Trust Level 3 + Flag Abuse ACC bound šŸ§ (update)

But they are linked to our accounts because the moderators can see that?? Thatā€™s how they know if we alt flag etc or I presume thatā€™s how it works

Why would you automatically equate posting privileges with spam and misbehaviour?

Weā€™re not talking about signing off your house to a stranger but picture posting privileges.

How come all the other forums Iā€™ve been on can manage? With non paid personnel.

You donā€™t leave your house unlocked and only install locks once you have been burgled.

This is exactly the same, you do not bolt the stable door after the horse has bolted.

You do not give people the means to abuse, it is a trust level. Itā€™s very name is self explanatory.

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Itā€™s still a bad example, because itā€™s blown out of proportion for shock value.

How come other forums manage to do with granting trust right from the onset of membership and somehow donā€™t devolve into a cesspit?

I think the shiny trust level 3 with gif posting capability, is there as a carrot on a stick to deter people from poor behaviour.

They play on the fact that some people hate to feel left outā€¦ but I think itā€™s more about reducing the amount of negative hate posts towards Blizzard.

I myself would rather never have T3 again than have to not be able to say what I feel I need to.

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Imagine the amount of FUUUUUUUUUUU that wouldā€™ve been posted with all of BFAā€™s controversies. in picturesā€¦ that would definitely not look good on forums. them getting a vacation, making a fresh account with so called entitled posting privileges, and start posting nudā€¦ i mean FUUUUU again.

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Itā€™s not blown out of proportion. You donā€™t like any of the examples because they highlight how bad blindly trusting everyone is.

If we allowed every person TL3 from the start we would see a huge increase in adult pics, inappropriate gifs, etc.

No sensible organisation works the way you suggest. Blizz may not get everything right but they are being responsible in this instance.


At least you get it :slight_smile:

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Yes, ofcourse itā€™s that. Together with banking on the playerbase to selfpolice themselves, trying to be cool with enough of a percentage of the members to get the pic posting privileges, so that Blizzard doesnā€™t have to pay active moderators nearly around the clock.

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Everyone can earn TL3. The only barrier is yourself.

I think one (of the many) scenarios that could happen is people calling out players and posting pictures with names in order to shame on them.

Itā€™s already against forums rules to post names, giving the ability to anyone to post pictures would make this place a bit more unpleasant in my opinion.

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Sounds like a dodgy aging cream commercial :rofl:


Yes it is blown out of proportion. Iā€™m talking about posting pictures youre talking about burglary. Itā€™s not even in the same category.

Huge increase can be moderated. If there was staff.

The principle of presumed to not be guilty before proven as such is literally the concept of western law, so sensible organizations do work that way. Also forums work that way too. And car rentals, B&Bā€¦etc etc ā€¦it all works on the presumption you wonā€™t screw up.

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I know couple of MVPs that were biggest trolls on forums. And as you know this is why, when you posted on classic board at launch, I treated you originally as ā€œbasic Blizzard sanctioned trollā€.

Well, you did surprise me by not being one.

Iā€™d say that modern active MVPs been more useful than the ones I recall from past.

It is literally just a level of activity and donā€™t break CoC. People make out as if they are being asked to run a marathon with terminators hunting you down at every turn.


ā€¦ wellā€¦ it isnā€™t ?

This can be moderated. A few perma forum bans and a Blizzard post detailing such action in the future would see a drop with such posts.
It shouldnā€™t be setup in a way that a person can do as you suggest, go on second character and abuse further. Account wide bans etc etcā€¦like normal places.

But honestly do you have need to say things in the way that breaks forum rules? You can say things in many different ways and mostly itā€™s about how you say things not so much what you say. Like in life in general. I understand people can get upset and lose their cool, say things they didnā€™t mean to and such but arenā€™t those usually accidental and situational cases?


Ah but when people flag me at every turn - I really cannot be bothered to put in appeals to every banā€¦ because I really do not care about T3.

I donā€™t care for systems to control peopleā€¦ with the imaginary reward of being able to post gifsā€¦ big deal!

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I donā€™t take part in the US forums, only here and I spend the bulk of my time on General Discussion. I canā€™t say Iā€™ve seen this trolling behaviour. On discourse we are open to being flagged just like any other poster.

I have the greatest respect for the CS MVPs who also venture in here from time to time.

I am very active on the forums most of the time, and today itā€™s making my rocket farm take longer than usual xD. So many replies and quotes :stuck_out_tongue: