Troll or Tauren Druid? Which one do you prefer?

Hi! In my mage topic I decided that if i create a mage in the future it will be troll or undead. Now I think its time to switch mains. I really like druid, but cant decide that Troll or Tauren. (Please dont recommend allied races). I know i ask a lot of things here, I know its boring but I always like to hear the community’s opinion too. Ty :slight_smile:

Silly question :stuck_out_tongue:


I prefer goblin druid, but unfortunately it’s not possible.

Druid, urgh, go shaman.

Both Trolls and Tauren are great. However, Zandalari > Darkspear, and since you don’t want allied races suggested, go Tauren. With leaves in their hair, works great for a druid.

I like tauren druids. And they have a good excuse for not wearing shoes.

Trolls should learn how to tie shoelaces.


Transfer to Alliance and play Night elf ( Kul Tiran if you remove the allied race issue )

Troll wins though if you stuck horde side, why would anyone want to be a hairy cow ?

Cool tauren druids are good because they’re cool and good.


I’ve always preferred troll for Druid since it’s been available anyway.

But Tauren definitely ‘suit’ it more imo.
I also prefer the Tauren shifts personally but Troll just have that ‘chilled’ vibe and look better in leather mog for me which made my decision.

ok, but can your troll do this:


Yes but it sounds…worrying.

Edit - Plus I can do /baked. Winner winner.


Tauren has the better travel forms but thats it. Troll looks much better outside of shape shift (Resto & balance + celestial glyph) and I like their cat and bear forms more.


Tauren Druids be fit for da theme

Troll Druids be Shakira style dancers. We be the best mon for every class

Troll for boomkin, Tauren for the rest :slight_smile:

Troll for Typhooning people off cliffs. Tauren for bearbombing.

Tauren. They’re the most wholesome Druids. And they can have flowers in their mane.


There are no good races for druid class available in the game. Tauren and troll are equally terrible honestly.

Tauren. I don’t like trolls.

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I agree. Mechagnome would be perfect (MG is the best for any class), but alas, not available in the game. Also not horde, and an allied race. So sad. :frowning: