Trust Levels Explained

me n u after being released from the depths


There can only be one :poop: poster… just like in the hit kevin costner movie, highlander.

Gotta enjoy every :poop:post like it’s your last

The moment we post our last :poop:post on earth, we post the first in heaven. © J. Robert Oppenheimer

I have to bookmark this, along with other handy topics explaining this new forum layout. I really want to do nothing else but post reaction gifs now that it is available soon™.

Well, since I got suspended once or twice, I guess this means I won’t ever be able to post images without going the way preformated text:

I mean yeah, I can at least skip around the whole necessity of it like this, but it really shouldn’t be like this in the first place, especially not locked behind a level that likely not too many people will be able to get to (Let’s be honest, everyone may have been suspended at least ONCE in their forum career).

Oh well, at least i can finally post one image that I was hoping to be able to post.

I honestly do not see the point behind the trust levels, if people abuse or do something bad they will be punished through the report system.

Ah well we will see if Blizzard changes the system in the future.

Very useful post. I guess it’s an incentive to try to get people more active in the forums.

Well I’ll have level 2 as soon as I visit on 15 different days. Given that some of the permissions seem to differ (Lv1s can embed trusted content for example) I do wonder what can be done at lv2.

The problem is, many people have been linking the overwatch post for trust level requirements and permissions. That’s the wrong post.

Here’s the post for the WoW forums, which does list linking to trusted sites as a lvl 1 perk:

Trust levels quoted directly:


That’s actually where I got this from. I suspect THAT post was initially incorrect, likely copied from the Overwatch forum, then updated to reflect the changes to trust levels here.

At least we have the correct info for the WoW forums right here. :slight_smile:

Thank you very much for this, like seriously.

Thanks for the explanation!
Still getting used to the new forums so this was really handy!

Yes, thank you so much for this, it’s great information.

Updated to include a mention of whitelisted websites everyone can embed and link to regardless of trust level!


The requirements and perks of each trust level are still off though. These are the correct requirements and perks on the WoW forums:

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Good point. Updated the OP to include the updated trust level permissions.

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