Traveler's Log & Monthly Reward (Oct 2024)

So i bought he mount and now getting it as reward, yes its in my collection. Do i get double of the mount or is there refund of tenders or atleast some fix to this issue?

I have isssues with the mount as well. Did open a ticket about it and got a nonsense response about the issue being fixed already… So that’s that I guess. Didn’t even care about the mount tbh, but sucks.

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Yeah, opened a ticket on Tuesday, too.

First answer was the standard thing telling me when I´m allowed to loot the enemys…

After I replied that this wasn´t really helpful, 2 days later I got another reply from a real GM telling me he can´t do anything, not even forwarding my problem to another person.

And I should have a look if I can buy the mount, and if so, I should do that…

The answer is I should BUY the bonus item that I´ve unlocked but didn´t get cause of an INGAME BUG?

;Must say, I´m playing on a german server, got the message from a german GM, and we in Germany don´t really get the support we got a few years ago…also on the german Blizz-WoW-board part it´s really a rare thing that a Blizz member is replying to the threads…

Oh, so btw, sorry for my bad english…lack of practise through the years :wink:


Literally same issue. Completed traders post on Tuesday, see mount in shop but can’t purchase and no monthly reward. Looted all my tenders before hotfix and still don’t have mount in my journal or able to open the chest and just getting generic response from an AI and then a GM after saying the response isn’t helpful. Just told to submit a bug report rather than actually reading the issue and trying to resolve. Why do we have Game Masters if they can’t help with in game issues with stuff so simple as a loot-able item? Especially when it’s at no fault of the player.


Well, to be honest, I have the feeling all of us who competed the 1000 points to “fast” and before the hotfix will NOT get the bonus mount…

Blizz has “fixed” the bug so that players NOW will receive it when they finish their tasks NOW, and that means for Blizz; PROBLEM SOLVED.

I have the feeling they don´t really care about all the people their bug “screwed” about the mount.

Cause FIVE DAYS now, and NOTHING.
Only a “We are looking about it”…come on, it can´t be THAT difficult to send the people the damn mount or reset their traveler´s log and send them some trading credits as an excuse?

Sorry, but that´s really really sad…


Isn’t it possible to make the Trading Post Chest interactive again so People can klick it ?

Or Old School and send it per Mail, i mean its Account wide so you take the Profile Data from the people that posted here and send it per Mail.

How about put it in the Trading Post Chest Next Month?

Or as someone mention early and probably a little annoying Solution reset the October Progress Bar and People can do it again?

Yes it might be the xxx Mount in the Collection but if you get a free Mount you take it and im a little worried also that the Mount is gone for now :confused:

This morning I got a new reply where the GM wrote me that after an intense research he couldn´t find any other report with similar problems, and he sent me a link to the Blizz article about the trading post for october… :smiley:

So I wonder if they now try to deny the problem or if the GM just don´t understand the problem (or it was a KI answer again, not sure this time to be honest)…

Well, anyway, I answered and sent a link to this thread here to help his “searching for similar reports of the same problem”…

Btw., I guess a little response of a Blizz member here like “Don´t panic, you WILL get your mount, we promise!” would be a nice thing to calm down people and so we know whats the thing… :thinking:

Happened to myself also, completed log on day one, saw the mount to buy but didn’t interact with it, says I’ve completed the track, collected my tender, but no mount and still none as of now. I’ve opened a ticket but I’m not holding my breath, will likely be sent here.

i managed to buy it on (i think) second of october from the trading post before i maxed out the adventure guide. and just now i looted 300 tenders went to look at what i could afford and i have 0 tenders :cry:

Completed the log on the 1st and didn’t receive the mount. Opened a ticket about it the other day, and they redirected me here after explaining it’s been hotfixed & looked into. Hope there’s some fix that refreshes the situation for everyone on weekly reset maybe?

(Mount wasn’t in mail, bags or journal, and the trading post chest is not clickable on any of my characters in either Dornogal or Orgrimmar.)

Hi Yryadorne, it’s been almost 2 days with radio silence, can we get an update? Are they still looking into the problem? Thanks


I’m hoping everything is sorted next reset. Still waiting for the mount.

I received a GM response today, saying that 1) yes there was a bug, 2) yes the issue had been successfully hotfixed but that 3) no, neither I nor any other player who had completed the monthly track before the hotfix would receive the mount.

I would like to know why.

I hope that’s not true and the GM is just wrong on point 3… but can’t help thinking it might be correct.

That’s basically what they did with the Guild Banks, promised a fix and return of missing items, then later said it was fixed but we won’t get the missing items back.

In my opinion is that it’s not fixed if players who collected 1.000 points and does not get mount after so called fix. If this is true, things are going down badly with this company.
Maybe we are stupid playing this game.

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I hope that’s not the case. They could simply put it for free on next month trading post. Who’s going to complain about that. By that time most of the wow population would have unlocked it.

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“Thank you for letting us know you were having trouble here.
There was an issue shortly after the new month started where this mount was not available.
That issue has since already been hotfixed, so the root of the problem has been resolved.
We do not currently have any workarounds to share for players who completed the monthly track while this mount was unavailable.
The developers are aware of the issue and looking into it.”

This is the response I’ve just been given after writing back to a generic GM response the first time.

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So, with other words: "We don´t give a f§$$ about the players that have a disadvantage cause of OUR ingame bug.

It´s your fault that you complete the traders post tasks so fast."

Nice, Blizz.

Well, if this will be the case, I´m seriously thinking about taking a “little break” from the game and look into some other stuff.

Sorry, but they can not tell me that it is not possible to really “fix” the problem.

Give a time-limited option to reset the trading questlog once, so we could do the tasks again for the mount, send the mount all players via post (the players that have it already can simply delete the post), put the mount for free into the next month trader post…

In my opinion, if they really WANNA fix the situation, they could do it.

Well, the next days/2-3 weeks will show, if I will renew my monthly subscription. :thinking::+1:


We all got the same reply.

Took a few hours to fix the traveler’s log, takes 1 week (maybe lol) to give players, who completed it before the fix, an item.

I know there are a lot of bugs and developers are busy on some more important bugs but you should care of players who completed it first and reported the bug so other players could run the game without bugs.
And I think that the affected players of this bug are not 45+ users in this post but are thousand of thousand… the traveler log was being bugged for so many hours (almost 1 day) and it took only 1-2 hours to complete.

It’s so frustrating sitting on that chest hoping the next relog it will glow :frowning:
I don’t know why I care so much about that mount… it’s becoming also funny checking every 2 hours this post to see new replies.

However I thought about some possible ways to resolve this. (I’m not a developer so it could be very difficult or very easy to fix)

  1. Check if player has 1000 points on traveler log and doesn’t have the mount in Pet/mount Journal , if yes send a mail with the item.

  2. ^as above do the checks and let the Trading Post glow once more to collect the mount

I was so happy thinking about that mount when I saw that post announcing October’s rewards and now I keep staring at that chest and all the players going in front of it unwrapping the mount, mounting it and flying around Dornogal.

I’m literally getting crazy LOL.
PLEASE give us the mount.

Don’t forget all the CUSTOMERS who didn’t receive what they paid for, please.

I will reply this post only to say Thanks Blizzard when/if they will fix it :slight_smile:


Hi after reading peoples encounters with GMs in their tickets and they say for all they know they have fixed it already then can you help us then because you told us NOT to make tickets where else shall we get help?