Hi, i would love in the fresh realms (or in all versions) if alliance could get some kind of teleport to Scarlet Monastery like the horde get one to Gnomeregan from Booty Bay. There could be a portal or some gnome invention in sw cathedral or in ironforge that makes so alliance can teleport up to SM.
Yeah there could have been, if every single dev back in the day didn’t play Horde, to the point they had a Horde-themed rock band. Deeprun tram also should have led to Darnassus, like Zeppelins flying betwen Org and UC, but that wouldn’t be annoying enough for Alliance so it was scrapped for going between IF and SW where a gryphon flies faster to be used exactly once, if ever, by any Alliance char.
Did you know, for all of classic, if Horde killed Belinda before Alliance killed Galv in AV, Alliance got no rep or honor for the kill, while the other way around Horde still got theirs even with Galv dead. And they arrived to Belinda 20 sec+ earlier. Fun times, eh?
Blizzard always loved Horde and hated Alliance, to the point they did petty stuff like that.
You can see it on mixed zones too. F.eks STV, horde got 1 base dang in the middle with a FP, ally need to run from Duskwood or sentinel hill. Wich is a rather long trek when you don’t have a mount. Felwood, horde got FP dang in the middle, alliance up in one corner, in a very long zone, Ashenvale, ally got 1 well placed city, but horde got 2 FP. Badlands, horde got a FP, ally have to run from Loch Modan. Even in Winterspring horde FP is next to the city entrance while alliance is hidden as far as way as possible from it. Horde also had 2 FP in Barrens ally zero. The pain aof going back and forwards between SW/BB and Tanris/shimmering flats withouth a FP in Ratchet. Swamp of sorrows, horde got a FP, ally not. , stonetalon mountain, horde in the middle, ally in a corner. Feralas, horde in the middle, close to the instance, ally on a freaking island. The only mixed zone where ally got a better position than horde is Arathi highlands, otherwise horde has a better setup or atleast an equal one in every single mixed zone.
Personally I’m in favour of those, although when mentioned it’s been shut down that Classic doesn’t need QoL and the world is big and so.
One of the Classic-like workarounds would be a one-way flight from Southshore. Horde could feel disadvantaged so it would go to the Silverpine-Tirisfal border.
Travel is not SM specific, it’s roughly the same as Razorfen or more. As a dungeoneer you’ll likely have your hearth in Ironforge as ally.
If anything, I’d promote Razorfen more over SM spam.
Horde has a few difficult-to-access places like Deadmines, too.
Gnomeregan is just deep in alliance territory.
Again, I’m in favour of teleport points.
This it not true. Horde players have also some pain points like getting the flight path in Kargath, access to Deadmines, access to Scholomance etc. It is so: the Horde has an easier life on Kalimdor but it is harder in the Western Kingdome. For the Alliance it is the exactly opposite.
Getting to Scholo as Horde is not that hard. You just take Zepp from Orgrimmar to Trisfal Glades and you’re almost there.
Agree for Deadmines, but Alliance have much more troubles with low level dungeons, like Willing Caverns, BFD, RFK, SFK, SM and RFD.
RFK, RFD and WC are not a problem for Alliance players if you have the flight master in Ratchet. If not then just run from Ashenvale.
DM is not a problem for Horde players if they have a flight path in Grom’gol Base or Stonard. If not just run from Booty Bay.
See how silly that sounds. Obviously first time you go there you have to do a lot of corpse running, either from Duskwood to Booty Bay, or up the coast from Theramore. Or you could do a 30 minute run from Auberdine. Yes you can reach any dungeon in the game with moderate effort (except RFC and Stock). That doesn’t change the fact Horde has much easier acces to the vast majority of levelling dungeons.
If you’re not a Night Elf, you have to go to Wetlands, wait fo a boat and then run from the Darshore to Ashenvale first and then to Ratchet. Also, even then you won’t be able to fly directly there since you need to have another neutral flight path connected to it and the “easiest” one is in Azshara.
So for non Elf Alliance players the route is this:
Ironforge - Dun - Wetlands - Darshore - Ashenvale - Azshara - Ratchet.
I understand that Horde has some though routes too, but this one mentioned is easy 30+ mins run. Same goes to SFK and reaching Silverpine Forest or SM.
If you have checked flight paths, of course it’s no issue, but running somewhere for the first time is much worse at the Alliance side. And as a Night Elf you should know that, since you had to reach the Ironforge and Stormwind on early levels.
horde has it way easier on both sides, you got zeppelin that carries you to 2 good spots in eastern kingdom and you only have to make the travel to kargath ones on foot (if your smart you take tp to gnomeregan then run to kargath), then its not really hard. and if you play on the pve realms you can just go to grom gol then fly to burning steppes. i have played alot of horde and now i have played alliance once. i know what im talking about alliance have it way more annoying to travel anywhere. as they said earlier in this post, horde has better placement with flight paths and so on.
I forgot about that! What I said earlier, you don’t even need to run from Booty Bay as Horde! You take a zeppelin and swim up the coast from Grom’gol. You can feasibly reach DM, the “hard to get to” Alliance only dungeon in 10 minutes without even dying.
It’s like if you had deeprun tram in SW, right, except it went to Darnassus and Theramore, and the swim from Theramore to WC was 1/3 the distance and didn’t have thrashadons. Oh, and you could comfortably run from SW to IF at level 15 while having quests along the way. Imagine that level of concenience.