Transfer character to another owned account

With multiboxing basically being banned, will there be options to transfer characters to another account?
Or to split 1 account with multiple characters into multiple subscriptions?

We discussed when blizz addet this into the game and a friend told me afaik this was added at the very end of vanilla. Will we see it?
Why wouldn’t blizz add it already? Any good reason not to?


I would also like an answer to this, seeing as you are allowed to have more than one subscription it would be nice to be able to transfer characters to the other subscription.
I filled the first acc with 10 char and would like to move the 3 summoning warlocks to the new subscription so I can lvl a shaman when TBC comes around.

and make selling characters easier than ever?

I don’t see the harm to transfer chars between accounts registered with the same mail and irl name.

To sell characters you’d would have to registrer an account with the sellers name. Who would buy a character on an account you basicly have no power over? Seller could easily hustle you, since the account is under his/her name.

I’ve never tried but I’m sure there’s a way to change your irl name on account as well as email.

the seller transfers the character to you and includes transfer fee in the price?

I don’t understand, you can log in once on every Warcraft account you have, which is how MBing worked, why would you need to transfer a character to another account, unless you are selling it or giving it away.

Only if it looks 100% fake, using a name like John Smith would not allow you to change the name, and you can only transfer characters on retail to another account you own. I believe there is a surname check before transfer.

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Except you can’t do this. Unless both accounts had the same mail and irl name.

And this is my point of view.

I dont mind people transferring between their own accounts.

If both accounts needs the same mail and irl name, selling/buying characters will be risky.

A former MB with lets say 5 accounts should be allowed to gather them all in one place imo.
Saves 4 subs a month, might be why we haven’t seen this yet.

To stop paying for 2x accounts?
I can understand.

Then why not just transfer them to one account on the same Blizzard account?

Because I enjoy playing retail and classic, have two screens and can farm/chat/afk both at the same time. And that would be worth an additional 13 euro/month for me

I was replying to Valkia. I forgot to hit the reply button.

You can play on two accounts in your Blizzard account at the same time, well, you probably know that. It also works with playing Classic and retail on a single blizzard account using two Warcraft accounts.

yea, unfortunately I have the classic chars on the same account :frowning:

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