Trust Level 3 + Flag Abuse ACC bound 🧐 (update)

Well I know you and you are quite the chill person but the issue is we are very opinionated both of us and they perceive us negatively.

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I never heard from moderators what were my offences, but I still ponder if it was either of the two :

  • Me telling NOT TO compare regime WW2 and China as it was disrespectful and short-sighted. (during the Free HK posts we had here on forums)
  • Me telling people that … errrr… i rather not repost that statement word to word, but it was about asking if something feels as a problem, then is it wise to advertise being “special” all the time because there’s no need for random people in general chat know those details about a random stranger-gamer.

And my “offence is taken not given” approach is not favourable either.

And not liking certain things about Classic players double standards got me personal stalker on forums, which required me to take off my posting history and make profile private.

Those are few times since return that I’ve been very sharp. Not breaking COC, but touching subjects that people are passionate (and defensive) about. I should be wiser not to speak on such topics as people do not seek dialogue on-line, but generally like to make statements.

Mmmmmm thats what angry people would say -_-

That’s the biggest issue with the written word.

People form an image of us and I think it’s safe to say for most people here that imagination v reality are way out.

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Well I went trough appeal and got my T3 restored. So system does work in a way. Forum team is not rigid and are willing to revise the case. But I believe automation shouldn’t impact anything. :face_with_monocle:

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How many angry people would make a Keystone community that capped out at 1k allowing their keys to get trashed while people learn fights? Not to mention the time involved.


Well i guess i’m the angry one xD

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M+ should get new and unique title reward “Angry”


“Angry Keystone Destroyer” haha

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Az, Destroyer of keys. Or "Az, angry keeper of the bees… i mean keys… “Angry keeper of the keys.”


We need those titles in the game!


Safe space mechanism for the regular forum goers if they would see the need for such an arrangement.

But i’m tired of this skirting around the issue that we wouldn’t even have this conversation if these forums were properly moderated, ie. Blizzard wouldn’t downsize so much in search of new record profits.

The mind boggles…some Pakistani defense/political forum infested by Chinese 50 centers and which holds low key extremists of two religious denominations has a better system and behaviour of members than this.

You see we dont have that xD

Isn’t this adding a restriction to posters that you were debating earlier shouldn’t exist?

And I do agree with some of your earlier posts, I too believe the TL should be based on all having the level and losing it if they misbehave. I don’t care about posting a gif, but I would like to be able to post links.

What struck me in this thread was how aggressive people did get with Punyelf, now before you all call me as a ‘Power Puff’ I do not know Punyelf personally, although I have had some debates with her :slight_smile: But just going from my dealings with her, she is nice and is usually polite even when she disagrees with you. Isn’t that what forum etiquette should be about? Debates and points of view?

Some of it didn’t sound like that, so if that’s the case and we can all just bully people on the forum then here goes, Punyelf I did not agree with some of your posts, I therefore challenge you to a duel, I will use the Stinkrot Smasher as my weapon of choice, slapping with wet fish is the ultimate in punishments :smiley: See you outside Orgrimmar at 6am tomorrow? By the way if I oversleep start without me and I will get there as soon as I can :wink:

Dont read this very fast xD

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GIF posting should be a bannable offence…

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my thread was jumped on and mass flagged :((

we need fix asap

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What thread? O.O