAHA you really that there are still 11 million active accounts???

The total playerbase for wow in all region is between 750k to 1 million. WoW has not been near 11 million active accounts since on or before WoD. If World of Warcraft had over 1 million active players, they would still be publishing their player numbers on the earning calls like they used too.

The stopped because the numbers kept falling. Each expansion they get a boost of active players before they drop again after 30 days and will never been near 2 million players ever again. Even with TWW and the World Soul Saga, they may get back over 1 million globally … but 11 million accounts… really??? :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face:


I’m not quite sure what you’re asking here?

You said

and I showed that the number doing pet battles was not “extremely few”. So what, exactly, are you asking?

I am not supporting any “11 million” number, as Canju rightly questions above.

I am showing that the number of people doing pet battling is not small.


Maybe they simply set the bar too high the first year with almost every month having a mount, set, or unique weapon skins, now when they do pets even if the relative distrubution of pets/mounts/transmog is balanced it feels like you’re getting less ‘‘good’’ stuff

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obviously they want to sell you tenders.
If they put the good rewards for free or easy to purchase every month, they couldn’t sell their stupid tender packs that are “hidden” behind a stupid mog set or expansion upgrade.

they didn’t want to sell the tenders YET, first they will ease the community in for 2 years and then release the first 500 tender package for 15 eur :slight_smile:

anyways, I don’t care. Usually just get the mounts that I will never use anyways and call it a day. I don’t remember I bought anything from mog to mounts that I actually use at all

Are you telling me Blizzard, who have so far not managed to restrain themselves from monetizing every possible aspect of the game, will not monetize Tenders once it’s far enough down the road?

I’ve got some magic beans to sell as well.

Oh they 100% will, no doubt about that, they’ve started already by selling tenders.

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