Translation of WoW classic on RU servers

You should be grateful for even allowing you to play in a cross- realm battlegrounds lol. And yes ,if you see a cyrillic alphabet somewhere in EU realms ,its 90% chance to be a Bulgarian.

They didn’t - and that’s the problem. :slight_smile:

I would say it is a pretty understandable request to have accurate translations, if you are offering translations as part of the wow package.

Can confirm Russian translation is retarded. And it’s not just mistakes, it’s totally wrong.
For example - Warlock T2 set says “Set (8 Items): Reduces the damage done by Destruction spells by 20%”
which is hilarious.
Ruin talent description is nonsense (It doesn’t rly mean anything in russian so i’ll translate it to english same as it is in game)
Ruin - “Destruction spells more effectively increase critical hit chance by 100%”

I’ve met ppl who thought their crit chance is increased by 100% (like 30% + 30% with talent) and it simply won’t show up in stats casue classic stats are pretty poor and not informative.

Healing potion for 35 lvl is “the best healing potion”
Healing potion for 45 lvl is “Good healing potion”
Had the same thing with mana potions, but they changed it after many tickets and left healing pots same as it was :smiley:


Surprisingly im not trolling I just dont understand why wouldnt just use your native language if the one your using isn’t translated correctly.

Its not trolling its called common sense.

ok dude. If u’re not trolling which is really questionable. I’ll clarify it again for you.
I’m playing ru server just because i wanted to play with my friends. My native language is russian. Russian translation of wow classic is messed up. You can play ru servers with only russian language. You just can’t change it.
So you ask why wouldn’t I use my native (russian) language if the one that i’m using (russian) isn’t translated correctly?

Im not trolling but at the end of the day Blizzard are not gonna change a translation pack that is over 15 years old at this point so your only options are to suck it up or move to a English server with proper English translations.

Oh, I didn’t realize WoW has been translated to English too.

Good point never really realized how I typed that out lmao.

Russian here. Have been playing on English realms most of the time, since I’m fluent in English, but switched to Russian for Classic so I could play with my friends who don’t speak English well. Can confirm, Russian localization is terrible. Some of the more infamous examples:

  1. Some pieces were just copy-pasted from what I assume was TBC transcript. Normally this won’t be noticeable, but it reveals itself in at least two cases: Hemet Nesingwary and Rexxar - both NPCs were removed from the old world in TBC and replaced with Hemet Nesingwary Jr. and Rokaro respectively. This leads to a case where Hemet mentions his father (something his son said), and NPCs asking you to seek ‘Rokaro’ (who is actually Rexxar).

  2. Many cases of misinterpretation of idioms and pharesologisms. The verb ‘fall in’ (adressed to soldiers, meaning form ranks) was mistranslated, which led to an amusing scenario where Goretooth tells his men to ‘die’. Another infamous one was linked to a quest in Barrens which provided players with a horn they had to blow near a lion’s lair to summon it. Well, the ‘blow the horn’ part was somehow lost in translation and was rendered as ‘blow the horn up’ in Russian. Surprisingly, this one seemed to be fixed when I did the quest recently, but many other mistakes still remain.

  3. Translation clearly being done by several unsynchronized people. This manifests itself in proper names being translated differently in different cases, sometimes very close to one another. The best example is quest ‘Ordanus’ which in translation asks you to bring the head of ‘Хорданиус’ while the NPC you get the head from is called ‘Гордан’. While both may be considered acceptable translations of the name, the fact that there are two of them is silly. Amusingly, the quest name and quest objective are right next to each other and they both use different translation of the name. Also, many NPCs refer to Plaguelands as ‘Лихоземье’, while the zone itself is called ‘Чумные земли’. There are too many cases of this to list. Also, sometimes proper names get confused with regular nouns, such as in the case of ‘Silithid’.

  4. My personal pet peeve of the localization is the overuse of ‘вы’ which is plural version of ‘ты’, both appearing as ‘you’ in English. However, ‘вы’ is also used as a honorific to politely adress strangers, higher-ups, elders etc. In English the closest equivalent is the addition of ‘Sir/Ma’am’ before the name. Almost all NPCs in the game adress the player character with ‘вы’, which already feels silly when a quest giver does that while sending you off to a job, but it gets ridiculous when hostile NPCs do that. Even while trying to kill you, they are still gentlemen.

  5. Sometimes translation outright gives wrong directions to the player. An example with Ghost Wolf ‘reducing’ movement speed in Russian was mentioned above. One leatherworking quest in Russian asks the player to fetch some Heavy Armor Kits as stated by both NPCs and quest objective, while the quest itself requires Thick Armor Kits. The items do have different names in the game, but the translator must’ve not consulted anyone and translated the item name by himself. Which is technically correct, but doesn’t match what it sounds like in the game, and therefore - wrong.

  6. Typos. Gender confusion (too many cases of male characters being called a ‘she’). Missing translation (rare, but there are cases of certain names still appearing in English). Names ending up so long after translation, they don’t fit into the UI. Countless cases of questionable, lazy word-by-word translation. There is also a special case of a boss from Molten Core - Golemagg - randomly appearing with the name ‘Gordok Mage Lord’.

It’s embarassing for a company that big to have this horrible low-quality translation for their game. Russian players deserve better, especially considering English language is not even an option in Russian realms.


Все ясно. ТС - Маг-лорд из клана Гордок.


looks like they changed names of healing potions with recent patch.
But warlock set still reduces my destruction spells damage by 20% and ruin still increases my crit chance by 100% :sweat_smile:

Check for yourself, fool.
ru.classic.wowhead .com/item=18853/%D0%B7%D0%BD%D0%B0%D0%BA-%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%B7%D0%BB%D0%B8%D1%87%D0%B8%D1%8F-%D0%BE%D1%80%D0%B4%D1%8B

Полиморфизм 's phonetic is Polimorfizm, far away from Cтраха.

Try to create a character on a Russian server and come back to us.
Same happens the other way around.

It is the truth, Russian translation is a joke. For example Golemagg the Incinerator in Molten Core is named Маг-лорд из клана Гордок on the Russian client.
This translates to Gordok Mage Lord.

How is that even related to the English version of the boss. But wait it gets better!
There is an NPC in Dire Maul named Gordok Mage Lord, which is the same in the English and Russian translation. I don’t even know how someone managed to screw this up.

Two completely different NPCs, same name.
https:// ru.classic.wowhead. com/npc=11444/
https:// ru.classic.wowhead. com/npc=11988/

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