Trust Level 3 + Flag Abuse ACC bound 🧐 (update)

I mean, there -are- MVPs who give off that unfortunate image, though they are more common on the US forums. Metrohaha being the prime example.

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I actually think you are a really decent poster. I don’t always agree with you but it would be a very boring world if we all had the same views. I know not everyone like the MVP programme.

It was funny in a way, after I accepted the position, there was some long list of perks of the past of MVPs and there is nothing like that now, but then again I didn’t agree to it for perks I didn’t know about. I guess I saw it as recognition and was honored to be offered the role.

Being an MVP has certainly taught me to grow a thicker skin and very quickly.


Sylvanas was shouting at everyone there. Horde and Alliance.

Edit to add I think you may have missed that I was responding to Nefy saying Sylvanas stole her bus. I replied with the infamous quote.

The US have a totally different system of how they appoint MVP compared to EU though and there system is wrong and flawed in my view .

That’s an “others” problem though really. If people can’t accept that MVPs aren’t blizzard, well that’s their issue :woman_shrugging:

Maybe they just do it because they are helpful and the green text makes them stand out so they can be seen as “the helpful ones”? If you get what I mean?

Feels more like they’re painting a target on their back, considering the flak they receive. Though Metrohaha certainly deserves it.

Most forums I have been part of do not allow what you claim. They have limitations, especially on new members and controls/levels/systems set up.

I stand by my statement. It would be wholly irresponsible for them to allow anyone to spam the forum in this way with inappropriate images and gifs.

How that person ever got MVP is beyond belief .If they were to try and get it on EU terms they wouldn’t make it .

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Perhaps, but some people will target anyone for any reason tbh. A year I got it constantly just because I like BFA :rofl: I had people calling me out in threads I wasn’t active in calling me a shill and all the rest and I’ve never been green :woman_shrugging:

Mmmh, I think you misunderstood my post …or maybe I don’t understand your post. I’ll try to explain myself.
I said:

Who gets effectively banned.

For example:
Someone flags a post, the person who was flagged sends a ticket. They analyze his case, if they think the post was offensive in any way they’ll keep the ban no matter how many tickets someone sends.

There are not shades in this case:
A. You keep the ban.
B. You get unbanned.

It was a mid-joke that went wrong.
Edit: that’s why dislike jokes :crazy_face:

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What im trying to say is and im getting tired really really tired of trying to be polite and saying my thoughts is even there own staff cant agree .
I was banned like Uruk for responding to bait .
It was a 3 month ban which i even though i could see why though unjust as provoked. It took 3 tickets 9 days of conversing and 3 different GMs to settle.
1 said they take all bans into account.
1 said they only looked at my post and not the post i responded too .
1 said after reviewing solely on that post it shouldnt have been so harsh .
They need a standard to go by .
Example 1.
I got banned for 7 days for telling Puny to stop posting so much sense as tongue in cheek . Me and Puny are friends no offence meant. But some people flagged me and took offence for her and end result is me with a bad mark on my record over a personal joke .
Example 2 a person called me a c word and a b word and i bet you they will not get a 3month ban or even a week.

Im sorry but whole system is flawed and there is bullies on these forums who abuse the system.
My last post on the matter else i will get a vacation again.


They really need to not reset the trust level if you get a small ban. My ban lasted 12 hours or so and I lost my trust level 3. That’s ridiculous and needs tweaking.

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Hell of a way for 50-100 days of grind to go away.


It’s even worse when you can lose it for ingame sanctions too and sanctions for other blizzard games outside of WoW :roll_eyes:

Has anyone ever lost it for things outside of WoW?

I don’t know but the FAQs indicate that you can, which is unfair imo!

I see, I apologize to cause you displeasure. Thanks for the input, it help me out to understand some things now.

I said many times the system is not objective, I made a topic about it long ago. Still, even if the system is not optimal, I think we cannot decide who gets effectively banned.

I saw the post yesterday. To comment on the situation, if there are not penalties I’d be speechless.

I cannot deny that, in fact I agree with you here.
That’s why we need flags to be account-wide.

[quote="Punyelf-draenor, post:349, topic:125318]
Most forums I have been part of do not allow what you claim. They have limitations, especially on new members and controls/levels/systems set up. [/quote]

Every forum I have been on allowed posting images with the stipulation that if you break guidelines you will be banned. Posts would get deleted if inappropriate/explicit

Wholly irresponsible?
Whilst presuming bad behaviour that goes against the spirit of “law” which says you are innocent until proven guilty.

I know it’s in Pachi’s FAQ but it also has a massive disclaimer

(NOTE: The exact requirements may vary between
different games and languages. No guarantees!)

It’s from posters getting temporary bans we discovered their TL were reset and it didn’t stop you being able to earn it back.

The other forums work on Battlenet, the wow forums do not and nothing seems to be linked currently in that way. This may happen with the changes. I do not know.

Tbh it would have been far more helpful for all this information to have been posted by a blue who knew exactly what limitations they had set on their own forums.

This is not a court of law, this is a forum. You do not give everyone free licence to spam and misbehave.

You have a different opinion that’s fine. But it would have been wholly irresponsible for Blizz to allow what you suggest. So I’m glad they have the sense to use trust levels for exactly that. Trust. No participation or history, no trust. Regular participation build up trust.

Just like everything in life. You don’t trust complete random strangers.

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