So, the war within is coming and warbands will make our lives easier and everybody thought that now we didnt have to farm with each armor wearing class to get all the transmorgs. However, with the recent release of more details it is mentioned that class items are still unique… so essentially, you will still have to run each old raids with all the different classes many times over to get all the transmorg… Well done making this awkward class requirement… why do you mess with our time like that blizz? Please fix.
Posted in general as I couldnt find war within forum…
compared to how it is now it will still be a lot better
Never expected anything else, of course class sets will remain class specific… but at least the not-class-specific items (many of them look alikes of the sets) will be farmable by all.
I’d say “insanely tedious” is a hyperactive mole, but even if it was, TWW still improves it by a lot. Upgraded to “tedious” at the very least.
It’s a massive improvement, you’ll only have to get the tier pieces, everything else will be unlocked. That’s a huge difference as far as collecting transmogs go.
I think you misunderstood. Not a general misunderstanding.
In World of Warcraft: The War Within, Blizzard announced that players will be able to learn transmog of any gear type, even if you cannot equip it – unlock plate transmog on your mage!
Currently, players who wish to unlock transmog must acquire the transmog on a class that can equip it. In a press release, Blizzard has announced that a new change to transmog will let players learn the appearance of any gear type, even if they cannot equip it.
This means that it should make it much easier to unlock all the transmogs in the game, especially on class specific items like old tier sets.
EXPAND THE POTENTIAL OF YOUR ALTS – With Warbands, players can enjoy account-wide progression with all characters in their® account, regardless of faction, that includes shared War Within™ renown, a warband bank, achievements, and more! Additionally, a new change to transmog collection will let players learn the appearance of any gear type, even if they cannot equip it!
Thought it was also worth adding:-
No I can run it all on my Paladin. She still won’t be able to equip cloth but she will be able to collect the appearances for my clothies.
So everything we already knew from Blizzcon then?
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You all have valid points - for sure it’s better than today. However, it has taken me weeks to acquire some class sets and with this change, I can just continue and soon start on new class - this change wont make a difference. As a matter of fact, I would argue that since so many runs on multiple classes are required, then one would anyway unlock all the other items as well. Also, why is “it’s better” adequate for you? Sounds like you have too many hours available to grind an old raid again and again on multiple classes. How about they just completely fix the issue instead of taking half measures?
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Because if the options are the old system or the new one it’s better and I’ll be happy with that. No I don’t have unlimited time to run old raids over and over, but I do find the time. It doesn’t take ages to run a couple of a raids with a speed set.
Why do you think you need to run it on multiple classes. That is the current system. In TWW we don’t have to run it on multiples unless you want more chances at collecting.
EXPAND THE POTENTIAL OF YOUR ALTS – With Warbands, players can enjoy account-wide progression with all characters in their® account, regardless of faction, that includes shared War Within™ renown, a warband bank, achievements, and more! Additionally, a new change to transmog collection will let players learn the appearance of any gear type, even if they cannot equip it!
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Because a Paladin still can’t learn the Mage specific drops. They can learn the BoE version but not the class specific tier piece, so if you want all the tier drops you still have to run all your characters. However, even this is greatly shortened by virtue of BoE look-alikes.
A direct quote from the Warbands Preview article:
“Class-specific appearances are an exception and will still be collectible only by that specific class. Most class-specific items can only be collected by those classes through a set piece token, and others are often only aquireable by that specific class anyway. Overall, it’s intended that this restriction has little influence on your ability to collect the majority of the transmogs that you want for your Warband.”
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In that sense, I see! Tier tokens are the issue. I was going to say, I can just collect any cloth items etc on my Paladin. But tier tokens I can’t convert as a Paladin no. It would only be the off pieces I’d be able to collect.
I believe the problem are not class gear but class tokens. Class gear that drops directly like Tier 1 and Tier 2 (BMAH Tier 3 too) shouldn’t be a problem allowing anyone to earn those transmogs.
The problem the devs mentioned about class items are the tokens that you click on it and transform in a class gear. For example Tiers from TBC and WOTLK in wich bosses drops 3 or 4 tokens that can be used by 3 or 4 different classes.
They should change all this legacy tokens into warband bound. That means if you receive a token for Hunter, Priests and Warrior you must send it to one of your characters of those 3 classes to transform the token into the piece of gear.
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Tier sets aren’t hard to get at all… getting that low chance drop of a weapon or armor piece however on a character that can’t equip it though…
Well that sucks. Wrong tier always drop to wrong class.
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This seems reasonable to me.
Although they could ease this considerably by removing the Class from Tier Items so that they can be used by anybody.
Currently I’ve been running Dragon Soul for all the Class Sets (in an attempt to fool RNGeesus that I’m not really there for Blazing Drake) and I really hate when I see Class Legs drop but I mouse over it and I see red text saying Druid, Warrior, Hunter, Warlock (or whatever) and I’m on my priest.
What do you mean “recenet release”, they said this will still be the case way back when they announced them in deep dive after the expansion/s review.
Maybe they can put warband equipped on tierset,that way put it in warband bank problem solved 
not everybody thought that… many expected tier still being locked to unlock only by the right class
Fixing Class Tier Tokens will speed this up so much. I’ve doing Dragon Soul for months trying to collect the Class sets. I have them all except for Priest that needs 1 Heroic piece and 1 Normal piece.
Another change that would speed up transmog running would be to remove Relics, trinkets, rings and neck from loot tables.
With these two fixes you’d run a Raid a couple of times on each class and have everything. Two weeks would do an entire raid.
Mounts and Pets aside that is, those will still take years (Damn you Blazing Drake to the deepest depths of the most foul layer of Hell).