Trust Levels Explained

Well, this is a VERY useful post. Kudos!

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The forums were not broken. They tried to fix it. Never fix what is not broken. You fugged up, Blizz. This is horrible.


I got suspended from the old forum twice, does this mean I can never earn trust level 3 and be able to post images? Seems kinda harsh no? I’ve learned my lesson each time I got suspended :roll_eyes: (first time for offensive post, second time for making off topic thread)

This system looks and sounds awfully Chinese to me

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I feel like a lab rat in some weird social experiment.


As said I’m hoping that there’s been some kind of wipe. Now a 48 hour time out suddenly has long term consequences.

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This is pretty confusing, not sure I’m a fan of the UI either (especially the weird mini-scrollbar). Still, maybe I’ll get used to it - it’s not the first forum overhaul I’ve sat through.

I love change, I’m actually quite enjoying this! While the system seems quite strange, I don’t find it’ll impair anyone, really, but it will also likely not succeed in stopping alt-spamming and things like that.

This particular post is very helpful regardless, I join the kudos-train.

While I don’t mind the new forum changes that much, I’m more puzzled as to why the changes were implemented. The forums were just fine, if you ask me. Thank you for guiding us to clarity on the changes, Darianuth!

I’ve created a tool to automate this process, it checks the trust level of all your characters and takes the technical stuff out of your hands.


Works nicely tbh, thanks!

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grimmj is the real mvp

Works for most characters, but some are struck on ‘retrieving data’. I’ll mention this in the OP anyway!

Hi Darianuth, can you tell me which characters those are? i’ll see if i can figure out what’s going wrong.

Of about 36 characters, 26 manage to load. 10 or so don’t. All at the bottom of the list.

Hm… That sounds like one of your characters is causing an error that stops the application. I thought i had these taken care of already.

Can you please provide the names of the last character that loaded successfully, and the first character that didn’t load? I should be able to figure out what’s wrong from there.

Thanks a lot, really helpful!

I was worried about this too, but I can’t see a universe where an active poster who isn’t a complete knobhead can’t accumulate 20 likes within 3 months.

I’m a complete knobhead and I’m already above the 20 likes mark :man_shrugging:

I have reached trust level 1 on 2 of my main characters, according to that trust level calculator.

Also, thanks to the OP for explaining all this. Much appreciated. :slight_smile: