Transmorg farming in the war within will still be insanely tedious

Would be a nice solution

Is the only thing people do on this forum complain?

we get something genuinely awesome for transmog farmers and people complain, this system is already far better than what we currently have, take a break get some fresh air…

Tbf that’s the tendency on any game forum. People who have no need to vent about it are probably happily playing the game instead.

cause it doesnt help anything if you stil have to farm on the right class anyway for a part of the loot, especially since class specific drops are the most restrictive drops.

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Gets tedious, I rarely see any praise on here for the good things they’re doing, most on the forums focus on the negatives instead of the more positives.

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then dont lok at the forums?

What a strange response.

Pretty much.
The point is that perhaps if enough people provide such feedback then just perhpas there is the tiniest chance that it could be changed.

I have posted a couple of positive threads but they die pretty quick. You might get a couple of responses of people agreeing with you but not much by way of discussion.

I can just imagine a warrior wearing the dreadmist set (vanilla dungeon 1 set piece) :rofl:

At this point they should just remove relics from Legion raids and dungeons, up until Legion transmog farming is still quite easy with only MC and BWL being an outlier cos from T4 and onwards we atleast have tokens that work on multiple classes however Legion is hell atm because on mythic you can legit get 3-4 relics and a ring.

Removing relics or changing them to bonus loot so it’s in addition to the normal loot would make Legion so much easier.

Tell that to people who want to farm TBC sets where headpieces always drop at the end of the very long (or tedious /cough hyjal) raids :frowning:


So that means some of the cloth hats I have wanted for my monk will now be usable hurrah

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no it does not mean leather can mog cloth it means leather classes can unlock cloth items for your cloth wearers if they get them as a drop


Bother :rage: should have read it properly

Was thinking the same thing - most simplest solution.

Ever since somewhere in Cata-WoD 90% of tier pieces have lookalikes that aren’t tier. I have almost full DK and warrior WoD sets from running them on my paladin.

I have one of every class so it won’t change anything for me, i still have to run the raids with each class.

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I have one of every class and I’m still running most raids to get gear individually and have been for a couple of years now.

I found some good news!!!

Continuing the discussion from The War Within Alpha Development Notes:


Why not just remove class restrictions on legacy sets ? Nobody’s using those sets anyway, so nobody will benefit from it in terms of character’s power… Instead we have to send bunch of ingame letters after every legacy raid run…