Trust Level 3 + Flag Abuse ACC bound 🧐 (update)

I understand but swearing is basicly an insta-ban q:

But its so much fun telling them off the fun way!

Exactly xD

But the word he used in English is not a swear word its a valid word for female dogs .
Yet ive seen players on these forums by passing the CoC and using numbers instead of letters to form swear words and they are never banned.


Well… people get offended by anything nowadays, in-game and real life.

Ignorant is a good example. You’re correct, it means lacking of knowledge or awareness.
I think many people, oddly, try to find the offense regardless of the context.

The other day I was doing Herioc Ny’alotha, I got two drops from Maut. A warrior whispered me “Lucky son of a b*itch”. I definitely don’t express myself like he did but I found it funny in a way.

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I mean in general though.

Have to remember the game is made and rated for players aged 12+ so as much as we all like to swear the forums would be even more of an negative cess pool than it already is.

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So do I!!! That’s why I can’t be trusted on voice chat :rofl:


I know and its burning me inside /cry :sob:
That’s why i post memes rather, god i love memes.


I gave up trying not to swear in voice xD it’s part of my vocabulary xD


I do not swear, but 5 minutes in SW horrific vision today and I started to swear soon as my character was knocked to Narnia …

I think my vocabulary went from posh to rude in such speed that I think I am better off never do SW visions ever again, or whenever that knockback mechanic is.


To bad I’m never gonna get that TL3 again because I hurt somebody’s feelings xD


Same. #10chars

I got banned for insulting/making fun of myself. Yes you’ve heard that right.


Now that’s a good one. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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was til october 25. 3 days or a week, cant remember. It was even pretty clear in the thread that it was directed at me and everyone was aware. Ah well, the phrase is still on wowprogress for the matter.

I got banned twice because of some salty kids, but I’m hoping to get my trust level 3 back eventually. I like posting pictures.


Or they could just change it to battle net and we’d be done with any loop holes!



Well 1st time I lost my trust 3, Blizz people manually reverted it and gave it back to me few days later. But lost it again end last year and I do not know why - was it some stealth ban, or was it me not ‘liking’ enough posts - and no matter how many orcs I sacrifice I likely never get it back.

Only thing that T3 changed for me was that I never came back to fan art section post the deathwing doodles I promised because inconvenience. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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What I understood is, they’re planning to make forums features account-wide.

I know this topic is about Trust levels, but I’m far more interested in flag abuse from some users.
Flagging should be by account and not by character.